Tough days


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So. New basal regime is taking a lot out of me. Started tresiba and it worked perfectly for about a week. Now, it’s not. Can’t get these numbers down. This is my day and I’ve taken corrections as I just can’t cope and I want to scream. I am basal testing to try get somewhere but I’m just wanting to vent.



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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hey @5uzie Me too :banghead:

Was around 8-9 mmol/l all morning, had some lunch, 30g carbs - bolused (what I thought was a correct bolus and hit 19.4, now cruising at around 16mmol/l and bolusing/bolusing, eye's blurry, tired, I feel your pain...

What did you have for lunch ?
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Stick at it !! It took me about 5 weeks to get the background right.. 2 units was too much either way so I got the pen that goes in 1 unit and hey presto 23 u worked a treat! I was ready to give up but woohoo glad I didn't
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First time ever I’m working from home, all night hitting the top of the libre. Then get back to range and BAM! Bloody bread and soup. I’ve been having salads and pre-bolus by 15 mins and now this. I’d like to say it’s the first time but I seriously can’t get a handle on this. My numbers are just so so high I’m always fighting them.
Then I get stressed and BAM blood sugars go up. I’ve taken another three units in the hope it will come down again. I’ve only just started tresiba and I’m wanting to stick with it. I just am struggling.
Thanks for a sympathetic ear. Everyone talking about their perfect Hba1c, or the anything you want but just inject for it. It puts a lot of pressure on us newbies. So it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that gets it wrong


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Stupid people
First time ever I’m working from home, all night hitting the top of the libre. Then get back to range and BAM! Bloody bread and soup. I’ve been having salads and pre-bolus by 15 mins and now this. I’d like to say it’s the first time but I seriously can’t get a handle on this. My numbers are just so so high I’m always fighting them.
Then I get stressed and BAM blood sugars go up. I’ve taken another three units in the hope it will come down again. I’ve only just started tresiba and I’m wanting to stick with it. I just am struggling.
Thanks for a sympathetic ear. Everyone talking about their perfect Hba1c, or the anything you want but just inject for it. It puts a lot of pressure on us newbies. So it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that gets it wrong

Hi Suzie. I have been T1D for 46 years and get it wrong on numerous occasions :D
I was switched to Tresiba a while ago and on the Libre. With the help of the Libre I am down from 19 units of Tresiba to 11 in 2 months. Spotting trends with the Libre is amzing. T1D is never easy, just when you think you got it all sorted it will throw a wobbly at you and mess your bg's up again


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I switched to Tresiba on Tuesday morning. Already I’ve noticed I’m a fair bit higher in the mornings than on Lantus, have to shove a couple of units in to counter that, and now I’m going low in the afternoon...

Anyone know how long it takes for a change in dose of Tresiba to take effect?


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@5uzie . Chill out here. It's a number on a screen, a number that is now history. It's a case of trying different options now BUT most importantly try one adjustment at a time. Changing basal rates and then doing correction doses with bolus will just muddy the waters. Get the basal right even if it takes a few days. Try not to get stressed with high numbers, accept them as part of the learning process.
Are you cross checking your libre readings with a finger prick test? Libre , like a other devices can struggle to give accurate readings the further they go to extremes. It's quite possible your 18.5 could be a 15 on a finger prick. Not ideal but not as bad.
I don't use tresiba, so I can't vouch for its capabilities but definitely stick with it and give it time. One week in your life getting used to using it isn't a long time in the grand scheme of life.
One important thing to remember. Never fight your diabetes. It wants you to fight because it knows you'll never destroy it.
Accept it, let it know you're the boss and you will control it.
The answer to your dilemma is out there and you will find it. Give it time and bask in the knowledge that you're going to come out of this wiser and a more educated diabetic than when you started.:)


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This makes me very scared to stop using lantus even if I had the option, since it makes me feel like death but it doesn't do this to me!


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View attachment 25706

So. New basal regime is taking a lot out of me. Started tresiba and it worked perfectly for about a week. Now, it’s not. Can’t get these numbers down. This is my day and I’ve taken corrections as I just can’t cope and I want to scream. I am basal testing to try get somewhere but I’m just wanting to vent.


