What's happening now!!!


Active Member
It's now just over a year since I was diagnosed - all was going well BUT now things starting to go a bit strange!!
Feeling really tired again with no energy and today had a hypo of 3.2 followed 2 hours later by a hyper 14.1. My wife also thinks I'm starting to look a bit yellow!! (whats that all about).
I don't know whether this is connected or not but the skin on my face is really dry and flaky - so I've had to give in and start using moisturiser!!!!
I've now just made the appointment for the annual check for fasting bloods to see what the HBA1C is like now.
Is it all downhill from now?

Thanks for reading!!


Sounds like you're falling apart Andy..

but seriously, a swing from 3.2 to 14.1 is quite a jump. Did you eat something to correct the hypo and overdo it?

If you're turning yellow then you should see the doc. Could be nothing but you should certainly get it checked out. Dry skin is quite common as a result (I think) of a lack of nutirents, perhaps oils, in your diet. I had a problem with this a while ago and took flax seed capsules and it went away. Nothing wrong with moisturiser by the way.

Not downhill no - but perhaps a little bit of uphill work to get yourself back on an even keel.