Spikes in early pregnancy


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’m pregnant with my second child and dealing with random high sugar spikes at 10 weeks.

For some reason my Dexcom isn’t alarming which isn’t helpful as I’ve woken up at 12/13 the last couple nights and spent hours awake checking it goes down. It starts to drop then rises again an hour later. I’m worried because in my first pregnancy I didn’t have numbers anywhere near this high after 6/7 weeks (when I was diagnosed with blood sugar at 17.7). Annoyingly I then go on to spend a lot of the day battling lows - so not sure I should be adjusting my basal.

I am within range most of the day - but approx 15/20% is higher than 7.8. Do I need to panic about these higher spikes? Anyone experienced similar?