Strategies for resistance training


Well-Known Member
When I go to the gym and do resistance / strength training my blood sugar level spikes, typically rising by 4mmol to 8mmol. I know this is common in type 1s

I've always assumed I can't do much about this and tend to stick to cardio, but joining these forums I've seen a few suggestions. Unfortunately many are from people on a pump. I am on mdi.

I'm thinking about trying bolus before the gym but not taken with any food.

Can anyone advise if they do a similar thing.

My session typically will be 40 minutes so I'm thinking of taking at least 30 mins early otherwise I might finish before the insulin even starts to work.

I would be going before work so have limited time but might be able to fit in 10mins cardio if it would help.

It makes me feel a little uneasy taking the insulin if my levels are starting off at a decent level but if it works for other people I will certainly give it a go.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
When I go to the gym and do resistance / strength training my blood sugar level spikes, typically rising by 4mmol to 8mmol. I know this is common in type 1s

I've always assumed I can't do much about this and tend to stick to cardio, but joining these forums I've seen a few suggestions. Unfortunately many are from people on a pump. I am on mdi.

I'm thinking about trying bolus before the gym but not taken with any food.

Can anyone advise if they do a similar thing.

My session typically will be 40 minutes so I'm thinking of taking at least 30 mins early otherwise I might finish before the insulin even starts to work.

I would be going before work so have limited time but might be able to fit in 10mins cardio if it would help.

It makes me feel a little uneasy taking the insulin if my levels are starting off at a decent level but if it works for other people I will certainly give it a go.
When I do this I usually take it an hour beforehand. It takes a bit of fine tuning as the suck back post work out can cause a noticeable drop off, so I also have a sugar free protein shake as this triggers a glucagon release to counter the drop.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Mind giving us some extra information as to what your goal is (losing weight, gaining strength and/or muscle, ...). What does a typical workout look like for you?


Well-Known Member
When I do this I usually take it an hour beforehand. It takes a bit of fine tuning as the suck back post work out can cause a noticeable drop off, so I also have a sugar free protein shake as this triggers a glucagon release to counter the drop.

Thanks for the advice. I've had a fairly successful gym trip this morning!


I had a correction dose about 4.30 am as I had gone a little high over night so I was still benefiting from the tail end of this. Took 1 unit bolus at 6.50 am. 5 min jog at 7.15am and resistance training 7.20 till 8.

Bear in mind my libre is reading about 1mmol too low. But I did need a glucotablet about 8.40 to stop it going to low.

Provided my levels are in target when I wake up I think 1 unit about 40mins before should do the job.

I only regret that I waited so many years before trying this!
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