Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Well-Known Member
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Don't have morning readings, couldn't find my strips, but a respectable 4.7 after lunch.

Now it's time to take my youngest to a sleepover and my wife and another daughter for an early dinner.

Have fun all, back later.
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Don't have morning readings, couldn't find my strips, but a respectable 4.7 after lunch.

Now it's time to take my youngest to a sleepover and my wife and another daughter for an early dinner.

Have fun all, back later.
Enjoy :)


before bed 6.1
Fasting 5.9
Before breakfast 5.6
porridge of rolled oats mixed with a muesli style cereal using soya milk
After breakfast 6.5
Before dinner 6.4 (but after cake 20g carbs)
Mushroom & cheese omelette & salad
after dinner 5.1
Before tea 5.9
cauliflower & cheese sauce
After tea - to be tested........
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Are both of those sugarfree? Tend not to use cough meds myself tho, none work for me..... Just Olbas oil at night on tissue by the bed
Well the one I have is sugar and alcohol free. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever smelt or tasted and it looks like glue. It's called 'broncho stop' made with thyme herb extract and marshmallow root extract... It's done wonders for my cough and saw throat but I seem to have lost my normal voice and now talk like a squeaky toy....now I need a stiff drink to take these taste away lol
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Well the one I have is sugar and alcohol free. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever smelt or tasted and it looks like glue. It's called 'broncho stop' made with thyme herb extract and marshmallow root extract... It's done wonders for my cough and saw throat but I seem to have lost my normal voice and now talk like a squeaky toy....now I need a stiff drink to take these taste away lol
But of helium mixed in wth it? ;)
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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idiots who will not learn
6.1 this morning so praying ti doesn't jump above 7.0 in one hour ... dumping the bacon and eggs and trying chicken stir fry and see what that does.
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How is windy brisbane. ? Sister-in-law lives just outside Ipswich. Used to be in calounda. Love the place.
I was in West End when the storm hit, man it was ferocious! Took me 3 hours to get home and I drove.

I live near Ipswich, so maybe we are not far.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning so praying ti doesn't jump above 7.0 in one hour ... dumping the bacon and eggs and trying chicken stir fry and see what that does.
Hi Mike, I find bacon can sometimes make we a bit higher in the mornings, more like makes me stay higher, but if I have a plain 2 egg cheese omelette cooked in the microwave I am often lower at 2 hours.

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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
6.1 I slept in and now wonder whether I can start the urine test today.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning so praying ti doesn't jump above 7.0 in one hour ... dumping the bacon and eggs and trying chicken stir fry and see what that does.

Hi Mike, do you really want chicken stir fry on morning. I find I can enjoy all the different breakfast with the restriction we have, but I sometimes feels as though I just want to eat anything.I cannot see how the chicken stir fry will make the difference but it will be interesting to see.
I personally would be looking at what you had eaten previously and what the figures are when you hit the sack. Its the first figure of the day you are trying to sort so I would look backwards rather than to forward to your breakfast.
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hi Mike, I find bacon can sometimes make we a bit higher in the mornings, more like makes me stay higher, but if I have a plain 2 egg cheese omelette cooked in the microwave I am often lower at 2 hours.


Yep, thanks Anne :)

I think it does make me jump ... and certainly at hour # 1. Today the chicken (with minimal bacon) saw the rise between fasting and 2 hours @ 1.3 (6.1 to 7.4) so tomorrow, I'll just keep it to the scrambled with cheese and spinach and mushrooms.

The rest of the day all the readings are good :)

Take care

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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Just woke up. Sugars a very round 5,0 mmol.

Enjoy your Sunday

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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hi Mike, do you really want chicken stir fry on morning. I find I can enjoy all the different breakfast with the restriction we have, but I sometimes feels as though I just want to eat anything.I cannot see how the chicken stir fry will make the difference but it will be interesting to see.
I personally would be looking at what you had eaten previously and what the figures are when you hit the sack. Its the first figure of the day you are trying to sort so I would look backwards rather than to forward to your breakfast.

Gidday Neil :)

I'm one of those people who can't tolerate (or who'd prefer not to) anything other than a hot breakfast. Cereals are out for obvious reasons, not that I ever ate them.

I go to bed with good figures as my pre and post dinner numbers are really good. Haven't gone above 8 yet (testing over 2 months) and most of the time in the 6 range.

When I test around midnite, it's usually in the 5s. It's the damned jump in the morning. I REALLY want to stay within a range (be it Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) of under 8.0 no matter what and no matter the time i test.

It's got to the point that I'll compromise what I eat regardless of the time of day to keep in line. Doesn't bother me as long as the numbers are controlled. I'm determined and single minded about it and with our heat today (35C) I might just have a loaded salad tomorrow.

Cheers mate

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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning so praying ti doesn't jump above 7.0 in one hour ... dumping the bacon and eggs and trying chicken stir fry and see what that does.

Hi Mike

Are you saying that you are waking up counts will increase after an hour irrespective of whether you have breakfast or not?

Does the jump/liver dump still take place if you have breakfast soon after waking up?

Have you experimented with having a small nighttime snack ( say glass of milk or small bit of cheese or similar) either before going to bed or when you get up at night, if you do? If you increase your nighttime glucose level then your liver may decide that you have sufficient glucose in your blood and not dump more at dawn.


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