What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I glanced at the pack of Choc & orange Hot X Buns and one bun is the amount of carbs I aim to eat in a day! No way! Thats more than two whole bars of Lindt 90!
I absolutely agree - no way would I eat a hot cross bun - much rather the lindt 90. I can only eat 2 squares at one time but in the past would easily have eaten 2 hot cross buns. Husband bought the hot x buns and he has just eaten 2 - one wasn't enough!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, may you all ( but not politicians ) have a great day of rest and relaxation while stuck on Britain's new car parks called motorways.

A surprising 7.5 greeted me this morning so I drowned the little blighter in koffy hehehe.
Today I shall continue my quest to complete some outstanding woodworking projects while not naked sunbathing, but if you feel the need feel free. Enjoy your day avoid the media.
My mates chaos and mayhem are orf to the coast today, they were muttering about buckets and spades. You have been warned.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I would like to say ‘good mornin folks’ but all I can muster at this time of day is ‘good afternoon folks’.
Just how, exactly, do logs sleep? In my attempt to find out last night I fell into a delayed jet lagged coma and did not wake until 1130. The little mocking wheel of wonderment, laughs and surprises seemed to be awake all night though. On questioning about the log thing it just, like the raven, said ‘nevermore’- or was it 5.4 - something like that.

Off for a walk and some hunter gathering at Morrisons after I finish my java. Might watch a film later and catch up on my book - far too many vehicles hanging around in queues today to venture out into loony land.

Have a wonderful day if you can, force yourself out under the big yellow ball of hotness and brush yourself with chip fat if you can’t.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I would like to say ‘good mornin folks’ but all I can muster at this time of day is ‘good afternoon folks’.
Just how, exactly, do logs sleep? In my attempt to find out last night I fell into a delayed jet lagged coma and did not wake until 1130. .

According to my parents, when I was little, I didn't understand how logs slept either. So I would say, "I slept like a dog."

Last night I slept more like a cat. Nap, wake, change positions, nap, wake, etc.

But hey. 5.3 on the meter this morning. It's almost worth the cat-nap night's "sleep."

Rainy again, and 6 degrees this morning. April showers may bring flowers; they certainly bring on cat-naps.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
Well Saturday eh? Woke to 5.2 and after a morning off tennis , well 2 sets, its now 4.9 . Time for Brunch! Wishing all a great break if you can get one!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning folks, not just good, beautiful, 4.8 on the testing dice which is too good to be right but also too good to do another test.
Have a fabbo day all you lovely people, I don't know what my day will involve but I'm sure I will be told soon enough.
get 'em while they're hot.....bask in the glory of a 4.8 I say!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I attended the DESMOND course with a friend who would fit into the group who had been badly advised, she was on ever increasing amounts of insulin, has horrific complications, when her sugars kept rising her surgery brought in a 'trouble shooter' who did nothing except increase her insulin...when we arrived at the course to our dismay the 'trouble shooter' was one of the facilitators...after a morning with her & her colleague I understood why my friend was so misguided in her approach to her diabetes management...the first question we were asked was 'what type of diabetes do you have'...we all tentatively said 'um type 2' we were rewarded with a 'good give yourself a pat on the back' since it was a course specifically designed for T2's it wasn't a difficult question to answer...from then on it got worse...finally after we asked a couple of questions like ' do you recommend a low carb good fat diet' the facilitators felt we were too advanced for the course.

well masters creating disasters... it is so depressing how many people who will die from these official kinds of bad advice:(:(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...up early so have to make the most of it...try & get 'Plumpy' out for an early walk he suffers in the hot weather...so a quick coffee then off to the park before the full sun arrives....of course not before coffee...woke to a 6.5