Sugar Issue or other


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All.

I am type 2 for over 3 years & take 4 metformin a day & have had good HBAC1 results. I don't test (I suffer severe anxiety especially health so doing testing induces it so trying to avoid)

I have been In last 6 weeks I have been trying extra hard to eat better & follow low carb diet & during more water better than I was as I noticed I was napping alot in days. I defo feel better in feel have more energy than I have in while & I'm defo not sleeping in daytime.

However I still have days where I feel tired that I can remedy by closing eyes for 1 minute or so then back to feeling normal like I have had shot of caffiene. I noticed this seems to mainly happen in evening 3-4hrs after eating. My eating change has mainly been in last 2 to 3 weeks as i now do 3 low carb meals a day with some snacking.

The timing of it confuses me as not sure if BG affects you 3 or 4hrs after eating, don't notice any other symptoms eg don't visit loo or feeling dehyrdate. Is it my body just adjusting to new eating habits? Is it cos I'm not snacking enough? (anxiety is affecting my apetite) or do I need to fix my food choices more?

Alternatively could it be my anxiety as I'm struggling with it partly due to this issue?

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All.

I am type 2 for over 3 years & take 4 metformin a day & have had good HBAC1 results. I don't test (I suffer severe anxiety especially health so doing testing induces it so trying to avoid)

I have been In last 6 weeks I have been trying extra hard to eat better & follow low carb diet & during more water better than I was as I noticed I was napping alot in days. I defo feel better in feel have more energy than I have in while & I'm defo not sleeping in daytime.

However I still have days where I feel tired that I can remedy by closing eyes for 1 minute or so then back to feeling normal like I have had shot of caffiene. I noticed this seems to mainly happen in evening 3-4hrs after eating. My eating change has mainly been in last 2 to 3 weeks as i now do 3 low carb meals a day with some snacking.

The timing of it confuses me as not sure if BG affects you 3 or 4hrs after eating, don't notice any other symptoms eg don't visit loo or feeling dehyrdate. Is it my body just adjusting to new eating habits? Is it cos I'm not snacking enough? (anxiety is affecting my apetite) or do I need to fix my food choices more?

Alternatively could it be my anxiety as I'm struggling with it partly due to this issue?

I too have high anxiety and have learned how to manage it. The first thing is to own the situation, confront it, when you do that you'll realize it's not as bad as you first thought.

For me, once I owned the fact that I had Type2 and educated myself (lots of research) more about it, the anxiety lessened immensely. It was up to me to do something about it, not the doctors or medical system.

For me I (after 12 years with Type2 A1C kept getting worse each year) I started testing my BG(blood glucose) first thing in the morning, before a meal and 2 hours after a meal and before I went to bed. I logged everything I ate and BG levels. This really helped me see what foods worked best for me. After a while when I found the foods that work best and stayed with those foods I noticed my BG levels getting better and better. The next thing I did was intermittent fasting (2 meals a day ) BG levels got better again.

Hope this helps.

There’s a lot more details to this but I’ll leave it here for now. If you want more just ask.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I sometimes have a nap, sometimes its long, sometimes short. Does seem to be less than before I knew about my diabetes. It does tend to link to how well or not I have slept the night before. I think its just a normal sign of the body knowing when its tired. I don't think its diabetes related, seems quite normal to me.

Are you worried because its affecting you badly, ie when you are driving? Or do you think your sugars are going too low? That usually only happens to type 1s
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Before I was diagnosed I used to nap (unplanned) in the afternoon quite frequently and I used to enjoy it too - it felt very indulgent. However , once my BG came down to better levels that all stopped and these days I couldn't nap even if I tried.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi All.

I am type 2 for over 3 years & take 4 metformin a day & have had good HBAC1 results. I don't test (I suffer severe anxiety especially health so doing testing induces it so trying to avoid)

I have been In last 6 weeks I have been trying extra hard to eat better & follow low carb diet & during more water better than I was as I noticed I was napping alot in days. I defo feel better in feel have more energy than I have in while & I'm defo not sleeping in daytime.

However I still have days where I feel tired that I can remedy by closing eyes for 1 minute or so then back to feeling normal like I have had shot of caffiene. I noticed this seems to mainly happen in evening 3-4hrs after eating. My eating change has mainly been in last 2 to 3 weeks as i now do 3 low carb meals a day with some snacking.

The timing of it confuses me as not sure if BG affects you 3 or 4hrs after eating, don't notice any other symptoms eg don't visit loo or feeling dehyrdate. Is it my body just adjusting to new eating habits? Is it cos I'm not snacking enough? (anxiety is affecting my apetite) or do I need to fix my food choices more?

Alternatively could it be my anxiety as I'm struggling with it partly due to this issue?


