Worried about mother, Type 2.

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I am a DSoD - Darling Son of Diabetic - and I'm worried.

My mum has had T2 for about 25 years, so all my life and more. I don't remember her ever being diet-controlled, but I remember when I was younger she would sometimes give me her medicine box and all the packets and I knew exactly which pills went in which day. The little pink rice-grain-shaped rosiglitazone was my favourite, because my elder sister is called Rosie and I always laughed at the idea of a 'Rosie Glitter Zone'!

I can't remember how long ago she started on insulin but I know it has increased recently. She went for her routine eye exam a few months ago and she came back with a diagnosis of Diabetic Maculopathy. It came as a bit of a shock to me, because she has always been immaculate with her meds. She has always had good glycaemic control and she doesn't slack off even on holidays or special occasions.

But her vision is clearly getting worse. I come downstairs to the TV zoomed, and she struggles to read even quite decent-sized text on, well, anything.

She's having some other problems, too. Things like pain in her side so sudden and severe that she just doubles up, or weakness in her arms and hands, or tremors in her hands, or really bad fatigue.

I sometimes feel like she's going to fade away because even with perfect control she is getting complications and she can't do anything about them...

Sorry that's a lot but yeah, I just want to know what's going to happen I suppose.


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Treatment type
Hi. Does your Mother have any excess weight/ When you say she has good blood sugar control do you know what her last Hba1C was or if not her typical meter readings 2 hours after a meal? What meds is she now on?
Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Yep but she's lost quite a bit. I don't know about her HbA1Cs really but I think the last one was around 8 (I don't know the units) and her BG from what I recall is about 11 mmol/L after meals but I might be wrong.
Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
It runs down my mum's side of the family..I'm lucky, my BG is almost always exactly 5.8 mmol/L!
Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
But then quite a few things run in my family. T2 Diabetes, mental illness, hypertension and Ehler's Danlos on my mum's side, and rheumatoid disorders and cancer on my dad's side...hooray for genes (!)