Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Went to bed on 4.6. Normal average 5.3. It was red wine induced.
This morning 5.6.

I always get a big liver dump if I go to bed low. Clearly my liver doesn't like me in the 4's.
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Was just experimenting - I rarely eat that many carbs in a full day normally. Ive never seen 11.0 on my meter before. I had a little mini panic! I was delighted to see the 6.6 reading. That may mean my body responded with a good amount of insulin....
If you have been low carbing then when first introducing carbs back into diet it takes three days to get used to them again. During these transition days you would get higher spikes.
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7.7 this morning.

Woke up feeling much better than yesterday.... That horrible cough medicine is definitely helping me sleep through the night lol
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Another 4.1 for me this morning. Last night was our usual Saturday Indian, which is our only packaged meal of the week. We tend to buy one of the big supermarket's ready packed versions, with rice, naan and onion bhaji in the bag, even though we never finish it. Yesterday they only had the variant, with additional Bombay potatoes, and mini samosa, so we saved a couple of bits as contributions to a snack lunch during the week.

Before I was 3.7, and after 4.3, so I have to be happy with that. Although that revelation by someone on the Libre Freestyle thread of rice spiking at 5 hours still rings in my ears. Hey ho. There's only so much we can do.

Have a good day everyone.
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Another 4.1..... Although that revelation by someone on the Libre Freestyle thread of rice spiking at 5 hours still rings in my ears. Hey ho. There's only so much we can do.

Have a good day everyone.
Great fasting figures :)

Dont know abt you but I'm not going 5hrs without food to test that one out ;-). Going to have wheat grain wth my curry tonight tho most often have brown rice. Just having it as a change while I remembered to soak it last nite. I've wondered wth others how they know some foods will spike them plus 6hrs etc. I guess I've not been testing long enough to have built up my own "database" of known spikers
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Another 4.1 for me this morning. Last night was our usual Saturday Indian, which is our only packaged meal of the week. We tend to buy one of the big supermarket's ready packed versions, with rice, naan and onion bhaji in the bag, even though we never finish it. Yesterday they only had the variant, with additional Bombay potatoes, and mini samosa, so we saved a couple of bits as contributions to a snack lunch during the week.

Before I was 3.7, and after 4.3, so I have to be happy with that. Although that revelation by someone on the Libre Freestyle thread of rice spiking at 5 hours still rings in my ears. Hey ho. There's only so much we can do.

Have a good day everyone.
I bet that rice is going to get there. Around.... Now ! :hungover:
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6.1 this morning. Urine test completed, now off for the blood tests.
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Gidday Neil :)

I'm one of those people who can't tolerate (or who'd prefer not to) anything other than a hot breakfast. Cereals are out for obvious reasons, not that I ever ate them.

I go to bed with good figures as my pre and post dinner numbers are really good. Haven't gone above 8 yet (testing over 2 months) and most of the time in the 6 range.

When I test around midnite, it's usually in the 5s. It's the damned jump in the morning. I REALLY want to stay within a range (be it Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) of under 8.0 no matter what and no matter the time i test.

It's got to the point that I'll compromise what I eat regardless of the time of day to keep in line. Doesn't bother me as long as the numbers are controlled. I'm determined and single minded about it and with our heat today (35C) I might just have a loaded salad tomorrow.

Cheers mate


Hi Mike,
Going to bed soon and not been about all day, 'your night'. Thanks for the reply.

It's quite the reverse for me, before being diagnosed it was usually a cereal or Toast breakfast, some sweet & also some savory. I was on a Low Fat Diet. So now have gone LC sort of HF where in the past I looked forward to Egg & Bacon, now when I am sort of forced on occasions to have it, I struggle.
Cannot get used to the high fat. Can eat fish anytime. Sardines on one slice of wholemeal for breakfast, and also had a small portion of Haddock & poached egg. That I find OK. I struggle with the berries & Yogurt.

Some of it is in my mind the fact I cannot have what I fancy, its very frustrating, and so is the number counting.

My number for the mornings are generally low at 5.1, but I had some post meal spikes of up to 11.3 which is frightening.

Good luck with your numbers.
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Well-Known Member
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Bit high this morning. 6.2, but last night consisted of some late night snacking. The doctor also commented that my morning fasting numbers may rise after stopping my Metformin. Had some free time this afternoon, made a short trip to one of our larger local parks. (-24C, with a -34 Wind Chill) Needless to say, didn't take my gloves much, just enough to snap a few pictures.



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