Two Questions :)


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Would you say Bernstein is keto?
Any idea if Bernstein would work for me as well as hubby - I'm not diabetic but am on life long steroids and they are putting my weight up.
Any input welcome :)
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Dr Bernstein's approach is a low carbohydrate diet, probably classified as a very low carbohydrate diet. 6g carbs for breakfast, 12 for lunch and 12 for evening meal are low enough for being in nutritional ketosis at least some of the time.

Ketogenic diets are a special type of diet used for treatment of epilepsy (see Charlie foundation) but unfortunately the term is frequently misused, a low or very low carbohydrate diet is not necessarily ketogenic because protein must also be limited.

A low or very low carbohydrate diet may or may not help you ... but might be worth discussing with your medical team before trying in case there are some reasons you should not take that approach.
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Husband has been on (and sometimes off) the Bernstein diet but he's been diagnosed since 2008 and is still diet controlled, no meds - so I know it works for him. I'm just wondering if it would for me too. I like the way of cooking etc but thought maybe it's only geared for diabetics, you know? I suppose the only thing to do is tryit and see! I already do low carb but am not eating enough and the weight seems to be sticking like glue - although that's for another forum, as I'm not diabetic. TY jonathon );)


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Husband has been on (and sometimes off) the Bernstein diet but he's been diagnosed since 2008 and is still diet controlled, no meds - so I know it works for him. I'm just wondering if it would for me too. I like the way of cooking etc but thought maybe it's only geared for diabetics, you know? I suppose the only thing to do is tryit and see! I already do low carb but am not eating enough and the weight seems to be sticking like glue - although that's for another forum, as I'm not diabetic. TY jonathon );)
You’ve nothing to lose by giving it a try, my hubby does keto/low carb and he’s not diabetic, he enjoys the way of eating and it’s easier at meal times, although that has changed recently as he’s been diagnosed lactose intolerant so have to be a bit more inventive when dairy is involved - I also have a hairdresser who is eats keto and she’s not diabetic either
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It would def make mealtimes and menu plans easier - I just wasn't sure about the butter and cream part of Bernstein. I love it but it would pile up the calories maybe? IDK, will try it and see!


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It would def make mealtimes and menu plans easier - I just wasn't sure about the butter and cream part of Bernstein. I love it but it would pile up the calories maybe? IDK, will try it and see!
Very low carb or keto include more fats, and natural dairy fats are considered beneficial ones. Neither is about calories counting. Plenty of people do both for weight loss regardless of diabetes.

Also worth noting that type 2 is preceded by years of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means weight gain usually too. That doesn’t mean all those with IR become type 2 but it is a risk. And there’s plenty of overweight people who are that way because of IR even if they are not diagnosed diabetic.
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I'm on steroids for life HSSS, and that changes how your metabolism deals with carbs so yes it's possible to go diabetic in time. I'm going to try it anyway as I like Bernstein's attitude & thinking. :)