Hope you find some balance soon. Can I ask, is this finger pricking that’s giving you the numbers or scanning?


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First time ever I’m working from home, all night hitting the top of the libre. Then get back to range and BAM! Bloody bread and soup. I’ve been having salads and pre-bolus by 15 mins and now this. I’d like to say it’s the first time but I seriously can’t get a handle on this. My numbers are just so so high I’m always fighting them.
Then I get stressed and BAM blood sugars go up. I’ve taken another three units in the hope it will come down again. I’ve only just started tresiba and I’m wanting to stick with it. I just am struggling.
Thanks for a sympathetic ear. Everyone talking about their perfect Hba1c, or the anything you want but just inject for it. It puts a lot of pressure on us newbies. So it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that gets it wrong

Also a thought, if you’re working from home are you walking a lot less than you would be on a normal day?


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
In regards to your Tresiba dose, it does take a few weeks to settle in and I know seeing high numbers is frustrating but be patient, it was the best background I used out of 3 basals. It takes around 3-4 days for each adjustment to bed in so try not to adjust any more than this, but have some faith it will get better.
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In regards to your Tresiba dose, it does take a few weeks to settle in and I know seeing high numbers is frustrating but be patient, it was the best background I used out of 3 basals. It takes around 3-4 days for each adjustment to bed in so try not to adjust any more than this, but have some faith it will get better.
Thanks for that reassurance! My consultant said it was the most stable, but you see a high and always panic a bit, don’t you? Which can make it even higher, thanks cortisol...

I changed because the Lantus was either making me hypo in the morning and high in the afternoon or vice versa - even with a split dose that differed by just one unit.

I’ll stick with it and see what it looks like in a week or so before I make any changes. Hope the same works for @5uzie too :)
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @Mel dCP I will be honest in the first week I wanted to switch back to levemir, almost out of panic, but persevered and it did come right eventually, the pain was the fact that I was started on a much lower dose than levemir to work my way upwards (and sensibly so too) and once it leveled out it was great, no peaks and troughs and steady as.
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Thanks everyone, I’m feeling a lot better after my rant! What a mare and of course coming back down now. Looks like it was a combination, finger prick testing alongside as it finally topped out at 19.6. Deep breaths. I’m going to get there, just need to sort it out a bit more and take the time to figure it out. I really appreciate the support, didn’t realise how much I needed it today.

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I've been on Tresiba for 4 weeks and for the first 3 I was running high and has to play with levels. I'm very insulin sensitive so they gave me a 1/2 unit pen. Worth the hassle though as the muscle pains I was getting have completely gone. The nurse said it couldn't be lantus but even if it's the placebo effect then I'm happy!


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I switched to Tresiba on Tuesday morning. Already I’ve noticed I’m a fair bit higher in the mornings than on Lantus, have to shove a couple of units in to counter that, and now I’m going low in the afternoon...

Anyone know how long it takes for a change in dose of Tresiba to take effect?
They reckon 3 days .....I'd say 5 really . But that was me. If Tresiba likes you and you get your basal sorted ,maybe 4 weeks to stabilize , you'll not look back ...I am diabetic ..but don't feel or fear it anymore I flat line on 7-8 , 20/7 not 24/7 ...that would be asking too much of t1


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They reckon 3 days .....I'd say 5 really . But that was me. If Tresiba likes you and you get your basal sorted ,maybe 4 weeks to stabilize , you'll not look back ...I am diabetic ..but don't feel or fear it anymore I flat line on 7-8 , 20/7 not 24/7 ...that would be asking too much of t1
I think I’ll give it the week to settle in before I adjust anything. Went to bed on 5.something and woke up at 8.3 - the Libre showed I’d been steady at 6ish all through the night and my liver started dumping at around 6am. I injected a couple of units of Novorapid at seven and it’s down to 7.6 so hopefully I’ve headed it off at the pass. I’m collecting a half unit pen today too, so I can make finer corrections.