I don't use social media myself, apart from this excellent forum of course. My daughters tell me that apart from abuse there was also a lot of false information on Twitter and Facebook that could have influenced the voting. As an example I noticed several people on here who seem to have been convinced the Tories would privatise the NHS as soon as they were re-elected.
That is not false information - it is true. Just ask Richard Branson how many contracts Virgin Care has recently been awarded? Don't forget, private companies are only in it to make a profit - profit which
should be being spent on patient care and services instead of being salted away in an overseas tax haven. IT IS
US! And have a look at this -
I want the NHS but everytime the subject is raised it is hushed by that "we do not discuss politics and religion" cliche usually by people expressing the most right wing of views.

. Pre election How many times do you see discussion about the NHS closed down by the rather odd statment "it would be electoral suicide"given the laws that actually have been passed without debate. The same goes for other topics. I do not want hunting with dogs to be legal or OK with the authorities who currently turn a blind eye to it. Not even for rats which is the animal species that creeps me out the most and seems to be one of the most protected. I despair at peoples capacity for self delusion, ability to discern facts from marketing cliche and inability to question what they see and hear. Even when they know £millions have been spent on placing advertising and false memories.
Well unfortunately, I won't be hushed. And the more people that refuse to be browbeaten, the more chance of the truth getting out there and being understood. The ferocious villification of Jeremy and Diane by the rabid right-wing press was an absolute own goal. Enough people saw through the lies to tip the balance against the pedlars of smear and untruth. Enough people now realise that what they read in the papers is simply propaganda, pure and simple. Hopefully, enough people will stop buying trash like the Stun and the Daily Heil to inflict real hurt the owners of those organs. So it's important to get out there and talk to people. Only in this way can ordinary people stand up to the vested interests that are currently running the show.