
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi. new to the forum. T2 DIABETIC , BUT TROUBLED ! Bouncing in and out of the T2 diagnosis (hb1c levels) for 8-10 years. Also the usual co-morbidities. Taking tablets for B.P. and Cholesterol and Allopurinol ( bloods). Since DR. adding the GLIPTINS (initially FORGIXA(r) but now JARDIANCE ) and a life style change ( working in CANADA) i lost a lot of weight 4-5 inches in my circumference. B.P. under control too( with tablets) . Weight loss and added UNLICENSED bonus . Everything gnerally under control for A 61 Y/Old

However my saliva is poor, Dry(ish) mouth . The gels don't do much Biotene and others . Some additional dental work employer supplied on Health insurance) - SEEMS seems to have messed up the circulatory flow and the sticky saliva pools in the front of my mouth. I have had extensive dental consultations, including checking the salivary glands , but nothing found. goes away whilst eating -SALIVERY COMPOSITION? . i am also driving my wife ( and myself) CLICKING as i " un-glue"

I know this is not- nice (prohibits me playing the trumpet properly - WORST THING! ) and builds up overnight. As this is ultra sweet, i expect Diabetes related and coincides with me starting to take the tablets ? We have switched tablet around to rule out . Also taking Metformin ( S.R.) which took some adjusting to. (G.I. etc).

Does anyone have similar experience of this ? and any advice.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I get the sticky mouth thing - xerostomia officially. Interestingly it didn't appear until after my BG had dropped to normal and below levels, so in my case anyway it's not linked to either high blood glucose or medication (never taken any diabetes-reated meds).

It's a fairly rare event these days - maybe three or four times a year, and I don't have any idea what triggers it.