Soooooo confused now..


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Is cheese ok.. would you opt for full fat or low fat version and same goes for the cream or not.. thanks

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I would stay well away from anything "low-fat" as the fats tend to be replaced with some form of sugar, supposedly to make it "taste" right.

I eat quite a lot of cheese and seem okay for it.

I also have fish at least twice a week and red meat only really once a week and then with a glass of red wine.
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I was diagnosed in November 2015 and had the same scary journey as you. I got the same talk with the doctor.. eat a little bit of beans, some bread, not too much etc.. but I read Dr. Bernstien's book and that gave me hope. I am a vegetarian (no meat, no eggs), so it was doubly hard for me since I cannot eat any food that has zero carbs. I stopped eating ALL GRAINS except for Soybean and am on a very low carb diet.

To cut the long story short. I have been eating cheese like the cookie monster since that is the only source of calories that is dense enough to provide me enough to go through the day. When I went for my first 3 month checkup, the doctor there was saying that my cholesterol would be out of whack but true to what Dr. Bernstein's book had mentioned, my cholesterol was actually the best it had ever been and 100% normal in years. I am still continuing with the same diet and will let you know how the next test comes out.

I must mention that I strenuously exercise 4-6 times a week for about an hour including weight training and lost about 40 pounds (from 186 lb to 145lb) in the 6 month period.

Anyways, hopefully this puts you more at rest.
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I was diagnosed in November 2015 and had the same scary journey as you. I got the same talk with the doctor.. eat a little bit of beans, some bread, not too much etc.. but I read Dr. Bernstien's book and that gave me hope. I am a vegetarian (no meat, no eggs), so it was doubly hard for me since I cannot eat any food that has zero carbs. I stopped eating ALL GRAINS except for Soybean and am on a very low carb diet.

To cut the long story short. I have been eating cheese like the cookie monster since that is the only source of calories that is dense enough to provide me enough to go through the day. When I went for my first 3 month checkup, the doctor there was saying that my cholesterol would be out of whack but true to what Dr. Bernstein's book had mentioned, my cholesterol was actually the best it had ever been and 100% normal in years. I am still continuing with the same diet and will let you know how the next test comes out.

I must mention that I strenuously exercise 4-6 times a week for about an hour including weight training and lost about 40 pounds (from 186 lb to 145lb) in the 6 month period.

Anyways, hopefully this puts you more at rest.
Yes it has indeed.. thankyou

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Hi hank have you seen that Lidl are selling the cold pressed rapeseed oil from the Yorkshire Wolds? I am not using the heat treated hexane poisoned stuff. D.
For my non sats I have an avocado a day and 25 mls of rapeseed oil.

For my sats, cheese, yoghurt, d cream et al.

I agree with all of the previous posters.... low carb till your next test and see how it goes.
Good luck
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Hi hank have you seen that Lidl are selling the cold pressed rapeseed oil from the Yorkshire Wolds? I am not using the heat treated hexane poisoned stuff. D.

Thanks for the reference.
I'm going with this at the moment, it's the first of many I've tried that I actually like the taste of..

though not so good for frying... it changes a bit...

but by the spoonful it rocks. :)


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Exercise and keeping active as possible to control blood glucose yes but becoming too dependant on strenuous exercise has potentential pitfalls as something beyond your control could stop you getting enough exerise.
It is best adopt a flexible 3 legged strategy -- in order of preference diet, exercise and if required medication.
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Exercise and keeping active as possible to control blood glucose yes but becoming too dependant on strenuous exercise has potentential pitfalls as something beyond your control could stop you getting enough exerise.
It is best adopt a flexible 3 legged strategy -- in order of preference diet, exercise and if required medication.

I agree with the three legged approach.

But like the op, I work(ed) in a strenuous outside job, and still have a similar lifestyle. So exercise is way easier to control than diet for me at times. If I keep my options flexible, it's easy to exercise any carbs off, and if ever in doubt, I simply don't eat as much.
As to medication, My HCP's and I decided that the benefits of Metformin were desirable, so we agreed to continue with them.


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Got to admit,I`m not sure about all this,1st test 53 on 27/10/15, 2nd test 45 on 23/3/15, 3rd test 41 last week.
My problem is,or should I say was,a real sweet tooth.and I mean sweet,if I opened a box of chocs it was all or nothing,same with cake,biscuits,packets of sweets etc ,etc. 15 and 3/4 stone when diagnosed, but pretty fit. All I have done is lose my sweet tooth, I have no very little intake of sugar now,and by that I mean all of the above types are no longer consumed, obviously there is natural sugar in my wifes cooking. I am now 13 stone 12 lbs and will lose more I`m sure. So I question if I was diabetic in the first place or just had too to much sugar intake.??


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Got to admit,I`m not sure about all this,1st test 53 on 27/10/15, 2nd test 45 on 23/3/15, 3rd test 41 last week.
My problem is,or should I say was,a real sweet tooth.and I mean sweet,if I opened a box of chocs it was all or nothing,same with cake,biscuits,packets of sweets etc ,etc. 15 and 3/4 stone when diagnosed, but pretty fit. All I have done is lose my sweet tooth, I have no very little intake of sugar now,and by that I mean all of the above types are no longer consumed, obviously there is natural sugar in my wifes cooking. I am now 13 stone 12 lbs and will lose more I`m sure. So I question if I was diabetic in the first place or just had too to much sugar intake.??

