Treatment Induced Neuropathy


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Has anyone had Type 1 Insulin Neuritis or 'Treatment Induced Neuropathy', and how long did it last?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks for looking. I've had it for a year now and am doing much better. I've found a few papers about it online but am interested to know how many people get it and for how long.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @jake0225 - I'm not T1, so no personal experience with your issue to share; in fact, although I had heard of the concept, I hadn't heard the title used before.

What I am reading though is that the treatment (aside from continuing good glycemic control) is focused on the symptoms? Assuming yours to be mainly neuropathic pain, some have reported improvements what using R-ALA. (it must be R-Ala, as the standard ALA. is neither as strong, nor as effective, for those who try it).

Like most things, there are no assurances a supplement will work for you, but it could be worth a try.

My only experience of neuropathy was post-surgical, when I had had had several ribs scraped to remove troublesome tissue. It was horrid and has only just disappeared after 3 years. I didn't learn of R-ALA when things were at their peak, or I'd have tried it, but in know our friend, @Bluetit1802 has used it with some success for her chemotherapy induced neuropathy in her feet.

If you are interested in investigating that further, I think she has a reliable and trustworthy supplier. (No connection with Bluetit or this forum.)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @jake0225

I did indeed go through chemotherapy 6 years ago, which left me with neuropathy in my feet. Nowhere else. This is a common side effect. I was not diabetic at the time. I was told that in some people it works its way out, but in others it doesn't. I was one where it didn't. I started supplementing with R-ALA and noticed a huge improvement, so much so that I stopped taking it. Within 3 months it was back again so I started taking it again and it has disappeared again. I no longer feel any neuropathy. Having said all that, it was always mild enough not to cause too much of a problem or disablement.

I buy mine from here. Double Strength R-Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks. My feet are doing much better now. They were so painful to begin with that I couldn't stand a change in air on them. I also had severe autonomic neuropathy but thankfully this is also much improved.
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