Time To Work It...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Reality tv
Hello @Daks
A while ago in a moment of bravado fueled by beer, I accepted a bet to run around Utoxeter' s race track.
I was overweight, very unfit and the just the thought of running brought me out in a cold sweat.
I found a running program called couch 2 5k, it promises that you will be able run 5k or for 30min in 9 weeks. You can download podcasts to your mp3 or phone, in which a nice young lady tells you when to run and when to walk, she gives encouraging advice along the way and there is some music to run to. The music was not the best, but it did take my mind off my burning lungs and wobbly legs
Here's the link http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k-plan.aspx.
I couldn't manage anything more than a snail's pace so the 5k was out, but by the end of the 9 weeks I could plod along for 30min and easily won the bet.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only

Doing a day on day off, already starting to see muscle and veins not seen for years. Heart thumping and legs burning but feeling great.
Hola @Daks

All good stuff there congratulations. Have you been testing the effect on your bloods. If so would be great to see and do you think it has a large or small impact on your overall figures. Fasting for eg?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hola @Daks

All good stuff there congratulations. Have you been testing the effect on your bloods. If so would be great to see and do you think it has a large or small impact on your overall figures. Fasting for eg?
I havn't noticed my fasting blood figures drop or increase, they have remained the same. I usually average about 4.8mmol/l.

What I have noticed is my BG drops pretty fast while exercising, but I believe it helps overall, In fact I think that much is pretty conclusive from studies, although I couldn't quote them to you.

I will keep monitoring however and will update this post as time goes on and my fitness improves.

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