Trembling and faintness


I was diagnosed about 20 months ago at 8 and 9. I was lucky as this was a routine screening. no symptoms. Thanks to I controlled my carbs. and before long my readings were down in the 5's, with occasional dips into the 4's or occasional highs in the 6's and 7's. My two HbA1c readings were 5.9 and 5.7.
Last night after dinner,out of the blue I started to shiver uncontrollably, trembling violently might be a better description.I thought that was starting with flu. It lasted for about 50 mins. I took a reading which was 4.7 - this was about 2hrs after dinner ( 25gms spag.,+ ragout, clafoutis,no flour but almond+,crackers with camembert and red wine ) I wrapped up warm went to bed and had a superb nights sleep. I felt fine in the morning, went to the bathroom and the trembling restarted - about 20 mins. I took a reading which was 6.8. and that was fasting, high for me. I had very little appetite and was very thirsty, again unusual for me. This afternoon I had a dizzy spell - I took a reading which was 7.1 - this was about 3 hrs. after 1/2 grapefruit,a rasher of bacon a couple of bites of a fried egg and a couple of bites of Bergen.
These figures are in no way typical for me. Any suggestions what might be happening ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Football. Bad manners.
I can't diagnose you, of course, but if your blood sugars have been under control for 20 months I don't see why this shivering and fainting should be associated with diabetes.

Infection can upset your blood glucose readings. Have you taken your temperature? or have you had a flu injection recently? In your place I would go the the doctor asap; meanwhile take plenty of fluids and try to eat easy nutritious foods, eg soup, eggs, fish.

And don't worry too much!

Viv 8)


Thanks for the feedback,Viv. I'm rather leaning towards a virus though temperature only 97.5.No flu injection,just feeling grotty.
See you're from Wensleydale, one of my favourite places. I go there and to Swaledale usually 3 times a year.-in fact just come back from Reeth.

And yes,I'll try not to worry but it was so strange an experience.


Hi, I finally persuaded my D Nurse to give me a testing kit as I was sure that my readings were all over the place. I went from 5.5 to 13 regularly and coudnt shift any weight so I did the usual trial and error after certain foods and found it was mainly bread that was affecting my readings. Now down to readings generally of 6'1 ish but today spiked up to 11 after 2 small slices of bread as I felt a bit rough (weaning off anti depressants). Well after eating the bread I felt even worse lol. I fing going to bed helps how I feel but (yes finally getting round to the real purpose of my posting)

Can anyone suggest a quick way to reduce blood sugar/HBA1c readings ie water, exercise, sleep??


After several days of waking in the night to violent shivering (I now put this down to a virus ),I began to feel less grotty. My appetite was still minimal,but my b.g. readings gradually came down though still higher than usual for me 7-8 post prandial. After a fortnight I've managed to get back to the gym and though I seem to have less energy than before the virus,and the exercise seems harder,my b.g.readings have improved and have accelerated downwards quicker.
Still not back to usual levels C.5.5 , but I would say maintaining a reduced carb. diet + exercise are the two things likely to reduce b.g. when not on medication. It must be the illness that produces the excess b.g. therefore those of us using diet and exercise can do little else but maintain our dietary discipline and exercise regime.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Football. Bad manners.
Hi Paul,

I'm on a low-dose anti-depressant at the moment for nerve pain - Nortriptylene. One of the side-effects of this one is to affect blood sugar levels, pushing them either high or low. Check the side-effects of the one you're coming off - maybe this is affecting things?

Viv 8)