The SCREAM thread



Just feel like screaming today things ....pup not well again so got to make a vets appoinment again do not have time to worry about how I feel...but am hoping the day gets better :bigtears::bag::watching:
Aw, sorry to hear your pup is poorly. Big hugs


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Thanx for the hugzzzz but was worse than I thought i had the forsight to take a urine sample with me and from this they have diagnosed she is type 1 diabetic, today I haveto go back for blood tests and pick up insulin now while I am not bothered about injecting myself I have a fear of injecting animals ...needless to say my sleep last nigth was fitfull and I have cried buckets of tears but have to try manage...she is so prescious to us ...will be glad when today is over ...
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Thanx for the hugzzzz but was worse than I thought i had the forsight to take a urine sample with me and from this they have diagnosed she is type 1 diabetic, today I haveto go back for blood tests and pick up insulin now while I am not bothered about injecting myself I have a fear of injecting animals ...needless to say my sleep last nigth was fitfull and I have cried buckets of tears but have to try manage...she is so prescious to us ...will be glad when today is over ...
I'm sure when you've done it once you'll be fine especially as you know just how important it is and you see her feeling so much better for it. More big hugs to help you through the first time


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God i hate switching to summer time, i want my hour back dammit! I'm usually a wreck for an entire week.
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God i hate switching to summer time, i want my hour back dammit! I'm usually a wreck for an entire week.
Fortunately I'm not tied to time so not losing an hour in bed, just up later but I HATE faffing about with the clocks with a vengeance. Serves NO useful purpose whatsoever, nada, nothing at all, zikch!!!! It's a pain in the arsenal AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH
and glad someone agrees with me about it
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Well-Known Member
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Curry. Rude people.
Fortunately I'm not tied to time so not losing an hour in bed, just up later but I HATE faffing about with the clocks with a vengeance. Serves NO useful purpose whatsoever, nada, nothing at all, zikch!!!! It's a pain in the arsenal AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH
and glad someone agrees with me about it
To make me feel better about changing time I just think of my eldest brother who has at least 1 clock in every room more in the hallway. He he he. :wacky::confused:Don't like losing the hour but the fact it is lighter in the evening is good as I can see better in the light!:cool:
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Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
As the Farmers wife in outback Australia said when it was introduced here many years ago "Not only does it upset the milking but the extra hour of sunlight fades the curtains"
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Rain, winds, thunder, hailstones and so dark here arrgghhhhhhhhhhh. I remember the Easter hols were lovely last year and my son has told me hurricane Katy is heading our way over night, about 3 am :eek::wideyed:
Bonkers weather :rolleyes:
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Rain, winds, thunder, hailstones and so dark here arrgghhhhhhhhhhh. I remember the Easter hols were lovely last year and my son has told me hurricane Katy is heading our way over night, about 3 am :eek::wideyed:
Bonkers weather :rolleyes:
I was wondering if another storm was on its way .... Revolving door weather today. No thunder or lighting tho


To make me feel better about changing time I just think of my eldest brother who has at least 1 clock in every room more in the hallway. He he he. :wacky::confused:Don't like losing the hour but the fact it is lighter in the evening is good as I can see better in the light!:cool:
It does have advantage s for you
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Fortunately I'm not tied to time so not losing an hour in bed, just up later but I HATE faffing about with the clocks with a vengeance. Serves NO useful purpose whatsoever, nada, nothing at all, zikch!!!! It's a pain in the arsenal AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH
and glad someone agrees with me about it

Oh god i forgot about the clocks, i just had the oven and steam oven perfectly synced. On the plus side the thermostat reads the correct time now.
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My first coeliac scream!

I've been on a gluten free diet for 3 weeks and got the official coeliac diagnosis on Thursday. . . I expected it, so that was OK.

On Friday I went shopping for ingredients for Easter Sunday dinner. I decided to have turkey, using my mother's pork sausage meat stuffing recipe. Asda didn't have gluten free sausages - I had seen them last week and presumed they had them all the time (how silly was that!!!)

Hubby managed to get some yesterday but Sainsbury's only had pork sausages with herbs. I hoped the onion and garlic would help cover the herbs but it smells NOTHING like my usual Turkey! I haven't tasted it yet, but I'm not too hopeful.

Why couldn't Asda have gluten free sausages? Aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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Well-Known Member
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Curry. Rude people.
Oh god i forgot about the clocks, i just had the oven and steam oven perfectly synced. On the plus side the thermostat reads the correct time now.
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Oh god i forgot about the clocks, i just had the oven and steam oven perfectly synced. On the plus side the thermostat reads the correct time now.
Dogs teas an hour , well TWO hours , later than usual by the clock. Changed my bedroom one before I went to sleep and phone and laptop automatically change .. been watching recorded stuff on tv. Had forgotten to put dishwasher on and thought, ah, the 40 minutes prog will be ok, take me to 20past 4....Didn't get up soon as it was finished...cos, hey, they're often fed around 5 at weekends....****** it's almost 6 as I spotted the time when I picked my phone up.
Phew, next door must be having curry for tea....strong....


My first coeliac scream!

I've been on a gluten free diet for 3 weeks and got the official coeliac diagnosis on Thursday. . . I expected it, so that was OK.

On Friday I went shopping for ingredients for Easter Sunday dinner. I decided to have turkey, using my mother's pork sausage meat stuffing recipe. Asda didn't have gluten free sausages - I had seen them last week and presumed they had them all the time (how silly was that!!!)

Hubby managed to get some yesterday but Sainsbury's only had pork sausages with herbs. I hoped the onion and garlic would help cover the herbs but it smells NOTHING like my usual Turkey! I haven't tasted it yet, but I'm not too hopeful.

Why couldn't Asda have gluten free sausages? Aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I forgot all but the most expensive sausages have some cereal in them.....I'm sure it will taste fine...Just not as you were expecting
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
My first coeliac scream!

I've been on a gluten free diet for 3 weeks and got the official coeliac diagnosis on Thursday. . . I expected it, so that was OK.

On Friday I went shopping for ingredients for Easter Sunday dinner. I decided to have turkey, using my mother's pork sausage meat stuffing recipe. Asda didn't have gluten free sausages - I had seen them last week and presumed they had them all the time (how silly was that!!!)

Hubby managed to get some yesterday but Sainsbury's only had pork sausages with herbs. I hoped the onion and garlic would help cover the herbs but it smells NOTHING like my usual Turkey! I haven't tasted it yet, but I'm not too hopeful.

Why couldn't Asda have gluten free sausages? Aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Hi, I have coeliac and I eat GF sausages from the Free from section freezer cabinet, in Sainsbury's. It will get easier in time with foods, just be careful and always check and then double check.
What did the turkey taste like ? good luck.
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Just put all empty cans from house into recycling bin and taken it to the front in the rain then brought it straight back in after realizing it's only Sunday
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Hi, I have coeliac and I eat GF sausages from the Free from section freezer cabinet, in Sainsbury's. It will get easier in time with foods, just be careful and always check and then double check.
What did the turkey taste like ? good luck.
Have just finished dinner. It was OK but nowhere near as nice as my usual Turkey. The stuffing tasted sweet - it reminded me of sausages you get in Spain and Italy . . . Sausages shouldn't be sweet!


Have just finished dinner. It was OK but nowhere near as nice as my usual Turkey. The stuffing tasted sweet - it reminded me of sausages you get in Spain and Italy . . . Sausages shouldn't be sweet!
I've found most pork sausages taste sweet these days