When to go to hospital. Latest blood reading 32.5


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’m type 1 and was told 21 meant hospitalisation. Really hope you’re feeling ok.
Some of us seem able to tolerate high sugars without making many ketones. So if you had 21 and no ketones then you'd treat yourself at home with a bolus dose and try and work out what caused the spike. If you get ketoacidosis then you will feel very ill and need treatment at hospital to rehydrate you whilst your blood sugars normalise and because it is a dangerous state for your body to be in.
Personally I 've gone to HI (over 32) and felt rough but normal ketones but when I'd had a nasty infection I went into full ketoacidosis which was horrible!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
A week after getting my first pump my cannula came out overnight, and I woke up feeling very ill with blood sugar reading HI and quite high ketones, but managed to get normal blood sugars back without going into hospital thankfully. It was a steep learning curve, but I'm convinced it was the pump that saved me from going into hospital (whilst recognising it was the pump that caused the issue in the first place!!), and also that I hadn't got an underlying illness that was causing the high levels.
We're all different, and I think it depends what causes the very high blood sugars in the first place, whether you're confident in treating them yourself, if your blood sugar and ketone levels start reducing, etc, etc.
If my high levels hadn't started responding to treatment at home, then I'd have got medical help as appropriate of course.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’m type 1 and my glucose levels are up and down like a yo yo. I am going to have the Libra soon and I will then be able to try out sugar surfing which will hopefully put an end to the very low and very high glucose readings. I just have to wait until I can have a face to face consultation which will probably nit be until there is a massive downturn in Covid numbers.
Hi, what is sugar surfing?