Hi and welcome to the forum.
I will agree with everything above, especially the food diary and testing and recording.
I too have severe anxiety and also depression due to circumstances beyond my control. In fact I had counselling this morning, which was stressful before, and so tiring.
One of the things I have learned is to walk, especially after meals, this helps so much with glucose levels.
Another good way of progressing is by talking about all your fears to someone you trust, who can help through this and the pandemic.

Because of the way your body works, and how glucose levels effect your brain, if you have an imbalance in how your hormonal response to food will increase your anxiety,
That is why walking is so good after food. And drink plenty of water and make sure your salt levels are ok.
You are now back in or around normal levels, when did you have your last Hba1c?
You say you have issues with postprandial symptoms., after three to four hours, have you checked your levels at this time?
Are you still on meds other than metformin?
What symptoms are affecting you? Do you know what a hypo feels like?

Sorry about the questions, but it might help in how to advise you on what you need to do.

Keep safe and keep calm, if you need to chat, I can help you.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I sometimes have a nap, sometimes its long, sometimes short. Does seem to be less than before I knew about my diabetes. It does tend to link to how well or not I have slept the night before. I think its just a normal sign of the body knowing when its tired. I don't think its diabetes related, seems quite normal to me.

Are you worried because its affecting you badly, ie when you are driving? Or do you think your sugars are going too low? That usually only happens to type 1s
Not driving issue or anything really it's just affecting my ability to wind down as I could be watching TV with hubby in evening & I need to nod off.

Its the 'low sugar unlikely on type 2' concept that confuses me as I don't snack now right after dinner &that it's 3 to 4hrs after meal I feel it so wonder if low levels Can bg still affect that long after eating?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi and welcome to the forum.
I will agree with everything above, especially the food diary and testing and recording.
I too have severe anxiety and also depression due to circumstances beyond my control. In fact I had counselling this morning, which was stressful before, and so tiring.
One of the things I have learned is to walk, especially after meals, this helps so much with glucose levels.
Another good way of progressing is by talking about all your fears to someone you trust, who can help through this and the pandemic.

Because of the way your body works, and how glucose levels effect your brain, if you have an imbalance in how your hormonal response to food will increase your anxiety,
That is why walking is so good after food. And drink plenty of water and make sure your salt levels are ok.
You are now back in or around normal levels, when did you have your last Hba1c?
You say you have issues with postprandial symptoms., after three to four hours, have you checked your levels at this time?
Are you still on meds other than metformin?
What symptoms are affecting you? Do you know what a hypo feels like?

Sorry about the questions, but it might help in how to advise you on what you need to do.

Keep safe and keep calm, if you need to chat, I can help you.
Hi. No I don't take any more than metformin. I don't exactly know what hypo feels like as I know they are uncommon in type 2. my deducing of this being possible reason is on basis for length of time it takes after meal to feel symptoms. The main symptom I feel is this 1 minute close of eyes I feel I need as I don't feel dizzy or confused but I also dont feel thirsty or need to pee anymore than normal. I have had insomnia with this worry which isn't helping

I defo feel better I feel more lively after changing diet & like I say my napping has gone down to just this dip so why I think or hope it's just body still adjusting to diet. was suffering nocturia when I was napping all the time but that seems to have reduced & though i seem to wake to pee but it's mainly when insomnia been on me from anxiety I'm suffering.

As I mentioned I don't test. I did that & insulin when pregnant & I struggled with it to point it ruined experience for me. I've been scared and anxious since at thought if doing it again as part of my day to day life. I truly believe I can fix what I am suffering especially since things feel better since changing apart from this dip each day just need to find balance in eating but that could just be rose tinted glasses.

My HBAC1 in Jan last year was 45 & has been in that range each year Inc when pregnant

Sorry for long answer
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Also I tried energy drink & found I did no need have urge to sleep anytime in day & I am heavily drinking water (2l as recommended for my gender) I also notice less sensitive tummy since diet change eg was unsettled & windy alot but defo less so now

I do try to walk for half hr or so with my 20month old when scottish weather allows & when not in lockdown I do about 1hr a day walking 3 days week doing nursery journey & back
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I too have high anxiety and have learned how to manage it. The first thing is to own the situation, confront it, when you do that you'll realize it's not as bad as you first thought.

For me, once I owned the fact that I had Type2 and educated myself (lots of research) more about it, the anxiety lessened immensely. It was up to me to do something about it, not the doctors or medical system.

For me I (after 12 years with Type2 A1C kept getting worse each year) I started testing my BG(blood glucose) first thing in the morning, before a meal and 2 hours after a meal and before I went to bed. I logged everything I ate and BG levels. This really helped me see what foods worked best for me. After a while when I found the foods that work best and stayed with those foods I noticed my BG levels getting better and better. The next thing I did was intermittent fasting (2 meals a day ) BG levels got better again.

