"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


Retired Moderator
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I'll keep my fingers crossed for pathology confirming all is well @shelley262 .

Today I first visited an Aldi to buy sweets. This idiot diabetic has a car stuffed to the brim with things I likely won't even need but goes on holiday with only 6 small pieces of licorice to treat hypos left in the bag. :bag:

I slept with a small bottle of Southern Comfort next to my bed just in case, it's the only other sweet stuff I have with me.

Not sure if I was relieved or disappointed I didn't need it. :hilarious:

Off to Frinton beach for a fun swim in the waves! :joyful:


And then a wonderful 'brunch' (2 pm) at Keto Bite.
First time having chaffles, which turn out to be very good when hot!

I shared my table with two lovely ladies who were about to be turned away because the restaurant was full. I had a table with room for 4 so I invited them to share the table.


The rain only started when I got back to my tent so I spent the rest of the afternoon listening to the rain in my cozy tent.

No awning so no cooking (unless I'd wanted to make soup, which I didn't).

No problem, I had a cold chicken leg my aunt provided, it was taken with me straight from the freezer yesterday morning so still fine. Chicory and hummus as well.

I also bought a piece of low carb carrot cake to eat for dessert, but it's still in my car so I may or may not retrieve it tonight.

Packing up my tent and moving on tomorrow!


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Had some lc crispbread with my lamb's offal terrine for breakfast. Very pleasant. Cold still rampaging and I've cancelled my appointment tomorrow for flu and Covid jabs - probably wouldn't let me in even wearing a mask.

Still some of the fish with curry sauce from yesterday to use up for 2nd meal, if I can bring myself to fancy food later on.

Teas and coffees are the order of the day, with some very watered down apple juice for taking pills with.
Sorry to hear you're still feeling just as rough @Annb. It's a bit early in the year for colds and coughs, but there's a lot of it going around here.

The masks have started to appear again too, although whether those are intended to protect us from their nasties, or shield them from ours, I couldn't say.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Quick update husband has now had the skin cancer removal operation on his neck - happened on Sunday. We are so impressed with NHS. I sent a photo of the unhealing sore on his neck to his GP only four weeks ago and he was in to see dermatology plastic surgeon that week! Four weeks on he's now recovering from his surgery. Surgeon expressed optimism that he had removed the cancerous cells but we can't celebrate until pathology confirm it. So good though to have had the operation so quickly.
We have three friends who have developed malignant tumours in the last 12 months @shelley262. I'm pleased to say all were treated promptly. In this area, everyhthing seems to be in place to treat serious cases without delay.

OTOH, heaven help you if you're on the waiting list for routine surgery like a hip replacement or hernia repair!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Can't compete with rutting deer, resolved cancers and keto restaurants!

A much more boring day of errands, a funeral, a guest and a catch up with a friend. All interspersed with bits of cheese grabbed here and there and not much else.
My day was remarkably similar to yours @MrsA2 except we did manage to eat well.


Well-Known Member
Alistair told me today that he woke up hearing a moaning kind of sound and thought it might be Hugo, but Hugo was laying asleep and silent so it wasn't him. He looked outside and saw that there were several stags surrounding the house - must have jumped the fence to get in. Deer are usually pretty quiet - maybe the rut is approaching, I don't know. No fights going on, so maybe not. He went back to bed and they were gone by morning.
Wow! What a sight to behold. We have a lot of Muntjac round here.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Luckily muntjac don't have a rut - they breed all year round - but they can be really aggressive if they think they are cornered, and can do a lot of damage with those long tusks of theirs.


Well-Known Member
I am taking my friend to hospital next week for skin cancer removal after a very short wait. My granddaughter has Covid so we can only Facetime. I've got my Diabetic Revue on the 29th so I'll find out what my HBA1c is. My son and daughter-in-law are coming from America for a fortnight's stay. My Irish granddaughter is coming up from London for the weeken next week. It's all go isn't it? but I'd not have it any other way. I haven't seen my son since last Christmas so I can't wait. @shelley262 , glad your husband is in the mend. @Antje77, you are very brave going into that sea!!


