Type 2 to LADA?


I was diagnosed as type 2 in 2020, lost 3.5 stone BMI about 26 now and managed to reduce HbA1c from 77 to 52 with diet and exercise. However became increasingly difficult to keep blood sugar low doing this so went onto Victoza 1.2 in May, hasn’t really helped and blood sugars climbing, along with unpleasant symptoms, extreme thirst, peeing loads and losing weight if any sugary foods eaten. Blood sugar has recently become very high. Latest HbA1c is 82 from 52. I’ve had a couple of episodes of cold sweats, high heart rate and feeling like I might pass out, I would describe it as an out of body experience. Blood sugar after eating is in 20’s has been as high as 32. Doctors have put me on Gliclazide 40mg in a morning and 20mg at night, this is as well as the Victoza 1.2 in the afternoon. Have also said they are doing blood tests to see if the type 2 was in fact LADA. Blood sugars are still high after eating, about 20-22, then go down to 10/11 after 4-5 hours of no food. Any thoughts?


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hypos and forum bugs
Any thoughts?

It's good that you are getting the tests (presumably c-peptide and GAD). No real way to tell what you have without them, though an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis would certainly influence the odds.

A danger here is if you are LADA and go into DKA before the results come in. Do you have a way to test for ketones? ( DKA requires an urgent trip to A&E because if not treated with insulin it is fatal.)

If you do have LADA it isn't the end of the world, you'll become eligible for NHS funded cgms and insulin can mean that you have a bit more dietary freedom than someone who only has carb reduction as their method of blood glucose control. (As a long term T1, insulin is definitely my friend.)

I hope you get an answer soon, and good luck whatever it is.
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Okay so update, I am waiting on GAD and c-peptide test. Doctor at hospital said he thought type 2 and although since diagnosis I have lost around 2 1/2 stone I need to lose more weight, he felt I was insulin resistant not that my pancreas wasn’t producing enough insulin. He told me to eat brown toast and porridge?? Which just made me switch off. They prescribe Glicazide which I questioned on the grounds of why if I’m overweight and you think that could be the cause of my diabetes would you give me a drug which seems to mean weight gain and again why would you give me a drug that will exhaust my pancreas even sooner if I’m not producing enough insulin. Seems madness? I’ve gone low carb under 40g and no drugs. Which is managing my sugar levels at about 10-13.5. They have given me testing kit.. ketones have gone as high as 1.2 but no higher. When I exercise my levels go down to about 7-8 afterwards but within 2 hours back up to 10 minimum without me eating a single thing! Why is that? Anybody got any thoughts on all of this? I was super disappointed with hospital. Oh nurse was convinced I would need insulin, but that my ketones were only high because I didn’t eat enough?? Help?
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Incredibly frustrating for you, and not an uncommon list of erroneous advice given to us diabetics. Knowledge is power, and good for you for researching available information. Sadly, we have to do this. There are good medics who know their stuff, but I've only ever met the other sort.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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I was diagnosed as type 2 in 2020, lost 3.5 stone BMI about 26 now and managed to reduce HbA1c from 77 to 52 with diet and exercise. However became increasingly difficult to keep blood sugar low doing this so went onto Victoza 1.2 in May, hasn’t really helped and blood sugars climbing, along with unpleasant symptoms, extreme thirst, peeing loads and losing weight if any sugary foods eaten. Blood sugar has recently become very high. Latest HbA1c is 82 from 52. I’ve had a couple of episodes of cold sweats, high heart rate and feeling like I might pass out, I would describe it as an out of body experience. Blood sugar after eating is in 20’s has been as high as 32. Doctors have put me on Gliclazide 40mg in a morning and 20mg at night, this is as well as the Victoza 1.2 in the afternoon. Have also said they are doing blood tests to see if the type 2 was in fact LADA. Blood sugars are still high after eating, about 20-22, then go down to 10/11 after 4-5 hours of no food. Any thoughts?
I have same symptoms as well


They said 4-6 weeks. I am nearly positive that I’m still type 2 but just not controlled very well in the last wee while. I’m going to try and get my BMI to 24 and see if that works. Currently at 27.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
They said 4-6 weeks. I am nearly positive that I’m still type 2 but just not controlled very well in the last wee while. I’m going to try and get my BMI to 24 and see if that works. Currently at 27.
I get high temp alot with type 2
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Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
Did they actually do the cpeptide and GAD tests when you posted in September? If so, hold on till the results come in. If not, push for those tests.

It's good that you can monitor for ketones in the meantime.

Good luck, and have some virtual hugs.