The SCREAM thread



Just a scream about another summer (not Summer). It's been a let down, especially up here in Scotland. Today 6th August weather is gales and heavy rain. Nuff said. Aargh! :mad::(
Heavy winds here but far drier and warmer than yours. Quite pleasant actually but peesh looks imminent.
Forecast was for a good storm last nite...didn't happen
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@eddie1968 .. did you get that humdinger of a thunder storm last night .. both sheet and fork lighting !! ... right over the cottage where I am and the wife made me unplug the telephone and the TV .... awwwwww !!!!! still no trees fallen or hit this time :)
I'm jealous (no green person so frog will have to do)
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
@eddie1968 .. did you get that humdinger of a thunder storm last night .. both sheet and fork lighting !! ... right over the cottage where I am and the wife made me unplug the telephone and the TV .... awwwwww !!!!! still no trees fallen or hit this time :)
No but last Tuesday or Wednesday I got woke up at 2am with severe thunderstorms and flash flooding. I like the lightning especially at night. :)
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I do like a good thunder storm, it seems to freshen up everything ... but the darn wife will insist on taking the aerial out of the TV !!!!
Mum used to do that and Dad always told her that as we were in quite a dip the aerial's of folks higher up were most likely to take a hit or the church spire up on the main road


Well-Known Member
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Curry. Rude people.
Just a scream about another summer (not Summer). It's been a let down, especially up here in Scotland. Today 6th August weather is gales and heavy rain. Nuff said. Aargh! :mad::(
I posted a picture of myself and my friend on our hot and sunny bike ride today. Just so you know that occasionally we get some nice days dahn souf and so you can remember what the sun looks like.
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Mum used to do that and Dad always told her that as we were in quite a dip the aerial's of folks higher up were most likely to take a hit or the church spire up on the main road
We are on the top of a hill !! with only a few trees taller than the aerial ... so if the lighting is looking for a TV it will find ours first ... The wife also had a friend who had a lighting strike hit her house taking the roof off .. not once but twice in different houses .. so I don't mind too much going without a bit of telly to watch the storm :)
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No but last Tuesday or Wednesday I got woke up at 2am with severe thunderstorms and flash flooding. I like the lightning especially at night. :)
Hope Elgin is not going to flood again .. billions have been spent on new flood prevention .. but I am up the top of an hill ... a very windy hill yesterday .. thought one of the trees would go .. but all is good .. still windy today .. but the sun is shining :)
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Missed my holliday this year BUT now have a caravan which I have towed to my moms as she has a drive on which to put it and I only hav ea small drive big enough for the car to go on.....we race whippets and I have five all old ladies apart from one who is the baby Izzy....all the whippet people go down to fording bridge in July with their caravans and race or enjoy the holliday then up to Scotland in July to do the same I missed the Holls but will be ready for next years is fully operational now and am raring to need look for caravan site that allow more than one dog on it and up to 5 hehe
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Missed my holliday this year BUT now have a caravan which I have towed to my moms as she has a drive on which to put it and I only hav ea small drive big enough for the car to go on.....we race whippets and I have five all old ladies apart from one who is the baby Izzy....all the whippet people go down to fording bridge in July with their caravans and race or enjoy the holliday then up to Scotland in July to do the same I missed the Holls but will be ready for next years is fully operational now and am raring to need look for caravan site that allow more than one dog on it and up to 5 hehe
How did it feel to be towing? You were a bit nervous about it with it being a while since you last towed


