Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
I understand you on the wanting to know what works and what doesn't in case you end up in the situation where you eat high carb foods or go hungry. Christmas meal I went to had meaty options wth the vegetarian dish being high carb pasta. I chose fish not being fully vegetarian (still eat meat sometimes too tho most often prefer not to) but it would be nice if eating out places offered low carb options and low sugar these days. Had pear in mulled wine wth cream for desert that day. I know you don't low carb and would've chosen the exercise option after but that's not an option for me. We do what works for ourselves and that's important :) think your wife mayb worried abt you doing too much tho - or missing your company indoors :D
:) Thanks SJ. Bedtime was 5.1 after further exercise but 6.2 this morning ... which is down to the chocolate and the cream .... and what I was expecting to be honest. One more thing confirmed I guess

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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Mike, I want to slap you for taking yourself of the bp meds (mind you, you might enjoy it). My brother in laws sister did just this in early December and two weeks later had a massive heart attack. She has now had to have a triple heart bypass. You need to be very careful with heart medication.
OK ... message received :) I'll go back on them
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
OK, Mike. Sit down and listen to your Auntie AndBreathe.

Please try to find a way of cutting yourself some slack.

Advice taken once again ..... I'll just set myself some realistic goals without overdoing it :) Thanks Aunty :)


P.S. Back on the olmetec for BP but definitely want to stop the statins and see if it improves overall stiffness and odd pains
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
OK ... message received :) I'll go back on them
Just go the doctor Mike. It worries me that he put you on a stronger dose, this would suggest he had reasons for doing it. The other thing is your readings are really good. I can eat the same thing everyday and mine will vary every day. We have to learn to live with our diabetes and that includes being able to have variations in our foods and chocolate and cream now and again. You have been consistently dropping for ages. You are doing an amazing job, lighten up on yourself (on you not your carbs).

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
6.5 this morning..... but I must confess I had a small ice cream sandwich last night... <sigh>..... can't wait for the holidays to be over and the sinful food to be gone!

Ventured outside again with my camera for a few minutes this afternoon. -23C, and with soapy water solution on my hands, I didn't last long.... Sharper picture than yesterday. Overnight low last night was -28C. Warmer temps on the way.... lows are expected in the high teens over the next week or so.


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
6.5 this morning, I ate far too many cashews yesterday afternoon, but they were good. It meant that my bs was higher before dinner last night, but they came down to 5.8 after dinner.
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Just go the doctor Mike. It worries me that he put you on a stronger dose, this would suggest he had reasons for doing it. The other thing is your readings are really good. I can eat the same thing everyday and mine will vary every day. We have to learn to live with our diabetes and that includes being able to have variations in our foods and chocolate and cream now and again. You have been consistently dropping for ages. You are doing an amazing job, lighten up on yourself (on you not your carbs).

I'll talk to him about it Anne. The previous tablets (olmetec) weren't bringing down my BP all that much .... and I've generally been around 145 even when I had an angiogram 10 years back .... which BTW was all clear on that front. I waver between around 145 and 160 and he's trying to get me back down, hence the new olmetec PLUS tablet. To make you feel a little more at ease, I just took one resuming after 4 days not taking them. Thanks for caring and everyone else as well :)


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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Try and relax a bit. You might find that your BP improves with some simple relaxation techniques. I am imagining that you mentioned yoga?
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hi Cold ethyl :)

Yep, all good here ..... I know that 6.2 is down to what I ate last nite .... too much cream and maybe one small square of dark chocolate too many. I'm doing a LOT of stretching at the moment as I'm tired of shaking fingers in the morning that bother me no end. They all disappear after about 10 minutes and I reckon that's due to some genera;l nerve tightness in the back and legs that I can't put down to T2 :)
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
7.6 this morning, don't know why it's so high in the mornings but it is always high.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6,4 this morning.

High but I know why.

Enjoy New Year's Eve and best wishes for the New Year!

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Well-Known Member
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6.6 this morning after a rough night. Had asthma attack at 3 am and have struggled to get back to sleep:-(. Thanks for your lovely messages guys:). @Stable Jan you did mention sterappease but asthma nurse says not to use it because of other meds i am on.
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