very fatigue - collapse


Type of diabetes
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Diet only

Went to my yearly review today and asked a few questions as i've read it on here that it could be linked to diabetes.

however just recently been feeling very fatigued and lethargy to point that I feel like collapsing. tried vitamins. But I asked her could it be due to the diabetes and she said not at my current hba1c which was 53

is that true?


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Hiya, did she suggest anything else it could be caused by? I'm pretty much having the same problems feeling so exhausted can barely get out of bed some days :( it doesn't seem to be reflected particularly in my bg readings of late.

I've just had a full blood works done and all it picked up was borderline levels of vitamin D.

If I were you I'd insist on getting things looked at by your doctor, things that come to mind are iron levels, thyroid, vitamin D and b12 also ask them to dipstick your urine for any infections as they can make you feel poorly.

Hope you get it sorted soon :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
thanks for your reply

No she didn't offer any other suggestion other than its a catch up from my seizures but its never like this as ive had a break from them and only had one Saturday.

I just cant function.

my bloods were ok in late march but am gonna go see doctor I think.
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There are several physical causes of fatigue
  1. High blood sugar
  2. Vitamin D deficiency
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
  4. Iron deficiency anaemia
  5. Underactive Thyroid
  6. Depression.
  7. Stress
  8. Sleep Apnea
Your HbA1c is a little high, so any improvements in that could improve the tiredness. Otherwise get investigated for the rest.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Diet only
I've been recently started to feel very fatigue and lethargic. Always want to sleep my blood pressure is low can't do anything. Feeling like collapsing.. Went to check my blood sugar level after I ate one small bowl if soup and TNT bread or was 8,6. Is it low or high. Before breakfast it's 4.8


Hello, do go back and see your gp , diabetic illness can cause extra tiredness though whatever the level ...

B12 iron thyroid are just a few things which could be tested .

Side effects to medications may be causing you problems .....

Such a lot to get checked out ....

You could make a list of your symptoms to give to your gp, explain how concerned you are and that the problem is recorded on your medical records.
Keep trying to get an answer .....I suffer awful fatigue, I love my awake days , but the tired days they are a nightmare......
There are several physical causes of fatigue
  1. High blood sugar
  2. Vitamin D deficiency
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
  4. Iron deficiency anaemia
  5. Underactive Thyroid
  6. Depression.
  7. Stress
  8. Sleep Apnea
Your HbA1c is a little high, so any improvements in that could improve the tiredness. Otherwise get investigated for the rest.
these are all good suggestions should see a gp and maybe take a list of all your concerns to make sure you are heard.
You also mentioned to the point of collapsing , this should be taken seriously , as the cause could be anything to check,this out further
My heart goes out to you, I suffer from iron and b12 problems and the fatigue is really awful .....keep trying to get your problem investigated...
There may of course not be a solution , and it maybe something you have to get used to .....goals and limits can be set and achieved, and never feel guilty about feeling so tired ...


Fatigue can be quite vague to a doc or nurse for a week write down what you do and how energetic you feel at several points during the day and show them this information. show them it's not just life style or normal up and downs. I get a lot of fatigue myself some due to diabetes and some from iron issues at one point I was sleeping a good 15-17 hours a day and as a lived a lone at the time did not realise.

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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thanks everyone. I have a few other sudden unexplained things going on. So going to make an apt with my gp. Its helped a bit with vitamins etc.

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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Just something I thought you might consider, you said you had epilepsy. Maybe your meds and the fact your diabetic are combining together to zap you. Meds like Epilim and Tegretol (Carbamazepine) are notorious for making you feel zonked out, maybe you should ask your GP to check your blood plasma levels of your meds. Hope you find this helpful !


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Eddie. Ive been on the same epilepsy drugs for 5 years. But i have pelvic pain, unexplained bruising and the extreme fatigue so i think something else going on. Also weight loss which is gd thing in a way.

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Just wondering if you got any answers in the end to your tiredness? Are you feeling any better? :)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I didn't get much chance to sort it out as my seizures increased tenfold and are still bad so wondering whether it was a pre curser to that. when I was in resus at hospital my bloods were checked and all fine. obviously they don't check vitamins or anything.

Once I get my seizures back to normality I will keep monitoring it and go from there.

Although I have re started metformin but now metformin SR for my PCOS and that has helped with my pelvic pain etc so that could have helped too.



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Aww sorry to hear you've not had a good time of it lately, at least they checked your blood s.

Was reading up on vitamin deficiencies and apparently metformin can cause vit b12 deficiency over time, also some anti convulsants can create deficiency or longer term side effect conditions, so u might want to look up the ones you're on, might give you a clue to what's going on :)


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Interestingly from the boots webmd site, vit b 12, deficiency can cause fatigue, lightheadness,bruising easily, stomach upset and weight loss, rapid heartbeat and breathing.
But yes heart problems can cause those too, I had an ecg last week as have been feeling unwell, tired, dizzy and my pulse is consistently over 110. :/ doctors response - your heartrate is fast. End of conversation :banghead: