Why Cutting Carbs From Your Diet Is A Bad Move


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Do be careful - this debate could get as heated as Brexit if we're not vigilant. The substance of the article is basically what a lot of medical people hold, and its good to have a look at things from the 'other side' from time to time. It must have taken a huge leap of faith for the first few diabetics to launch themselves in to low carb, and it would take some time and a great deal of research before it became accepted.
Please don't squabble about it.
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The Doughnuts made me feel sick

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Kevin do you live in a measured. manor ?


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Unkind people, failure to take personal responsibility.
Kevin do you live in a measured. manor ?

Fairly, my wife would say I'm extremely focused leaning to selective obsession. But extremely laid back and relaxed about things I am not passionate about, hence the "measured":)

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@KevinPotts I agree I appreciate you picking out the gems I don't get time to pluck through.
I have no complaints but just be mindful I saw your post on the front page of the diabetes.co.uk website listing the new replys to threads. Yours was one of them.
This is the first impression of diabetes.co.uk.
I think they pop up on facebook too.

Maybe our new posts need vetting before going live like other website forums?
I'm not sure.
I know @KevinPotts thread was posted in good intentions.

Maybe us 'oldies' need a section for oldies debates. Or is that not the discussions section?
Me personally, I'd prefer to see @KevinPotts ' s thread, than not.
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@KevinPotts I agree I appreciate you picking out the gems I don't get time to pluck through.
I have no complaints but just be mindful I saw your post on the front page of the diabetes.co.uk website listing the new replys to threads. Yours was one of them.
This is the first impression of diabetes.co.uk.
I think they pop up on facebook too.

Maybe our new posts need vetting before going live like other website forums?
I'm not sure.
I know @KevinPotts thread was posted in good intentions.

Maybe us 'oldies' need a section for oldies debates. Or is that not the discussions section?
Me personally, I'd prefer to see @KevinPotts ' s thread, than not.
Perhaps we should voluntarily title our new threads with our opinion, such as "Another misinformed article by a supposed expert" so that no-one misunderstands the motives behind the posts?


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Current American Presidents.
I'm sooooo glad you posted this when you did. We get the news about a day later down here, than the rest of Britain, so I only read the story today. I thought " that'll make an interesting topic/stir a few people up". Then I saw your title. Dodged a bullet there, I reckon.
By the way, anyone know what happened in the referendum?
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Posting something that goes against what the forum guidelines advocate is possibly misleading to newly diagnosed members. It should clearly be stated that the person posting it finds it counter productive. There are members here who oppose forum guidelines and go out of their way to say so. I find it misleading and I wonder why anyone not in agreement with the forum guidelines are members? It isn't enough to state it is freedom of speech. I didn't find Kevin's post to be misleading but I can see where the moderator is coming from but are ALL of the moderators thinking the same way?

Do we have guidelines somewhere?


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If we only read what we like. We would become unrealistic and bias.
Thanks @KevinPotts .
I'm looking forward to your next find. :)
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I'm sooooo glad you posted this when you did. We get the news about a day later down here, than the rest of Britain, so I only read the story today. I thought " that'll make an interesting topic/stir a few people up". Then I saw your title. Dodged a bullet there, I reckon.
By the way, anyone know what happened in the referendum?
Referendum? Do you really want to go there? We are a bit busy with a civil war at the moment. :eek:
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If we only read what we like. We would become unrealistic and bias.
Thanks @KevinPotts .
I'm looking forward to your next find. :)

Only believing what we think as acceptable to be published is a very dangerous thing.
I prefer to have my views challenged, and seek to question, rather than seek to be accepted.
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UKIP, royalty, football, gin, goat's cheese.
I'm not really interested in opinions like this, they're 10 a penny from self-appointed 'experts' like this guy. I would be very interested to read any new evidence - studies, experiments etc. Either for or against LCHF or not - evidence is evidence - it's worth looking it to see if the headline is actually to do with the research - in the case of the Daily Mail, which is one of the worst science-reporting newspapers, it's rarely so, they just look for the most sensationalist bit and sex it up a bit, plus they're on a mission to classify every compound as 'cancer-forming' or 'cancer-preventing'. Famously, they've had headlines claiming coffee was both at different times:

