Chromium supplement only seems to benefit if there is already a deficiency but no effect once the deficiency has been corrected. Most industrialised nation diets are meeting the RDI through leafy greens and general food intake.
As Brunneria says, R-ALA is the more bio-valent form of ALA. ALA is available on scrip in Europe, esp Germany, but is ignored in the UK. It is an important nutrient which we can synthesize from common dietary components (vegetable seed oils), so is not regarded as Essential (technically that is) but supplementation may still be of benefit. According to MedicalNewsToday, "ALA is crucial for digestion, absorption, and the creation of energy. It helps enzymes turn nutrients into energy. It also has antioxidant properties. Since humans can only produce ALA in small amounts, many people turn to supplements to increase their intake.
I have used both myself, but have no experience of Berberine.