Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Type of diabetes
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Pasha, your numbers are always impressive and given your last comment about weighing out your food, could you give a little summary of what you eat? Cheers, Hj

This may give you some idea,


100 grams of spinach [steamed]
1 poached egg
15 grams of EVOO
36 grams of ground flax + boiling water
50 grams of cottage cheese.


24 grams of protein for eg 80 grams of chicken breast
100 grams of tomatoe
100 grams celery
100 grams lettuce
50 grams radish
50 grams of avocado
35 grams of red bell pepper
56 grams of green olives
28 grams of pecorino cheese
25 grams EVOO

Small early evening meal,

1 poached egg
165 grams lettuce,steamed
35 grams green olives
80 grams celery
14 grams almonds
28 grams pecan nuts
15 grams of EVOO.

No snacks during the day.

Drinks, coffee with cardamon, hibiscus tea,mint tea,decaf coffee....
Fluids intake is greater than 2 litre per day.

Hope that this may help you a bit.

EVOO= extra virgin olive oil.

This represents about 1680 calories
Exercise ca 1hour six times a week on a treadmill. Enough for 71 Y.O male with CVD .

************************** the protein content of the above has been reduced to 63 grams/ day so that the present composition is now 5% carbohydrates 15% proteins 80% fats/oils .
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Tottenham and High BS scores
Did you ear the bun too: rolleyes ::((
Yep the lot went down....but wont be repeating....trial and error certainly tasted good!

But it did take 4 hours to get BS back down..../slaps wrist and learns
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Diet only
This may give you some idea,
It will. Many thanks for taking the time.
I think you start the day better than I do, lunch again more than I do... my evening meal is probably heavier in protein (meat).. might be re-configuring mealtime.
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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5.2 yesterday morning and 5.0 this morning. Not too bad considering I am away and eating hotel food so haven't got my normal choices.

Are you still taking Metformin, Maxwell?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yep the lot went down....but wont be repeating....trial and error certainly tasted good!

But it did take 4 hours to get BS back down..../slaps wrist and learns
What worries me is that good advice is given about avoiding carbs like bread etc, but hey you are doing it to yourself ,bs's over 5.5 for any period will have detrimental results :(
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only

Well looks like everybody is full of the joys of spring today - long may it last.

Was expecting a higher reading today as steak supper and huge amount of acceptable veg and salads (butter fried garlic mushrooms), tomato onion feta basil vinegar olive oil salad, sauerkraut, aspagus, huge green salad, a bucket load of green goddess sauce and an extremely large glass of red wine in my special 'I'm only having 1 glass of wine' glass. Anyhow haven't had a glass of vino for a month and it's the last one til April 12. Very enjoyable it was to but sent me nuts (raided the nut store walnuts, almonds and shared to last bit of peanut butter with the dog).

Or to cut a long story short more carbs than I've had for a while but lower reading. 4.5 on the Richter scale. That's about as low as I want to go.

So I have a problem, don't get me wrong it is a nice problem to have but I am looking for some advice.....

Aim keep bloods at that level but not go any lower or above 20g of carbs and not reduce exercise regime and still continue to loose weight. All suggestions greatfully received.


May I ask why you don't want to og any lower than 4.5?

My take is that I want to emulate non-diabetic levels. Non-diabetics can often be below these numbers, but never know it, because they don't test. If your profile is up to date, and you aren't taking any meds, provided you have found a way of eating you enjoy, shouldn't you just be seeing where your number settle (provided you feel well enough)? Eating your numbers up just doesn't make sense to me.

I consistently run what others would call "low". I just call them my readings - provided I feel OK.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Tottenham and High BS scores
What worries me is that good advice is given about avoiding carbs like bread etc, but hey you are doing it to yourself ,bs's over 5.5 for any period will have detrimental results :(
I'm not ignoring advice neither am I attempting to go carb free.

I'm aiming to take it below 5.5 even though GP is happy at under 7

Considering I started the week at 13.2 on waking I'm happy with the progress made so far...6.1 pre lunch and 6.9 two hours after

At this rate I will need sugar supplements by next weekend!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I'm not ignoring advice neither am I attempting to go carb free.

I'm aiming to take it below 5.5 even though GP is happy at under 7

Considering I started the week at 13.2 on waking I'm happy with the progress made so far...6.1 pre lunch and 6.9 two hours after

At this rate I will need sugar supplements by next weekend!
Happy for you keep it up::))
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Not a good one this morning - 7.4 mmol / L from a pre-bed 5.7 mmol / L :(
Combination of bed the wrong side of midnight, reduced sleep hours, and extra carbs to test effect.
Won't be repeating that test! LOL
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
What worries me is that good advice is given about avoiding carbs like bread etc, but hey you are doing it to yourself ,bs's over 5.5 for any period will have detrimental results :(
Clive I'm a little concerned that you may be giving the impression that a BS of 5.5 is detrimental when it is, in fact, within the non-diabetic range and I feel that it may unnecessarily worry people who are new and coming to terms with Diabetes. Many on here are already stressed re what they can and cannot eat, information overload etc and telling them that, even if they do get down to normal levels, it may still be harmful may stress them further for no reason.
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'Scuse me for being ignorant but what is nut butter?
I've got several diff ones tho am sure most of you will have had peanut butter? Have got cashew nb, pistachio nb, hazelnut b wth cinnamon and hazelnut b wth chocolate......not to be confused wth choc hazelnut spread.... Hth....get them from seller on eBay
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6.0 a little high for me, but have had little sleep the last 2 days so hopefully things will get in line once I can get more than 2 hours sleep per night.

Have a beautiful day everyone.
Feel for you, lack.of sleep is awful....:( know from experience alas....
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