Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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I follow a healthy diet with low carbs. HbA1c April 74 July 56, cholesterol April 4.7 July 4.2 so don't feel i've been doing bad at all. When i say went off the rails just meant i wasn't monitoring my bloods. I take 2x500mg Metfromin and simvistatin daily.......maybe it's just time for a change in meds


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I follow a healthy diet with low carbs. HbA1c April 74 July 56, cholesterol April 4.7 July 4.2 so don't feel i've been doing bad at all. When i say went off the rails just meant i wasn't monitoring my bloods. I take 2x500mg Metfromin and simvistatin daily.......maybe it's just time for a change in meds

Do you keep a food diary?

I've been T2 since October 13, so a little longer than you. I still keep a full food diary, as I find it keeps me on track (no sneaky little additions, and I'm not saying you do that), and I can scan back through it if I feel something's amiss. That coupled with my testing log make up my management tool kit.

cold ethyl

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Get back to testing regularly and monitoring what you eat. Portion sizes are easily underestimated so keep a check on them and fill your plate with low carb items such as salad and green veg. Try upping any exercise you do- I find that doing just ten minutes about 30 minutes after eating makes my 2hr readings come in where I like them so it is worth trying.
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7.6 fasting
For some reason last night spiked from 7 to 14 and only had salad and eggs no dressings on salad


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A surprisingly low 4.6 this morning, my lowest ever morning reading. And I ate nothing different yesterday than I do on many other days.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
I am getting worried about my bedtime and fasting levels. (and consequently my pre-lunch levels) because since mid July they are trending upwards slowly but surely, whilst meal spikes and pre-evening meals are continuing to trend downwards.

6.3 at bedtime last night (after a salmon salad with cheese and 6 cherry toms over 4 hours earlier)
6.0 this morning

You've probably been under more stress than you might think Bluetit, over your deliberations on statins in recent weeks, over the top of the hot weather earlier. There's clearly nothing fundamentally wrong because of your pre-dinner and spike control. I'm sure it will turn round.

5.7 here.
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gaz tred

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5.5 yesterday and today. In fact I have had no reading higher than 5.6 for weeks irrespective of preprandial or post eating or the food I have been eating. Lowest was 4.3 2 hours after eating a lunch of a strawberries and blueberries. Last night went to beefeater had the breaded mushrooms with BBQ sauce and a mixed grill (no chips) with breaded onion rings. 1 hour after eating I tested as I thought the BBQ sauce was rammed with sugar as it tasted so sickly and again 5.5.


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All this week it's been between 8.3 and 8.8 yet pre dinner has been 5.6 to 6.3 which is wonderful for me granted there's 6 hours between lunch and dinner. Have had very stressed week at work though so that won't have helped.

I went to bed last night on 8.8 but did have sugar free jelly and cream about 8pm so that might not have helped. Woke up this morning felt hot and was 8.4 it's that stupid liver thing. My liver must wake up at 4am I'm convinced and I'm not getting up that early.

Tried courgette lasagne last night, was quite nice have got 4 portions in the freezer so thats lunch at work sorted for a few days.


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Went to bed 5.5 - woke up 5.2 ; )
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5.2 this morning which is a new record low for me. Did I retest? Nope ;)

Although I've (nearly) always been careful to wash my hands before every test, I've started scrubbing them as well - that has led to one or two interesting improvements ... :oops:
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5.2 this morning which is a new record low for me. Did I retest? Nope ;)

Although I've (nearly) always been careful to wash my hands before every test, I've started scrubbing them as well - that has led to one or two interesting improvements ... :oops:

Funnily enough, I have started washing, rinsing, then washing and rinsing again, and always under a running tap. I had a thought just this morning that if my soap is a bit soft it may leave a residue, because I sometimes find bits under my nails. I will try scrubbing next time.

Rod - you may have hit that magic weight loss figure?
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Rod - you may have hit that magic weight loss figure?

Early days, but there may be something in it! Lost another 3 lb last week, and now lost 18% of my March weight. At this rate I'll have faded away completely by New Year 2017 ...
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Well-Known Member
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Funnily enough, I have started washing, rinsing, then washing and rinsing again, and always under a running tap. I had a thought just this morning that if my soap is a bit soft it may leave a residue,

You have about the softest water in the country up there don't you? Straight off the Millstone Grit.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Early days, but there may be something in it! Lost another 3 lb last week, and now lost 18% of my March weight. At this rate I'll have faded away completely by New Year 2017 ...

You are nearly there! I recommend you start planning a maintenance diet soon and don't leave it until you actually fade away. I have struggled to maintain, lost another 5lbs pounds, so I was glad I left myself a leeway.
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cold ethyl

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6.2 this morning. I say morning, but I have only just woken up. In my defence I was awake from 4 till 5.30 am with anxiety attack.


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4.5 this morning. I'm not enjoying this batch of strips because I don't necessarily believe what they are telling me. I know we're looking at trends (I can even hear myself say it!), but consistency is important. If I didn't have another 200 to get through, I'd consider getting others from a different batch and shelving those I have left. Irritating.

Today, I have been clearing out a few more clothes to go to the charity shop tomorrow. If I wasn't so nervous of having strangers to the house, I'd have an open house and let my fellow losers have a rummage through my wardrobes. But, after today there will be room for a bit more retail therapy, so it can't all be bad. I'm also having to look seriously at what I do have to wear in environments I haven't been in for several months. Over the next 10 days, I have a couple of business meetings, and I just don't have a suit that fits any more! I have acquired a lovely pair of fitted trousers I'll wear with an outrageously expensive fitted shirt, and toning jacket, so hopefully I'll get away with it. But, I should really do something about that. Hey ho.

Right. I'd best get back to it. I'm a bit disappointed that the butcher didn't have any baby back ribs yesterday, by the time I got there, so it'll be The Incredible Spice Men's Pulled Pork later today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/pulled_pork_with_66521. I won't give it 10 hours, as I'm cooking a small joint, and I want to eat today, but it'll get long enough.

The slow cooker ribs will have to wait for another day.

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Type 2's : What was your fasting blood glucose in a morn

Mine seems to be quite variable and I haven't yet managed to tie down the pattern. It's often in th 7.3-7.6 range, sometimes in the high 6s and very occassionally under 6.

I do have periods (usually about a week or so) when I've not been as good as usual and other periods where I've been particularly careful. My 2 hour readings vary as you would expect in this situation but my fasting level doesn't follow.

If I've been on holiday and less careful for a couple of weeks, it'll be in the mid 7s. It then seems to take 7 to 10 days of careful control before the fasting level comes down again, almost as if it's a longer term indicator. In contrast, the 2 hour reading comes down within a day or two. I haven't done enough measuring yet to be sure of this so it would be interesting to see if others have noticed the same thing.

Another possibility is that it comes down when I'm losing weight (I still have some way to go on this and have been a bit unmotivated recently) as, obviously, I don't lose any in these "careless" weeks, maybe even putting on a pound or two.

I try not to worry about it too much if the two hour readings are reasonable (below 7).


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I was diagnosed 3months ago, still testing every day, not on any meds yet. I am testing in 7s every morning..With all the comments, I am assuming I will need to go on meds A1C test this week...
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