It's an interesting
Apart from hints of a big bill, the EU have not said what they want either.
I think they've been pretty open about what they want.
1. Agree the terms of the break up - see these
two documents for an immense amount of detail on that, and a very clear
approach as to how negotiations will take place from an EU perspective, and what needs to be agreed before any further negotiation proceedings can take place.
2. Further agreement on anything else is dependent on progression of these items being far enough along for a reasonable conclusion to be reached. And those two documents looking at Citizen's Rights and the Bill are extremely detailed.
That's what the EU wants. Anything else that the EU might consider, or more, that the UK wants, i.e. Trade, Open Skies, Origination of Goods, Financial Passporting, etc, are contingent on agreement of the above. That's a pretty clear opening gambit.
Starting by saying you are prepared to accept whatever they offer is not going to end well.
Saying that you will accept the worse possible deal, when it is clearly known and the impacts can be calculated gives absolutely no incentive to come to a deal either. Unlike selling your car, which you can always keep, should the garage give you an offer you don't like and not come to an agreement, leaving on the worst terms means that you leave in a pretty grim state with a rather large "Treaty Deficit" that you have to start all over again with. And that stands for relations to both the EU and the Rest of the World.
And any fun with the Citizen's Rights in the UK statements is a bit of a red herring. The UK has a lot of citizens in EU countries that are in the same bucket as EU citizens here, meaning that we have as much skin in that game as the EU does. So if we walk away with no deal, well, yes, they have to be repatriated as illegal immigrants (something that I don't think our parliament would agree to uphold, btw) and all other European countries, most of which have a far greater requirement to register locally when moving from abroad, can do exactly the same thing.