Tingling Feet


Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi Everyone,

I'm not diabetic, but of late I've been experiencing tingling feet, tired legs and sometimes mild tingling in the fingertips, tiredness. This is fairly new, though i have been off colour for no identifiable reason for a while now.

I've had a fasting blood test with the doctors at the tail end of last year, which was fine. I know I should probably make another appointment, but our surgery is in crisis and I feel like such a pain. My um is T2, so i borrowed her monitor to do a test which was 7.2mmol, about an hour after food. Seems nothing out of the ordinary, I will try a fasting one and see how that goes.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and what my next step is, though i know this is likely speak to my GP, i suppose I just want reassurance I'm not wasting their time, if that makes sense!

Thanks for any responses


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome. As you probably know, nobody here can or will diagnose anything - we simply can't and it could be possibly dangerous to try.

That said, here's my experience: I developed tingling/stabbing pains/burning feet round about 2014. This was painful and stopped me sleeping. At the time my HbA1c would have been around 43 or 44. Although google suggested it was neuropathy, a diabetic symptom, I was firmly told by my doctor that I wasn't diabetic as my blood sugar wasn't high enough. I also had a number of other "diabetic symptoms" that were dismissed on the same basis. Fast forward a few years, and I was eventually diagnosed (as my BG was now high enough). I went low carb, and the symptoms went within 4-6 months. I have a little bit of permanent damage, and about six years of pain that could have been avoided.

However, not everything is diabetes-related and I'd strongly suggest you get yourself checked by a professional.


Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks for your response Kenny, and i fully agree with your comments relating to a diagnosis. Experience of others, such as you have helpfully provided, is what I'm after. My tingling doesn't stop me from sleeping, its just like pins and needles at the moment, though i notice it more at night. Do you mind me asking about other symptoms? The last time i spoke with my doctor they sent me for investigations for dysphagia, all of which came back clear. Google has now mentioned that it might also be a diabetic symptom.

I will speak to my doctor as soon as i am able to arrange an appointment.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for your response Kenny, and i fully agree with your comments relating to a diagnosis. Experience of others, such as you have helpfully provided, is what I'm after. My tingling doesn't stop me from sleeping, its just like pins and needles at the moment, though i notice it more at night. Do you mind me asking about other symptoms? The last time i spoke with my doctor they sent me for investigations for dysphagia, all of which came back clear. Google has now mentioned that it might also be a diabetic symptom.

I will speak to my doctor as soon as i am able to arrange an appointment.
No problem. I never had dysphagia, btw. The first symptom noted (around 2010) was oedema, feet particularly, followed by rapid weight gain. My kidneys started to malfunction, I stopped peeing. There was also red legs, blistering, fluid leaking through skin, bruising/cuts not healing, apnoea, tiredness/sleepiness, balanitis, xerostomia (sticky mouth), constipation, night sweats....all pre-diagnosis and while I was officially at "non-diabetic" BG levels. Of these the only thing that's persisted since my BG reduced has been night sweats.

The problem is partly that since 48mmol/l was set as the automatic diagnostic level (around 2008) it's become the only thing that matters. It's supposed to be a fall-back - ie if not previously diagnosed, you will be if your BG hits 48. Fair enough - but the NHS now won't diagnose people unless and until BG reaches 48.


Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks Kenny. A few of those symptoms are familiar, though most of them I've never mentioned to the doc, and milder in comparison. I feel I may be where you were at the start. But I'll have a chat to the doc and see where we end up.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for your response Kenny, and i fully agree with your comments relating to a diagnosis. Experience of others, such as you have helpfully provided, is what I'm after. My tingling doesn't stop me from sleeping, its just like pins and needles at the moment, though i notice it more at night. Do you mind me asking about other symptoms? The last time i spoke with my doctor they sent me for investigations for dysphagia, all of which came back clear. Google has now mentioned that it might also be a diabetic symptom.

I will speak to my doctor as soon as i am able to arrange an appointment.
You might want to see if there is sufficent magnesium and/or potassium and/or salt in your diet. I find magnesium citrate (there are other variants as well) helps my tingly legs.
All 3 are often supplements taken by people on keto or low carb diets. Look up electrolytes
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Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Vitamin B12 is good for neuropathy. I get B12 in the Berocca multi-vitamin I take daily.
I am currently using a BetterYou Magnesium Chloride spray for cramp my legs. It absorbs through the skin.