Sweet tastes


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
It's almost a month of reasonably strict low carb, yet I haven't experienced any reduction in cravings.

Maybe I should cut out fizzy drinks as well. But that would be too restrictive.

Do I have to cut the 3% carb squirty cream also? It's ridiculous.

I still drink some fizzy drinks, but they don't seem to affect my cravings.

One thing that I find helpful is to up the fat intake when I'm craving something, and it usually works. My go to is extra thick double cream. A dollop of that in a cup of coffee... :)

Whilst on the subject of coffee, I make an iced coffee that substitutes chocolate milk (I noticed earlier in the thread you were having a chocolate milk issue). Make a normal coffee with almond milk. Add a few drops of vanilla essence, a sweetener, and a spoon of cocoa powder. Blitz in a blender, or mix well. Let it cool in the fridge and add ice.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I am afraid that anything sweet, even without carbs, will be an obstacle in my ketogenic diet. I believe it will increase my appetite for carbs and it will also inhibit my ketoadaptation. What do you think? What can I drink instead of diet coke? Something refreshing but not sweet? And instead of chocolate milk? Or you think that diet coke plays no major role in ketoadaptation?
I think some people cant do artificial sweeteners at all , there are times that anythig low carb but has a sweet thing goin I have to stay away from it its diff for everyone , Have you tried drinking water with lemon-or plain water, a persons palate can change and then want that as same as when wanted diet drinks etc... I have done this more than once in 4-5 days . I myself dont think it plats a role in ketoadaptation because for me I lost weight still when drinking diet sodas and/or like no cal sparkling flavored waters.