A non-diabetic would have been able to eat all those sweets and cakes and maintained an HbA1c below 48.
So yes, you were diabetic.
Now you are either a well controlled diabetic or you have lost enough weight to be below your personal fat threshold, and have 'reversed' your diabetes.

There are two ways to find out. Go back to your bad diet, and test your blood glucose to see if it rises to diabetic levels after those foods (which i don't recommend), or ask your doc for an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.


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Diet only
Thanks Brunneri,I intend to maintain the standards I have set as I generally feel healthier,look better and BP has come down as well.I will research OGT and talk to my Dr at next appointment, Your input has been greatly received as I do not wish to take anything lightly,


Well-Known Member
Is cheese ok.. would you opt for full fat or low fat version and same goes for the cream or not.. thanks

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High fat everything. Unless you discover it makes the tummy ache. My BMI is 20, on a diet that is majority dairy. If you find you're lactOse intolerant (unusual in northern Europe), lactAse (enzyme) tablets are cheap. Cream, milk, ice cream, and cottage cheese have lactOse. Other dairy products do not.

Atherosclerosis is primarily an inflammatory disease. Fat doesn't clog the arteries. This is mistaken science from 30 to 50 years ago.

Statins should be a last resort due to their adverse effects. They sometimes cause diabetes, although admittedly that is infrequent. Don't choose a treatment based on just total cholesterol. The higher the HDL component, the better. If HDL is high (say, higher than 1.5), total cholesterol matters even less. Newer science believes that triglycerides (TG), not LDL, are primary promoters of atherosclerosis. Effective ways to lower both TG and LDL are exercise and lower carb. as the numbers in my signature partly reflect. After a year of lots of walking, my LDL and TG both fell sharply, by 44% and 30%. TG dropped from 1.1 to about 0.70. TG went back up to 1.0, which is still quite healthy.

Minimize the intake of polyunsaturated fats. This article in Wikipedia ( tabulates the percentage composition of vegetable oils by saturated, mono, and poly. Olive oil, which is something I never use because of its flavor, has a great composition of poly at only 14%. Only a few vegetable oils have a good composition, so consider dairy and meat. The advice against saturated fats we've been given all our lives is all a terrible misunderstanding, for most of us.
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Depends on who you are. Saturated fats raise my CHO regardless of what anybody says, my labs prove different

I'll stick with mostly mono/ plant fats


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Depends on who you are. Saturated fats raise my CHO regardless of what anybody says, my labs prove different

I'll stick with mostly mono/ plant fats

Yes, saturated fats don't seem to be the way to go for me either, and the news report does seem to agree with us.


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Yes, saturated fats don't seem to be the way to go for me either, and the news report does seem to agree with us.

As I eat an 80% fat diet it would certainly make sense to have a variety of healthy fats. I do eat some lamb and beef but I buy very lean. Grass fed and eat in small amounts. The rest is of course my beloved avocado, mayo and some pumpkin seeds.

I do tend to get tired of the 'saturated fat is not bad ' drilling when my labs prove otherwise. When I recommend to others with CHO issues that they cut back on sat fats I always get links to why it's not bad. On a high fat diet I would think it would be wise to test regularly and lower sat fats if CHO is high. We are all different. Same applies with fats as carbs and proteins. Individually we need to do what works for us.


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As I eat an 80% fat diet it would certainly make sense to have a variety of healthy fats. I do eat some lamb and beef but I buy very lean. Grass fed and eat in small amounts. The rest is of course my beloved avocado, mayo and some pumpkin seeds.

I do tend to get tired of the 'saturated fat is not bad ' drilling when my labs prove otherwise. When I recommend to others with CHO issues that they cut back on sat fats I always get links to why it's not bad. On a high fat diet I would think it would be wise to test regularly and lower sat fats if CHO is high. We are all different. Same applies with fats as carbs and proteins. Individually we need to do what works for us.

You can't get away from the links!

I tend to think the poster is linking to convince themselves, not to convince me a lot of the time.
But if that's what they need to do, I'm fine, as I know no amount of studies will ever change the way my body responds.
I'll continue to post what works for me, and what doesn't.


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You can't get away from the links!

I tend to think the poster is linking to convince themselves, not to convince me a lot of the time.
But if that's what they need to do, I'm fine, as I know no amount of studies will ever change the way my body responds.
I'll continue to post what works for me, and what doesn't.
Ditto, me too. Saturated fat has also been studied for insulin resistance and that holds true for me as well. I go up and stay up. Mono fats I stay very flat. I journaled, measured and weighed food for a long time. I know my ratios and which foods work. Now I know my carbs and fats but still need to weigh protein. Not sure if anyone has studied and concluded avocado causes heart disease. If so I'd love a link to that!
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