Diabetes UK & Tesco


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I think as Tesco do so much to raise money for diabetes a few banners in front of chocolate does not matter Most diabetics would not take it that Tesco are encouraging diabetics or anyone else to eat chocolate but will see it asTesco intends it to be for fund raising so that can only be good and we should be pleased they are doing it not criticize them
As Sid Bonkers said only using low carb stuff as prizes etc would just not have the same impact on the public but chocolate yes that makes people look
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Whoever mentioned that the prizes should be low carb foodstuffs ? :rolleyes: There are other, non edible therefore neutral prizes that can be offered :)

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I think a lot of you need to take a reality check and accept that Tesco have done an incredible job in raising a huge sum of money for Diabetes UK that is being spent to benefit all diabetics, and regarding a raffle with a prise of chocy biscuits whats the problem with that are they only supposed to raffle things that low carbers eat, yeah they'd really sell a lot of tickets wouldnt they? Most people would prefer to win a treat than a packet of something that s good for them.

Personally I dont care how they raise money and continue to do so, some people on here need to take a step back and realise its not just about them.

@Sid Bonkers , who needs to step back ? Me? someone else? others ? it has nothing what so ever to do with low carbing, it does not need to be mentioned.:eek: Also I am not a type 2 diabetic, but I feel the marketing is wrong in this instant and I will still stand by that. That is why I emailed Tesco fundraising awareness charity.
Vouchers for an hours swimming, table tennis,badminton, Ice skating, a bouquet of flowers of your choice within a price range, 1/2 hour in the Gym, cuddly toys (donated by other companies), book voucher, clothes voucher as many stores sell some lovely clothing, free beverages for two at one of their cafe's, the list could go on..........................................:) I mean Tesco make enough (or did) profits :rolleyes:

RRB :)
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Whoever mentioned that the prizes should be low carb foodstuffs ? :rolleyes: There are other, non edible therefore neutral prizes that can be offered :)

I voiced my concerns regarding this as well, no need for it whatsoever :(
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I think a lot of you need to take a reality check and accept that Tesco have done an incredible job in raising a huge sum of money for Diabetes UK that is being spent to benefit all diabetics, and regarding a raffle with a prise of chocy biscuits whats the problem with that are they only supposed to raffle things that low carbers eat, yeah they'd really sell a lot of tickets wouldnt they? Most people would prefer to win a treat than a packet of something that s good for them.

Personally I dont care how they raise money and continue to do so, some people on here need to take a step back and realise its not just about them.
Well said Sid


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@Robinredbreast I disagree with what you say and I will defend to the death your right to say it! Actually, both our views are tenable and reflect different facets of the same problem.
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I think as Tesco do so much to raise money for diabetes a few banners in front of chocolate does not matter Most diabetics would not take it that Tesco are encouraging diabetics or anyone else to eat chocolate but will see it asTesco intends it to be for fund raising so that can only be good and we should be pleased they are doing it not criticize them
As Sid Bonkers said only using low carb stuff as prizes etc would just not have the same impact on the public but chocolate yes that makes people look

Who has said anything about only using low carb products? this thread isn't about 'low carbing' it's about fundraising.
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And I have just seen the above pictures in my FaceBook , circulated as humour. So clearly the general population does have more knowledge about diabetes than we may think, and the irony in the pictures is understood.

That's not really the message Tesco and DiabetesUK, really want to get across, I would have thought :rolleyes:


Regarding the statistics that TYPE 2 is actually of epidemic proportions, I would of thought other 'prizes 'would of been more suitable ?
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If you are going to sell raffle tickets,you have to offer what people want to win.
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That's true, but six large Easter eggs and some small ones too? Who would want to win that? Children maybe. Would an adult really want that prize? It wouldn't have tempted me to buy a ticket even before I was diabetic - and I'm one of those fat type 2's who 'ate their way to diabetes.'
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I think as Tesco do so much to raise money for diabetes a few banners in front of chocolate does not matter Most diabetics would not take it that Tesco are encouraging diabetics or anyone else to eat chocolate but will see it asTesco intends it to be for fund raising so that can only be good and we should be pleased they are doing it not criticize them
As Sid Bonkers said only using low carb stuff as prizes etc would just not have the same impact on the public but chocolate yes that makes people look

I don't see one person in this thread criticising Tesco for fundraising for diabetes. Only that the presentation could be better.