Hope this helps.

There’s a lot more details to this but I’ll leave it here for now. If you want more just ask.
Thanks. I will consider what you said. I feel I'm doing similar self work as I gave myself good talking to when I realised I lost my way & bg now affected. L honestly feel great since changing my eating habits It's just these dips in energy at 3 to 4hrs after eating not 2hrs when u would test. I stopped snacking so much before bed which I've read can do harm if u used to eat before bed in past.

Its the 'low sugar unlikely on type 2' concept that confuses me as I don't snack now right after dinner &that it's 3 to 4hrs after meal I feel the fatigue so wonder if low levels. Can bg still affect that long after eating? Could it be my levels just not fully settled after diet change? I've had 1 or 2 spikes that made me think may be going low bg & pushed me to do more food changes

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi again,
So, you have not got a glucometer to test.
You have left me tantalizing clues, that even though you have been told that T2, unless on meds cannot hypo.
I was misdiagnosed as T2, and I started getting normal fasting levels and my Hba1c levels were normal but I was still getting the symptoms you have mentioned.
Also, I have read that gestational diabetes can have the symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
What I would suggest after the symptoms at three and four hours is similar to the symptoms of RH.
Please go to the Reactive Hypoglycaemia forum and read the sticky threads and other threads and see if anything is familiar.
We can't diagnose you and to get the diagnosis you would need to have a few tests starting with an extended oral glucose tolerance test. This is not the usual T2 test, this extended test will give you the results at three and four hours.

You do need to be referred to a specialist endocrinologist who is experienced with Hypoglycaemia.

Stay safe, stay calm


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Perhaps you are not actually eating enough at meal times?
Yeah that's what I thought. But like say I've read u don't go low on type 2. Example of my new eating is

Breakfast porridge(with milk)
Lunch. No added sugar heinz tomato soup with 1 snack pack size oatcakes
Dinner meat & gravy from steak pie with some small amount mash potato & lots of veg

No snacks & 1.5litres of water through day.

Had this doseness in energy in 3 to 4hrs after dinner. Best way I can explain it us it's like have dip then close eyes for 1 minute & wake like boost given from something lime cattle prod zap. I think it's low sugar or levels still trying to settle like my body is weaning of need of napping just not quite there yet.

Ive had 1 experiences where I had big gap between breakfast & lunch so it makes me think maybe low sugar can happen.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi again,
So, you have not got a glucometer to test.
You have left me tantalizing clues, that even though you have been told that T2, unless on meds cannot hypo.
I was misdiagnosed as T2, and I started getting normal fasting levels and my Hba1c levels were normal but I was still getting the symptoms you have mentioned.
Also, I have read that gestational diabetes can have the symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
What I would suggest after the symptoms at three and four hours is similar to the symptoms of RH.
Please go to the Reactive Hypoglycaemia forum and read the sticky threads and other threads and see if anything is familiar.
We can't diagnose you and to get the diagnosis you would need to have a few tests starting with an extended oral glucose tolerance test. This is not the usual T2 test, this extended test will give you the results at three and four hours.

You do need to be referred to a specialist endocrinologist who is experienced with Hypoglycaemia.

Stay safe, stay calm
Thanks u make me feel better. I got diagnosed with type 2 during blood checks for ivf so can't blame pregnancy but would like all to be good as would hate for bg levels to be reason another pregnancy didnt happen naturally.

Just generally wanna feel fully normal. We've all got better things to worry about & 'r u sleeping' is words I'd my hubby to stop saying in evening

Thanks soooo much xx

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I will add, that before diagnosis, one of my major symptoms was sleep deprivation.
I could fall asleep without a problem, but I would wake up two to three hours later, I would go to the toilet, try to get back off but I rarely succeeded to fall back off, I would end up going downstairs and making a cuppa.
I would feel awful all day.
I was going hypo while I was asleep. My glucose levels were up and down from breakfast to bedtime and through the night.
I was starting t the day with porridge, then like you something light for lunch and the usual meat and two veg or salad, but I was still putting on weight.

It was the carbs and sugar. And I produce too much insulin.

Stay safe


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yeah that's what I thought. But like say I've read u don't go low on type 2. Example of my new eating is

Breakfast porridge(with milk)
Lunch. No added sugar heinz tomato soup with 1 snack pack size oatcakes
Dinner meat & gravy from steak pie with some small amount mash potato & lots of veg

No snacks & 1.5litres of water through day.

