Strange vision


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I wonder if anyone has had this. I was in the town centre with my husband just buying a sandwich from M&S when suddenly my vision went strange all I can explain is it looked like a line of tin foil sparkling everywhere I looked and swirling shapes I was so scared I nearly had a panic attack, which I have never had before. I had to go and sit down and it lasted about 15 mins then disappeared as quick as it came. I felt really strange too.

Do I need to make an appointment with the doctor? or an optician? I'm really worried now.


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Could be the start of a migraine .. That did not fully develope .. Best to get down to the opticians.. If they find nothing then it's off to your Dr.
Try not to worry .. If you are getting migraines stress will start them off !


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Could be the start of a migraine .. That did not fully develope .. Best to get down to the opticians.. If they find nothing then it's off to your Dr.
Try not to worry .. If you are getting migraines stress will start them off !

I've never suffered from migraines, but I did feel like I wasn't with it if you know what I mean. whether that was due to being scared I don't know.


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Could be an ocular migraine. I have those occasionally and it's usually followed by a real migraine. Although I haven't had one since I went gluten free.


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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
I've suffered from migraine attacks most of my life since childhood. I get these episodes of disturbed vision every now and then and they don't develop into full blown migraines. For me, I've noticed it usually happens afer exposure to bright lights or a sudden change in lighting conditions. I've had it a few times at work when I've been sitting in the office looking at my PC and then I stop and stare out the window for a few minutes. 1/4hr later the ziz zag patterns start in front of the eyes and I feel nauseous for a while.


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........

I wonder if anyone has had this. I was in the town centre with my husband just buying a sandwich from M&S when suddenly my vision went strange all I can explain is it looked like a line of tin foil sparkling everywhere I looked and swirling shapes I was so scared I nearly had a panic attack, which I have never had before. I had to go and sit down and it lasted about 15 mins then disappeared as quick as it came. I felt really strange too.

Do I need to make an appointment with the doctor? or an optician? I'm really worried now.
Hi @vicjord
another possible explanation
I am assuming since you are on this forum that you are diabetic , i am also assuming that since you were in the process of buying a sandwich it was near a mealtime

could it be you were getting blurred vision when your blood sugar was dropping.
did you eat the sandwich while you were sat down ? and did this coincide with it going away after the 15 minutes ?


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Was going to add it could be a raised or falling sugar level .. Assumed you looked at your sugar readings when it was happening


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Hi @vicjord
another possible explanation
I am assuming since you are on this forum that you are diabetic , i am also assuming that since you were in the process of buying a sandwich it was near a mealtime

could it be you were getting blurred vision when your blood sugar was dropping.
did you eat the sandwich while you were sat down ? and did this coincide with it going away after the 15 minutes ?


Yes i am diabetic but i didn't know it could affect my eyes like that, my last eye screening was clear.

I've also started low carbing i was getting beef salad not a sandwich.


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
blurred vision is one of the symptoms of hypoglycemia , but not everyone gets all of the symptoms on every occasion

and sometimes a headache following the low blood sugar as well
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I would make an appointment with the opticians first, as they can pick up a number of medical conditions and not just the eyes. As your GP will probably refer you anyway. Good luck and I hope you are feeling a little better.



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Feeling a bit better now i need to make an appointment At the optician just to be safe.

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chris lowe

I think going to the optician would be a sensible move. It does sound like a migraine. I didn't start getting migraines until after menopause but touch wood I've not had one for at least a few years. I hope I'm not tempting fate


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Diet only
It sounds like an ocular migraine. I've had them for a few years now. With me it starts off as if there is a blind spot. For example if I was looking at the word "sugar" I may not be able to see the r at first. If I was looking at someone's face, I may not be able to see their cheek! It's very weird! Then I would get the "tin foil" thing which is usually shaped in an arc and gets bigger and finally fades. They usually last 15 - 30 mins. There is no pain at all.

They are a bit scary at first but I'd much rather have them than a full blown migraine! Do a search on ocular migraine and images.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Defo ocular migraine. Use to suffer when working low level fluorescent lighting at work.
Funny how things remind you of the downhill slope to where I am now.
Ocular migraine led to a surgery visit, discovered high BP, high cholestrol, then high liver function etc. et al!!
Since low carb no migraines. Is that a coincidence?


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It sounds like an ocular migraine. I've had them for a few years now. With me it starts off as if there is a blind spot. For example if I was looking at the word "sugar" I may not be able to see the r at first. If I was looking at someone's face, I may not be able to see their cheek! It's very weird! Then I would get the "tin foil" thing which is usually shaped in an arc and gets bigger and finally fades. They usually last 15 - 30 mins. There is no pain at all.

They are a bit scary at first but I'd much rather have them than a full blown migraine! Do a search on ocular migraine and images.

That's exactly how it was patches were missing like the after effect of a camera flash where you can still see it. It really was the most scariest thing I've experienced. Apart from oblivion at alton towers!! Thoughts running through my head like 'am i going blind'.


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Were you hungry? Had you left it too long before eating something?
I get these, they're a form of migraine when my blood sugar is too low.
It wasn't too long from breakfast but i didn't have my metre with me so couldn't check, and i felt fine. But like i said before I've only recently started low carbing maybe still getting used to being without them.


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Diet only
For me they seem to be very random. I can't link them to anything. I went to the optician at first who confirmed that there was nothing wrong with my eyes and that these usually affected older people who had had migraines when they were younger. I think I was 40 when I had my first one. I may have one or 2 a year.