Annie I've re read the thread, and again, see no one mentioning low carb alternative prizes .
In fact, the raffle prize pictured here is against the advice given by DiabetesUK themselves . I doubt that chocolate would make people look, it's hardly a rarity these days , and with Easter coming up, I would imagine many people would tune out because of desensitisation ;):D

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I think a lot of you need to take a reality check and accept that Tesco have done an incredible job in raising a huge sum of money for Diabetes UK that is being spent to benefit all diabetics, and regarding a raffle with a prise of chocy biscuits whats the problem with that are they only supposed to raffle things that low carbers eat, yeah they'd really sell a lot of tickets wouldnt they? Most people would prefer to win a treat than a packet of something that s good for them.

Personally I dont care how they raise money and continue to do so, some people on here need to take a step back and realise its not just about them.
Only you can turn a Tesco charity thread into a low carb battle. I think we all applaud there money raised by Tesco but were less than happy with their unfortunate choice of display. As RRB has suggested, there were so many other eye catching prizes that could have been given out. I don't think anyone meant to offer butter & eggs as a raffle prize.
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That's odd - I don't remember starting a thread in "Diabetes Soapbox - Have Your Say", but that's ok if it was moved.

Interesting comments so far.

I think both schools of thought have some validity: it's laudable that Tesco is raising funds and awareness with respect to type 2 diabetes, but perhaps the execution needs some tweeking.

Obviously Tesco is in the business of selling and don't really care if it's highly processed and full of chemicals or if it's organic. Some public philanthropy buys them some good will and good publicity and maybe they genuinely want to give back to the community. However, they should probably have more awareness of type 2 diabetes than they appear to have based on the displays if they want to appear to be more sincere in their campaign.

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Here is response from Diabetes UK. (Does anybody know what store it is?)

Response below...

As part of our charity partnership with Tesco and the British Heart Foundation the staff at Tesco stores around the UK put in a lot of hard work and goodwill fundraising towards the work of Diabetes UK, and this picture appears to depict a raffle or a prize as part of that fundraising. Unfortunately it seems that in this instance the store staff have chosen to use for branding purposes banners that were part of our 'Reduce Your Risk' campaign, which is certainly sending out mixed messages and is clearly not how Diabetes UK would want to spread this important message.

As there are 2568 stores in the UK, Diabetes UK is not able to check the fundraising activity in all these stores, however if you could let us know at which store this photograph was taken and when it was taken we will contact the Community Champion for this store and discuss more appropriate branding for future fundraising activity.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and please accept our apologies for any upset or concern that this may have caused.

Yours Sincerely
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Perhaps in the future Tesco will amend the way they present raffles etc and fund raising etc to be more sensitively arranged.
It needs people to say that other alternatives and better choices could have been made, only be raising this as an issue will people take note.

Just need to know what store this was though...
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As I said on another thread our Tesco has a tombola table set up yesterday it was full of all kinds of booze as prizes this afternoon I saw them remove what booze was left and be replaced with a few chocolate bunnies but mostly colouring books & crayons and lots of other little trinkets that kids would enjoy
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Perhaps in the future Tesco will amend the way they present raffles etc and fund raising etc to be more sensitively arranged.
It needs people to say that other alternatives and better choices could have been made, only be raising this as an issue will people take note.

Just need to know what store this was though...

Did that DD, twice :)
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Perhaps in the future Tesco will amend the way they present raffles etc and fund raising etc to be more sensitively arranged.
It needs people to say that other alternatives and better choices could have been made, only be raising this as an issue will people take note.

Just need to know what store this was though...
look how much free advertising they got...they are loving their PC error and have done it before and will do it again. there were similar pictures a few months ago
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