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DIL and Em are stuck on the mainland until this evening. They went away on Saturday to take Banksie to his new home in Elgin but, because his new owner needed him to get to Elgin early, they went on the early morning freight ferry, which has a few spaces for intrepid travellers. They changed the normal passenger ferry tickets for freight ferry ones and all went well, until they came back to Ullapool to get the Sunday morning ferry home. Then they discovered that Calmac had assumed they didn't want their return booking either and there was no room for them. The next booking they could get was for Tuesday evening so with 2 days to wile away, they went to visit Em's big brother.

The car is DIL's new(ish) electric vehicle. Tuesday afternoon, still miles away from Ullapool is no time to discover that just about every recharging point on the route is broken. They missed the ferry, of course. DIL realised that they couldn't make it in time, so phoned her son and asked him to book the next sailing (this morning). No luck. No spaces. He got them tickets for this evening's sailing. They are in Ullapool for the day but, other than a half decent chippy, there's little to occupy them for a whole day.

Em has missed 3 days of school, which she didn't want to do. DIL has had to call off 2 days of work as a classroom assistant, Alistair has been working non-stop to try to keep the laundry afloat (sinking in a sea of laundry). All for the sake of getting Banksie to his new home.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
The ones we have here are red deer. Odd that it appeared to have been all stags together - no females.
Outside the rut, they run in bachelor herds and females-with-young groups, apart from the old stags, which tend to be solitary or team up with one other male. Round about now, the stags start establishing territories, then as the females come into oestrus, the stags fight constantly between themselves to maintain those territories. They lose a lot of weight built up over the summer as they barely eat or sleep. By the end of the rut, they are very lean and exhausted. This applies to fallow deer too, but not roe, which don't herd but stay in family groups.

Apologies for offtopic but thought some of us might find it interesting.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Outside the rut, they run in bachelor herds and females-with-young groups, apart from the old stags, which tend to be solitary or team up with one other male. Round about now, the stags start establishing territories, then as the females come into oestrus, the stags fight constantly between themselves to maintain those territories. They lose a lot of weight built up over the summer as they barely eat or sleep. By the end of the rut, they are very lean and exhausted. This applies to fallow deer too, but not roe, which don't herd but stay in family groups.

Apologies for offtopic but thought some of us might find it interesting.
It is interesting.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Apologies for offtopic but thought some of us might find it interesting.
It is interesting.
And nothing off topic about it either.
This thread was started to share whatever we'd like to but off topic in the main What have you eaten today thread.

I love random information on about everything!

I had an amazing day, will tell you about it later, I'm just winding down from the day now after having found a new camping place and putting up my tent. :joyful:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A boring , inside day today.
Fasted this morning as had much indigestion after eating something sugary very late last night
Lunch was scrambled eggs with bacon and mushrooms and peppers in
Dinner was chicken cooked in the slow cooker on a bed of cabbage and bacon. Yoghurt with 2 chopped brazils and 1 sq dark chocolate.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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You tease!!! It's now later...
But typing on my phone is such a hassle...
Let me see if google translate can do the lazy job for me with my facebook post...

Nope, I gave it a try and I can't post it. Apart from the easy to correct translation misses, the rhythm and flow are all wrong.

Very short version: Got lucky with the rain and managed to pack up my tent in between showers.
Another swim in Frinton before driving an hour to meet @Grant_Vicat , who I spent a very enjoyable afternoon with.
I even got to play with the church organ, no matter that I don't even play the piano, which was amazing!

Didn't find my camping (likely did something wrong on google maps) but I did find another one just before dark. :joyful:

Very much looking forward to meeting you towards the end of my holiday too!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The ones we have here are red deer. Odd that it appeared to have been all stags together - no females.
Red deer are a native species @Annb whereas muntjac were introduced to the UK from China. The latter's strongholds are mainly in south east England where they breed all year and, as mentioned above, they can do a lot of damage to our trees.