

Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I weighed everything to begin with, just to get an idea of what an amount of food looked like. I do still weigh sometimes. I also carb count via myfitnesspal I don't want to go over 50g carbs per day. I too have lost weight successfully. I also ensure I don't exceed my calorie allowance for the day.
This is my personal strategy and I understand it won't work for everyone.

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This is exactly my strategy too, except I have about 70 to 75g carbs.

staying positive

Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
When was your last test? As it averages levels over the previous 2 to 3 months there is little point in having a test at less than 3 month intervals, although I've just had one after only 2 months (almost to the day) but that was a **** up by the Practice that I was happy to comply with! In fact, I've now had 5 since 2nd January. My GP seems to dish them out like Statins. Lol.

Make sure you get cholesterol tested at your next HbA1c - ring up and make sure this has been ordered, and fast beforehand as this is more accurate for cholesterol (not necessary for HbA1c)

There is no such thing as nil carbs. Most food contains carbs, even lettuce! I don't like porridge so can't help you on that one.
last and only test so far was 10 weeks ago// dont know what it was except high and put on 4 x 500 metaformin told to reduce weight to limit carbs and to avoid butter etc as high cal not cholesterol as such-the next one is now due.I only just acquired a meter as nothing was said and didnt hear from Desmond nurses.I did this for 9 1/2 weeks so far and have lost maybe 3 1/2 lbs a week and have about 18 to go.Am not good at measuring and need to see GP again to get the confidence up about it as she knows me. This is how i began doing the Newcastle Diet with exercise reducing to 600 or less cals a day as was following GPs advice tho she may have said low carb and not v low carb.Then the bloody chemist brought it up as was collecting meds lol and was hooked. Have been trying to find out the effects of 1) exercise within the Newcastle framework and indeed driving and 2) whether there is any serious evidence that LCHF lowers cholesterol as claimed by dietdoctor where inho the experiments he supervised in public health in Canada are telling


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
thanks peacetrain/bluetit et al you have helped a lot....and ive learnt a lot most recently yes more fats but good fats like olive oil....i just wish i had my cholesterol levels but they werent tested.However i have seen that many people on LCHF have had real improvements with cholesterol .....
Due another HBAIC in 2 weeks, doctor wont bring it forward/tried.Must be NHS rules now.
To combat severe tiredness i am taking rest-days from exercise,increasing fats by 300 cals, and taking B12 supplements, seeing GP Weds......so thanks for your help.Know anything about cholesterol claims actually lowered by LC and would LC as you mean it involve ending smallish porridge made with water.I do see some people eat no carbs at all and are lower that v low carb-its nil carbs
Have you had your vitimin d level checked?
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staying positive

Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
dont think theres a problem here as take a daily vitamin eat mackerel and get lots of sunlight when walking- thing is ive maybe gone too hard and not eaten enough fats-in fact no fats at all except tiny bit in the odd egg for weeks-this was medical advice but i suspect doctor said low carb not very low carb .I now eat smallish porridge and a slice of bread a day which is why i asked you so as to see if you allowed yourself any carbs.I may replace these carbs with fats if i had cholesterol readings which i dont.This is also why have been seeking info on LCHF cholesterol as many online but not here i believe say theirs have improved but am not sure if theres recorded medical evidence of this as such