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Hi carb Foods
@PatsyB Just been off on holiday and dogs & I had a great time. Owner of farm we were on had 3 whippets (mum, daughter, & son) so my young collie spent a week playing with the mini-pack around the farm buildings.
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Not so much of a scream - more a sort of long, drawn-out whimper...
As a result of someone else's disorganised lifestyle and total disregard for any sort of timekeeping, my entire day was turned on its head today and I overdid things physically, to the point of pain and exhaustion. I bolted some breakfast, missed lunch, and ended up standing and walking back and forth for far too long, which has now brought on an agonising attack of sciatica, reducing me to tears. :inpain:
The disorganised time-thief has had her dinner and gone home in high dudgeon, considering me to be grumpy and unsupportive.
My knee has seized up completely and I can barely stand, so I've taken masses of painkillers and smothered on heaps of Voltarol gel, but I have no idea whether I'm even going to be able to get up the stairs to bed tonight. My BP's gone through the roof and I dread to think what my pp BG's going to be.
Feeling very, very sorry for myself, deeply unappreciated, ill-used, and in excruciating pain. :bigtears:
Thanks for listening.
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Been there, known that. If I could make you a cup of tea, get the cushion to put on the stool under the table for you to rest the toosies on, make sure you were getting cooling refreshing breeze, pat you on the head and sing you a song, I would
Awww, Galja - it's enough that you've said it. Thank you. Makes me want to cry..... xx
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Not so much of a scream - more a sort of long, drawn-out whimper...
As a result of someone else's disorganised lifestyle and total disregard for any sort of timekeeping, my entire day was turned on its head today and I overdid things physically, to the point of pain and exhaustion. I bolted some breakfast, missed lunch, and ended up standing and walking back and forth for far too long, which has now brought on an agonising attack of sciatica, reducing me to tears. :inpain:
The disorganised time-thief has had her dinner and gone home in high dudgeon, considering me to be grumpy and unsupportive.
My knee has seized up completely and I can barely stand, so I've taken masses of painkillers and smothered on heaps of Voltarol gel, but I have no idea whether I'm even going to be able to get up the stairs to bed tonight. My BP's gone through the roof and I dread to think what my pp BG's going to be.
Feeling very, very sorry for myself, deeply unappreciated, ill-used, and in excruciating pain. :bigtears:
Thanks for listening.

Sending extra large Hugs and comforting wishes and always remember your friends here appreciate you
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Not so much of a scream - more a sort of long, drawn-out whimper...
As a result of someone else's disorganised lifestyle and total disregard for any sort of timekeeping, my entire day was turned on its head today and I overdid things physically, to the point of pain and exhaustion. I bolted some breakfast, missed lunch, and ended up standing and walking back and forth for far too long, which has now brought on an agonising attack of sciatica, reducing me to tears. :inpain:
The disorganised time-thief has had her dinner and gone home in high dudgeon, considering me to be grumpy and unsupportive.
My knee has seized up completely and I can barely stand, so I've taken masses of painkillers and smothered on heaps of Voltarol gel, but I have no idea whether I'm even going to be able to get up the stairs to bed tonight. My BP's gone through the roof and I dread to think what my pp BG's going to be.
Feeling very, very sorry for myself, deeply unappreciated, ill-used, and in excruciating pain. :bigtears:
Thanks for listening.
We appreciate you debrasue.


Big gentle hugs
Nina is soft a fluffy and lovely to snuggle...
Hope you get some relief from your pain and you get to bed to sleep.
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Aww, thank you SJ - can I have that snuggle with Nina now? She looks gorgeous...
You'll need your brolly to nip out to fluffy white Nina fast asleep in her pen. Shads is at the foot of my bed where it's drier. Rocks would happily give you a cuddle too. Buster and Bella, well Buster is the cuddlier of the two.. Bella more playful. They'll all make you feel better in their own way. Bligh, well Bligh is off bounds to all but mummy
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Well-Known Member
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Curry. Rude people.
Just a scream about another summer (not Summer). It's been a let down, especially up here in Scotland. Today 6th August weather is gales and heavy rain. Nuff said. Aargh! :mad::(
Hope the hospital visits went well x
scottish summer.jpg
scottish year.jpg
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Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
All the threads have designated headings for members to post on. So why do people derail threads with chat/conversations when there are enough threads for chatting. Why not move over to these threads and chat.
The type 2 what was your fasting blood sugar thread is for posting your fasting result. We have members posting pictures on there - when there is a Gardenfile and Naturefile Thread.
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