Hi, I am a Type 2 diabetic for 23 years. However, for the last 2 plus years, I am managing my Type 2 diabetes with the right food, exercise, and yoga. I am willing to share my experience with anyone hoping it will help them
Thanks. It is not just diet; it is diet+exercise+yoga.
What inspired the change? - I was on 1000 mg of metformin daily, and my doctor wanted to increase it to 2000 mg metformin because my A1C result was 6.9. I followed a good diet and exercise routine, but only after adding yoga and intermittent fasting I could stay medication free.
I am interested in the approach you take to diet I guess because at the moment I control my blood sugars exclusively by diet. I used to do a fair amount of exercise but in the last year and a half my work issues have resulted in almost no exercise. I am working on fixing those as in my view I need more exercise in general but I have been able to keep managing my levels without exercise. I will acknowledge my levels are more often in the 5-6 rather than the 4-5 s I was getting with exercise but still in the right range.
I think there are a fair few people who an't do a lot of exercise for a number of reasons so I suspect you may find people's primary interest is in your diet.
I have gone very low carb which works for me- what approach have you taken?
Combining diet with physical activity and yoga can make a big difference.
Instead of exercise, let me call it physical activity—brisk walking to bring up the heartbeat, being on your feet, and moving as much as possible. I would not consider the chair/sofa a friend. Sit on a chair/sofa only when one cannot be on their feet or need to sit down. Some/any sports can help.
I found yoga/meditation really helpful with my blood sugar control.
I followed a 21-day program which worked for me. I can upload my notes and provide links if can help others.
As per this forum policy, I need to make three posts before uploading any docs or mentioning links. I that right?