@Jomar I may have issues with my pancreas. I have been suffering crippling bouts of pain in my upper right and middle abdomen. I am unable to tolerate fats or very likely metabolism them as I suffer from nausea and bouts steatorrhea after eating them. I also had some bad hypos for several years, sometimes in the low 2’s. I did increase my carbs, initially just before bed, which stopped the dreaded night time fasting hypos. I have since upped my carbs due to not being able to tolerate the fats as I am into fitness. Since upping my carbs they have become fewer. My Dr suggested I had brittle diabetes. I’m not sure if there is a connection. Yours could be Reactive Hypoglycaemia, mine wasn’t. I only say that because low carbs and fasting did not alleviate the hypos.
It’s not my gall bladder, which is just fine. My Dr is slowly ticking off the possibilities.
My liver is healthy, no fatty liver disease. I was put on Proton pump inhibitors, which I have been on a few times in my life due to peptic ulcer disease. I was tested for the gut bacteria helio pylori which was again negative. Over the years this is the fourth time I have been tested for H. Pylori . They tested me after I started the PPI’s so I‘m guessing I will be tested again. I did ask the Dr if the PPI’s would affect the H Pylori test, I know it would, but she said no. The Interesting this is the PPI’s allowed me to eat some fats again - full fat Greek yoghurt, but now I have stopped them, I’m back to not eating fats. PPI’s are great, but extended use is known to cause diabetes and other related disorders when your stomach has a higher PH.
So that was a bit long, some of it related some not, I guess I’m bringing it all up because I had unexplained serious hypos.
ed to add brittle and link
It is still debated whether prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) might affect metabolic health. To investigate the relationship between prolonged use of PPIs and the risk of developing diabetes. We performed a case-control study nested ...