The better pump


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Type 1
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omnipod 5 or Minimed 780 ?
Give me your opinions pleeeease x

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Well-Known Member
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They are both good pumps.
The ”best“ is a personal preference depending upon your criteria and needs.
Youtube is great for reviewing the differences and helping make up your mind. Or at least coming up with a list of criteria you can rank.


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
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Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
There are positives and negatives to both.. the onnipod would be nice because it’s tubeless.. but it needs a handset(not your mobile in the uk). And it’s tank is only 200units

The 780 can run standalone, has 300u capacity but has a hose

I’ve had the tandem and got used to the hose quick..

One more problem with the 780 is currently it uses their own G4 sensor which is more hassle to fit than Dexcom/libre

Talking with my care team yesterday to 780 seems to be a little more aggressive with control which is what I want

But either one seems a good choice.. my next pump will be the 780 as I use 90 units a day.. oh and the 780 has a 7 day cannula


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I have been on the Omnipod 5 now since December and it has changed my life! As it is closed loop I now stay in range most of the time, still have the odd low or high but no where near as bad as before when on injections. I am currently using lumijev insulin which works great for me. I no longer have night hypos or morning spikes. You change them every 3 days so 200 units is more than enough to cover for the 3 days. Being tubeless is godsend. It does come with a handset but it’s so easy to use and a small price to pay for the freedom I now have. I would definitely recommend using a Omnipod 5.
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Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
I think it depends on who the end user is - for me personally it's not so much about the capacity of the pump or the method of delivery, it's more to do with the functionality so can it control periods of exercise/spontaneity/restaurant/sleep, which sensor does it work with, as I would only use a pump with the Dexcom.

Make a list of your personal criteria then speak to your DSN about which one best meets your needs.


Well-Known Member
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I can only speak of Omnipod, have been on it since October and it’s great. I do not use a lot of insulin as very insulin sensitive so the capacity is not an issue. For me also the customer support has to be good and Uk Insulet support has been great, any problematic pods have been changed without question.
A lot complain of the algorithm not being aggressive enough,but there are ways to make it more aggressive once you fully understand the system.
I’m not completely on label as use a Anubis transmitter with Dexcom one sensors, the benefits to this are great, extended sensor life and transmitter re-battery/ reset.

My only gripe is carrying around a PDA but this will be resolved for me once IOS app is released.