Protein with lots of fat is satiating. For me, pork belly, duck or salmon/trout/mackerel works fine.
If constipated and eating lots of eggs, cut down a little on the eggs or put some Olive Oil on them.
Protein with lots of fat is satiating. For me, pork belly, duck or salmon/trout/mackerel works fine.
If constipated and eating lots of eggs, cut down a little on the eggs or put some Olive Oil on them.
I’ve been exploring/ tasting different brands of keto bars to use as a snack and add fibre.
Nakd- too sweet for me ; keto collective- very chewy and too much upsets my gut; Neoh- small and sweet; Kind thins are delicious… the normal size ones have more nuts which hurt my teeth; Perkier-are nutty but not too hard and don’t raise my glucose too much but they have some weird ingredients.
I cut cheese into small cubes which helps with hunger but not fibre. I’ve seen peeps talking about using a spoonful of chia seeds stirred into yogurt.
Best wishes
Feeling hungry? Eat more protein and/or fats at mealtimes. Avoid snacking in between
Constipation? 1 -3 tablespoon of milled seeds (any kind) in plain yoghurt works for me. 3 could be a bit drastic so split over 3 times a day until you get results then ease back on the amounts
Feeling hungry? Eat more protein and/or fats at mealtimes. Avoid snacking in between
Constipation? 1 -3 tablespoon of milled seeds (any kind) in plain yoghurt works for me. 3 could be a bit drastic so split over 3 times a day until you get results then ease back on the amounts