Had this doseness in energy in 3 to 4hrs after dinner. Best way I can explain it us it's like have dip then close eyes for 1 minute & wake like boost given from something lime cattle prod zap. I think it's low sugar or levels still trying to settle like my body is weaning of need of napping just not quite there yet.

Ive had 1 experiences where I had big gap between breakfast & lunch so it makes me think maybe low sugar can happen.
To me, the meals you mentioned aren't HFLC. Canned soup, oatmeal, most gravys, and potatoes wouldn't be low carb. The method I use and is working for me, because I like to keep it simple, I eat all meats, and green veggies and use good fats with the veggies. For example I eat breakfast and supper only in a day. My breakfast, 4 times in the week is 2 eggs fried in butter or bacon fat, 2 strips of bacon or some ham and 1 avocado with some lemon juice. My meats during the week range from chicken, pork, red meats, salmon mainly or any fish. My A1C and morning BG are good and my cholesterol has never been better.

I still have mini naps in the afternoon and that's okay i my eyes, some us us function better with cats naps.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi again,
So, you have not got a glucometer to test.
You have left me tantalizing clues, that even though you have been told that T2, unless on meds cannot hypo.
I was misdiagnosed as T2, and I started getting normal fasting levels and my Hba1c levels were normal but I was still getting the symptoms you have mentioned.
Also, I have read that gestational diabetes can have the symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
What I would suggest after the symptoms at three and four hours is similar to the symptoms of RH.
Please go to the Reactive Hypoglycaemia forum and read the sticky threads and other threads and see if anything is familiar.
We can't diagnose you and to get the diagnosis you would need to have a few tests starting with an extended oral glucose tolerance test. This is not the usual T2 test, this extended test will give you the results at three and four hours.

You do need to be referred to a specialist endocrinologist who is experienced with Hypoglycaemia.

Stay safe, stay calm
Thanks alot. Happy to report that I've been fatigueless for past few days & that's by following low carb eating however today not so lucky today. I needed something quick for lunch so I had a 50g per 100g carb food for lunch snack as, well as 2 boiled eggs & apple for lunch itself & I had a sleepy moment at 3hr point. So need to stick to low carb.

What I don't know is am I gonna be like this forever as am worried ill be nodding off when we are eating out when we are allowed to socialise again.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks alot. Happy to report that I've been fatigueless for past few days & that's by following low carb eating however today not so lucky today. I needed something quick for lunch so I had a 50g per 100g carb food for lunch snack as, well as 2 boiled eggs & apple for lunch itself & I had a sleepy moment at 3hr point. So need to stick to low carb.

What I don't know is am I gonna be like this forever as am worried ill be nodding off when we are eating out when we are allowed to socialise again.

I cannot answer that, I can't diagnose you. I wish I could.
There could be many reasons for the sugar drop and the lethargy, until you have the diagnostic tests, you do what you have to do to stay well.
If we were not in a pandemic, I would have you going back to your GP and demand to get a referral to a specialist endocrinologist, who can then get the necessary tests even if it's an extended oral glucose tolerance test.
If you continue to low carb, you could naturally reverse the T2 you have been diagnosed with.
Let us know how you get on.

Stay safe


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I cannot answer that, I can't diagnose you. I wish I could.
There could be many reasons for the sugar drop and the lethargy, until you have the diagnostic tests, you do what you have to do to stay well.
If we were not in a pandemic, I would have you going back to your GP and demand to get a referral to a specialist endocrinologist, who can then get the necessary tests even if it's an extended oral glucose tolerance test.
If you continue to low carb, you could naturally reverse the T2 you have been diagnosed with.
Let us know how you get on.

Stay safe
Oh I understand & wasn't expecting to be diagnosed by u & I too would be rushing to gp if not for lockdown. I just wanted you all to know how things went. I've seen it as positive & will plod on with my better eating. Thanks for the reactive hypo tip I wouldn't have noticed it & it does sound possible

I'll keep u updated. X


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks alot. Happy to report that I've been fatigueless for past few days & that's by following low carb eating however today not so lucky today. I needed something quick for lunch so I had a 50g per 100g carb food for lunch snack as, well as 2 boiled eggs & apple for lunch itself & I had a sleepy moment at 3hr point. So need to stick to low carb.

What I don't know is am I gonna be like this forever as am worried ill be nodding off when we are eating out when we are allowed to socialise again.
Using a BG meter, I feel, would really help you here. Although I can't find it right now, there is a You Tube video that provides a study about how people feel they have low BG and so it makes them think they need to eat. The study showed how this wasn't actually the case, it was a pretty high percentage that the BG was in a good range, not low at all. Maybe if you had tested you would have seen your BG was in a good range and that would most likely be comforting to know. I know for me I've tested a few times when I thought my sugar was low and the test showed it was in the mid 6s.