Turmeric health benefit


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Turmeric is wonderful in my opinion! I have arthritis and my knuckles also have Garrod’s pads that were continually getting knocked and injured. I started adding turmeric to my porridge in the morning and after several weeks the pads were noticeably smaller and some have gone completely. The joint pain from art has also diminished considerably so I would say it is a winner for me. I also add some ginger, crushed garlic and black pepper to the porridge. The health benefits of garlic are well documented and I can vouch for it being as good as it is claimed to be. Black pepper actually improves the bioavailability of the turmeric but I wouldn’t advise taking massive doses of pepper as it is also alleged to reduce the ability of the liver to deal with toxins in the body. Nothing wrong with a small amount though. I have about a teaspoon of turmeric daily, a little less ginger, quarter of a teaspoon of pepper and four (subject to size) cloves of garlic. I could take capsules but I prefer the natural and unprocessed version.
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I use powered turmeric in hot milk on cereal for breakfast ,
Root turmeric with fruit /yogurt/rice pud .. health benefits I certainly hope so !


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Turmeric is wonderful in my opinion! I have arthritis and my knuckles also have Garrod’s pads that were continually getting knocked and injured. I started adding turmeric to my porridge in the morning and after several weeks the pads were noticeably smaller and some have gone completely. The joint pain from art has also diminished considerably so I would say it is a winner for me. I also add some ginger, crushed garlic and black pepper to the porridge. The health benefits of garlic are well documented and I can vouch for it being as good as it is claimed to be. Black pepper actually improves the bioavailability of the turmeric but I wouldn’t advise taking massive doses of pepper as it is also alleged to reduce the ability of the liver to deal with toxins in the body. Nothing wrong with a small amount though. I have about a teaspoon of turmeric daily, a little less ginger, quarter of a teaspoon of pepper and four (subject to size) cloves of garlic. I could take capsules but I prefer

Both me and my hubby decided to try turmeric a couple of years ago just for 3 months, we then stopped for a while, we were both aching and feeling really bad after a few days the only change we made was stopping the turmeric, within three to five days of restarting we were back to our normal selves, it does seem to do something and we’ve had no side effects, as far as we’re concerned it does seem to work
How much turmeric are you taking and what kind (pills or cooking)


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Tablets (oral)
Tumeric is used on daily basis for Indian Cuisine ( Curries). It is anti inflammatory. The Curcumin ( chemical) requires Piprine from Black Pepper for the body to absorb the nutrients. It does stain. Fresh Tumeric can be white or Orange. It has a distinctive taste. People in the East have been using it for Centuries. For medicinal purposes as well. Some people cannot tolerate it neat. It does require some fats to be added to it. Coconut oil or Ghee ( made fro butter) is the oil most often used. It works very well for digestion, arthritis and any other inflammatory condition. Lot of research can be found along with other products. I have it in my black coffee with coconut oil, Cinnamon powder and black pepper. I started with one teaspoon of oil and quarter spoon of Turmeric ( version of bullet tea). You can adjust all the ingredients. Some people add honey as well. This is a very pleasant drink, especially, when blended. It is Lovely and frothy and gives me energy which is an added benefit for me.


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Type 3c
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Cold weather
I used turmeric regularly in cooking, and have for years to help with pain. I also use Ceylon Cinnamon 2000mg tablets as that is reported to aid with hypos. 3 months on and only the occasional hypo.
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I've used turmeric for years in cooking, particularly when I used to make curries regularly. It's also one of the Pukka teagbag flavours I regularly buy. More recently I saw it recommended for arthritis , and am taking a turmeric/black pepper capsule regularly. but haven't noticed that it seems to help at all. But then I've taken and swear by glucosamine and chondroitin for years for non-arthritic joint pain, but I've not noticed that that combination helps my arthritis - but maybe it would be worse without.

ETA I've also been drinking green tea for arthritis, with little apparent improvement, but it does reduce my glucose levels! I don't particularly like the flavour much so today doubled up with a Pukka Turmeric Gold tea bag which I really did enjoy regardless of any arthritic aid or not....

@Tejinder I also use cinnamon regularly which I love, but I find too much can sometimes give me a nose bleed - presumably as it's a known blood thinner. :banghead::banghead:
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For me both! I've always bought and used it as a spice, and recently have also been buying turmeric/black pepper capsules.

Mr Whippy

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I use it often, I buy it in 1kg bags from my local Asian supermarket for not much more than you can buy a little fancy jar of it to sit in your spice rack. They often call it "Haldi", we call it Turmeric.

You really need to mix it with a fat containing food to get the bioavailability, and black pepper taken with it is also said to improve the uptake. If I'm doing anything that involves oil, like a stir fry, I add it and a dash of black pepper into the oil first. It dissolves into oil very well, it does not dissolve in water.

Back in 2016 the BBC "trust me I'm a Doctor" did a piece on Turmeric, 3 groups, one placebo, one taking a supplement turmeric capsule and one using the same amount in their daily cooking. Only the group that used it in their cooking showed a positive effect, so don't waste your money on pills or capsules, use it as a food ingredient. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p048p00f

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