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Do Statins Raise Odds for Type 2 Diabetes?

Maybe, but heart benefits likely outweigh any potential risk from the drugs, experts say

By Serena Gordon

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, Oct. 24, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins may lower your risk of heart disease, but also might boost the odds you'll develop type 2 diabetes, new research suggests.

"In a group of people at high risk of type 2 diabetes, statins do seem to increase the risk of developing diabetes by about 30 percent," said the study's lead author, Dr. Jill Crandall. She's a professor of medicine and director of the diabetes clinical trials unit at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

But, she added, that doesn't mean anyone should give up on statins.

"The benefits of statins in terms of cardiovascular risk are so strong and so well established that our recommendation isn't that people should stop taking statins, but people should be monitored for the development of diabetes while on a statin," she explained.

At least one other diabetes expert agreed that statins are still beneficial for those at risk of heart trouble.

Dr. Daniel Donovan Jr. is professor of medicine and director of clinical research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute in New York City.

"We still need to give statins when LDL (bad) cholesterol isn't under control. A statin intervention can lower the risk of a cardiovascular event by 40 percent, and it's possible the diabetes may have been destined to happen," he said.

The new study is an analysis of data collected from another ongoing study. More than 3,200 adults were recruited from 27 diabetes centers across the United States for the study.

The research goal was to prevent the progression of type 2 diabetes in people with a high risk of the disease, Crandall said. All of the study participants were overweight or obese. They also all showed signs that they weren't metabolizing sugar properly at the start of the study, but not poorly enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Study volunteers were randomly chosen to get treatment with lifestyle changes that would lead to modest weight loss, the drug metformin or a placebo pill.

At the end of the intervention, they were asked to participate in the 10-year follow-up program. They had their blood sugar levels measured twice a year, and their statin use was tracked, too.

At the start of the follow-up period, 4 percent of participants were taking statins. At the end, about one-third were.

Simvastatin (Zocor) and atorvastatin (Lipitor) were the most commonly used statins.

The study was an observational study, so it couldn't show a cause and effect relationship.

However, Crandall said the researchers measured levels of insulin secretion and insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body usher the sugar from foods into the body's cells to be used as fuel.

Crandall said insulin secretion goes down when people take statins. Less insulin would lead to higher blood sugar levels. She said there was no indication that statins affected insulin resistance.

Donovan added that the study provides important information. "But I don't think the message is stop statins," he said. "Most people are probably developing heart disease before diabetes, and it's important to treat the risk factors you can."

Though they weren't included in this study, people who already have type 2 diabetes should be closely monitored for increases in blood sugar when they start taking a statin, Crandall said. "The evidence so far is rather limited, but there have certainly been anecdotal reports of blood sugar being higher when someone starts statins," she said.

She also suggested that blood sugar levels likely aren't as much of a concern for those without diabetes or risk factors for diabetes when starting a statin. Besides excess weight, those risks include older age, high blood pressure and a family history of diabetes.

Crandall added that there are many people 50 and over with prediabetes who don't know it, so it could be an issue for them.

Findings from the study were published online Oct. 23 in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.

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Other experts disagree, though.

Art Of Flowers

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Statins have virtualy zero benefit in terms of making you live longer. They are a huge multi billion dollar con by the pharmaceutical companies. Cholesterol is not a problem. Inflamation is. Inflamation is caused by glucose spikes and that is the reason why people with diabetes die more of heart disease and strokes. If you want to live longer then a low carb diet and intermittent fasting can help.
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When the scientists have two groups of 100 people, and give statins to one group and nothing to the other. If 2 people in the statin group eventually have CVE and 3 people in the no statin group have a CVE, they call that 50% less chance of having a CVE. We can all see that 3 is 50% more than 2, but it doesn't reflect a 50% decrease of anyone's chance of a CVE. Clever use of statistics and they just make the broad claim of "50% less chance" without saying how they arrive at the figure.

The British Heart Foundation plotted a graph of the number of people having a CVE against the cholesterol level of the person having a CVE. The number of people having a CVE goes up after a total cholesterol level of 5.4, it also goes up as the TC goes below 5.4, so why does NICE want my TC below 4.

Why doesn't Prof. Rory Collins allow people to examine all the research data he has?

Why did his colleague, given the job of looking into muscle pain when taking statins actually start by saying "I don't expect to find much incidence of muscle pain in statin takers"?

While we're at, look at the people who make the decision as to what is a healthy cholesterol level, look at who funds them. In fact look at where Prof. Collins gets funding.

How is it Merck Pharmaceutical were well aware of the cause of muscle pain (statins prevent the uptake of CoQ10) in 1990 yet my GP in 2002 was telling me it was my age, then my weight, then I exercised too much. I dislike deception, I wasn't born yesterday either.

At the end of the day, I won't ever take them again, I'd actually prefer less muscle pain (it's not always reversible, especially after 17 years) than have low cholesterol, which is actually only about 4 these days anyway, thanks to diet.

I do however think that people should at least see if it improves their health.


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When the scientists have two groups of 100 people, and give statins to one group and nothing to the other. If 2 people in the statin group eventually have CVE and 3 people in the no statin group have a CVE, they call that 50% less chance of having a CVE. We can all see that 3 is 50% more than 2, but it doesn't reflect a 50% decrease of anyone's chance of a CVE. Clever use of statistics and they just make the broad claim of "50% less chance" without saying how they arrive at the figure.

The British Heart Foundation plotted a graph of the number of people having a CVE against the cholesterol level of the person having a CVE. The number of people having a CVE goes up after a total cholesterol level of 5.4, it also goes up as the TC goes below 5.4, so why does NICE want my TC below 4.

Why doesn't Prof. Rory Collins allow people to examine all the research data he has?

Why did his colleague, given the job of looking into muscle pain when taking statins actually start by saying "I don't expect to find much incidence of muscle pain in statin takers"?

While we're at, look at the people who make the decision as to what is a healthy cholesterol level, look at who funds them. In fact look at where Prof. Collins gets funding.

How is it Merck Pharmaceutical were well aware of the cause of muscle pain (statins prevent the uptake of CoQ10) in 1990 yet my GP in 2002 was telling me it was my age, then my weight, then I exercised too much. I dislike deception, I wasn't born yesterday either.

At the end of the day, I won't ever take them again, I'd actually prefer less muscle pain (it's not always reversible, especially after 17 years) than have low cholesterol, which is actually only about 4 these days anyway, thanks to diet.

I do however think that people should at least see if it improves their health.

Completely agree


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I was given statins about 4 years ago to treat my gout and other small health issues. I took 4 pills and that's all I could take. My legs became stiff and all my joints started to seize. Statins? not for me.