The Goods news, is that there is currently a race, to try and find the right remedy / formula, that's as strong as it's ever been from top professors all over the world. Stem cells, Beta Cell Regeneration, Immunotherapy, there are countless routes and methods to curing this for us.
The main issue, is funding and approving human trials which are safe for the participants.
Personally, I do feel that Beta Cell regeneration and Immunotherapy, will be the winner here. Even those of us, that have had type 1 for let's say 40 years, have residual beta cells. The way to make these regenerate and multiply, would be such an awesome and natural process. We would then of course, need to work on immunotherapy with this, to protect those that have been created / regenerated.
The cure is already here, but it's creating the correct formula, for it to process to the correct area of the human body ( Pancreas ) and not be directly attacked by the immune system.
Honestly, I do feel we are within 10 years of this happening. THE RACE, IS ON!!