Sw or ww?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My pancreas
I know this is absurd. I've read the literature and I've done both diets to death.

I just can't do low carb, I've really tried. It irritates my bowels, and if I cut down on fat I'm hungry. I have IBS too.

I need the discipline of a group.

Which is better would you say? Interested in anyone that has a massive appetite!

I liked slimming world but I can't fall back on the trusty jacket spud like I used to....

Thanks so much I know this is a controversial topic


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Low carb is the diet most recommended here but of course there is no one diet to suit all as you have found out it does not suit your IBS maybe someone here with IBS can help you with suggestions.
For all of us it is generally trial and error to find out what suits us personally not what suits others as we are all very different people.Some have extremely low carb others do more moderate carbs some do calorie counting and some are vegan or vegetarian we are as different as the diets we follow so you must find the one that suits you best


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I know this is absurd. I've read the literature and I've done both diets to death.

I just can't do low carb, I've really tried. It irritates my bowels, and if I cut down on fat I'm hungry. I have IBS too.

I need the discipline of a group.

Which is better would you say? Interested in anyone that has a massive appetite!

I liked slimming world but I can't fall back on the trusty jacket spud like I used to....

Thanks so much I know this is a controversial topic

Have you found which foods tend to be your rocket fuel, lcarter? If so, why not just drop those and see how you go for a while.

If you need the structure and support of a group, then still go to whichever group you fancy for the weigh-in, or whatever else it is you feel keeps you going.

Alternatively, there is at least one weight loss thread on here where folks sort of weigh in once a week, and just log there.

I can't comment on SW or WW as I've done neither. Sorry.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The problem is as a diabetic (not sure what type you are so this may be more or less relevant) carbs are the problem.

If you restrict these as a result then you need to increase either protein or fat. LCHF tends to encourage high fat. Dr Bernstein however encourages higher protein. Have you tried that instead of the fats?

Or is it certain fats, have you experimented with different ones and adding them only slowly to the diet over weeks not days allowing adjustment.

Presumably you probably have.

So back to the original question if you are going to restrict fats (both ww and sw model) you still need to be mindful of the carbs. And typically carbs are what they put out there as the thing that stops hunger on all these methods. I’ve done SW a lot over the years with a pretty decent appetite! The only way it worked is the old red and green thing when I stuck to red. Ie low carb unbeknown to me at the time whilst unknowing insulin resistant and prediabetic. Sadly this option is no longer

You’ve done both to death? Did they work for weight loss? Without messing up blood sugars?

As you say we’re all individuals with differing “other issues” so really you are the only one who is going to be able to work out what suit your body.