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Unkind people, failure to take personal responsibility.
Being slightly more cautious about raising my head above the parapet, I am referencing this controversial book review link within this thread:)

I can already sense those considering whether to load their 50 cal ammo, but whilst on the face of it I don't agree with the premise of the book, I'm going to buy it, as I have always been open to strong countervailing arguments.

I'll let you know what I think once I've fully digested it (forgive the pun):)

Book Review - The Starch Solution


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Or he is open minded and researches articles he comes across, but then gets wound up by the idiots and needs to share the angst?
Indeed, though my comment was actually intended as tongue in cheek But one thing I was taught long ago is to "consider the source" - one of the most important things I ever learned, which to me when I remember to do so means avoiding wasting my time and getting het up by rejecting the liable to be misinformed ones. Though I will accept that sometimes being aware of misinformation can provide a suitable weapon to refute it.

However if people are newly diagnosed, confused and floundering, seeing such subject headings on a post may be all they need to dissuade them from attempting a very suitable diet that does work for many of us - without then necessarily reading Kevin's post any further or carefully enough to see his caveat. In that situation it's very easy to take such articles at face value, particularly if you know nothing about the subject in question.



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UKIP, royalty, football, gin, goat's cheese.
Being slightly more cautious about raising my head above the parapet, I am referencing this controversial book review link within this thread:)

I can already sense those considering whether to load their 50 cal ammo, but whilst on the face of it I don't agree with the premise of the book, I'm going to buy it, as I have always been open to strong countervailing arguments.

I'll let you know what I think once I've fully digested it (forgive the pun):)

Book Review - The Starch Solution


That link is blocked by my work firewall - which usually means there are phishing like links, or banned things.

However, just a brief look at the author's biog is enough to convince me not to read it. Doctors who come up with a whole diet/lifestyle plan overnight without a LOT of research to back it up aren't ones I can be bothered to read. he's done a few, but with not brilliant overwhelming results and one at least was published in an alternative medicine journal so doesn't count. That's not how science moves on, that's how the individuals make money. Glory, fame and cash aren't the goals I want my doctors to have at the foremost of their minds.


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Unkind people, failure to take personal responsibility.
That link is blocked by my work firewall - which usually means there are phishing like links, or banned things.

However, just a brief look at the author's biog is enough to convince me not to read it. Doctors who come up with a whole diet/lifestyle plan overnight without a LOT of research to back it up aren't ones I can be bothered to read. he's done a few, but with not brilliant overwhelming results and one at least was published in an alternative medicine journal so doesn't count. That's not how science moves on, that's how the individuals make money. Glory, fame and cash aren't the goals I want my doctors to have at the foremost of their minds.

Haha... I thought you'd be weighing in pretty quickly...great stuff:)

Try this link if you dare:)

Book Review - The Starch Solution - Think Wilder https://apple.news/Awv0_diyaQIu8hJyHvMojOA

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It clearly isn't written from or aimed at a diabetic point of view.
Exactly so why would we take any notice of it. For those not diabetic or overweight why would they want to cut their carbs


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Unkind people, failure to take personal responsibility.
Exactly so why would we take any notice of it. For those not diabetic or overweight why would they want to cut their carbs

I agree, but having only been diagnosed less than 3 months ago, I want to learn as much as I can and I'm interested in the so called "science" elements within this book.

One thing I have learned in my 54 years on planet earth is that Opinion succumbs when tested by pressure, whereas Conviction becomes stronger, so I relish this little excursion into the bowels of "evil"...

Hopefully, I'll return more convinced than ever that LCHF is the Sacrosanct solution....at least for me:)

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