@emmakx and welcome to the forums.
I agree that diabetes can seem overwhelming at times, particularly if combined with being a teenager, which can be overwhelming on its own without adding diabetes to the mix. (The good news is, you may be stuck with diabetes, but being a teenager doesn't last forever. I found things much easier once I was older.)
But unfortunately skipping insulin is likely to make you feel very ill, as I'm sure you know, and this doesn't help your mental state at all. I second
@Hopeful34 's question about talking to your hospital team. They should be very familiar with diabetic teenagers who are finding it difficult to cope and (hopefully) provide you some help. Is there a particular reason why you can't bring yourself to inject? Would you feel more comfortable about it if you had an insulin pump? (I have no idea what the waiting list is like in your area but as an under 18 you may be eligible for the new technology.)
Once more welcome. Sending you virtual hugs from New Zealand.