Type 2 Life


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Type 2
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Diet only
No. Just got told keeping good control is only one part of diabetes management. I should get my weight off by hook or by crook.
I was close to being an anorexic in my teens so off the cuff remarks aren't very helpful. I'm now how I can lose weight extremely. Common sense tells me to not panic or do anything hasty but they're panicking me to lose weight.
Poor you. Everything I have ever read about weightloss suggests that, in order to lose weight and then keep it off you need to lose slowly. Extreme dieting rarely works long-term.

It doesn't sound as though your medical team are acknowledging what you have achieved. I think you've done really well ith your blood sugar control, you should be proud of yourself.
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Type 2
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Diet only
@ickihun sorry to hear you had a bad appointment, hoping they can sort it - you always seem to be doing so well (and are an inspiration for newbies like me), thinking of you :)

My BG was 6.4 today, been too slack recently. Did have friends to supper and cooked LCHF last night and they all loved it. But I drank too much red wine :(
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Aggression, violence, bad language, class-riddenness.
Good Morning,

My Blood Sugar this morning, a little while after I took my Lixisenatide injection and metformin and my meds for my BPD and a few microwave-baked jacket potatoes was 6.5. Had an awesome night's sleep due to the depot injection the nurse gave me yesterday for psychotic ideation in my BPD. She also checked my feet and there's no sign of diabetic neuropathy so I'm grateful 4 that. Have a lovely day my friends and rest assured I've been more mobile and had no flare ups with my back.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
7.2 this morning, it looks like after a 7 day run of being under 7.0 my liver has decided that in the last three days it wants to be back in the 7's in the morning.

**** it! Not doing anything differant and spent most of yesterday in the 5's with a Daily average of 5.8.

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Type 2
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My reading this morning was 9.8, not good but better than before. My diabetic nurse was pleased to tell me that my HBA1C has shown a marked decline since I was last tested - 7.5%. This still needs to go down, I know, but it looks like it's heading in the right direction. What have I changed? LCHF for the last couple of months. I must continue and see where it might take me.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Exercising lol
Morning all I'm shocked at my 7.2 this morning. Didn't have a good day yesterday and felt really down and sorry for myself, so I ended up binging on crisp and chocolate at 8.00pm last night. We all have those days I guess, gave myself a mental kick up the bottom so all good and back on track today. Off to work have a good day everyone.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
5.3 am, which after the amount of haddock I had last night... I asked my fish man to one haddock and he still managed to send two whales.. and I didn't manage to eat them all... but not good at not using good food... I will have to be firm with him. Have some cod in a tomato fennel sauce for tonight. Tuesdays and Wednesday I work late at work and am the only one in, so feel I can't go for an after dinner walk without issues of locking up and setting the alarm...

@ickihun going through another tough patch, sorry to read about your appointment and the outcomes, hope it gets better sooner.

@PenfoldAPD what is this "too much red wine" I read about, I never experienced this.... and what red wine was it.

@Lindy1706 livers, like trolleys, seem to have minds of their own set to try us, I hope yours gets with the program now. Your day numbers are looking Dandy.

Lovely morning in EC Scotland, can't decide if it is a swim or a long walk with son.

MiL taken into local big Hospital after a fall.. not looking to good.

Good day to all T2's.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
5.3 am, which after the amount of haddock I had last night... I asked my fish man to one haddock and he still managed to send two whales.. and I didn't manage to eat them all... but not good at not using good food... I will have to be firm with him. Have some cod in a tomato fennel sauce for tonight. Tuesdays and Wednesday I work late at work and am the only one in, so feel I can't go for an after dinner walk without issues of locking up and setting the alarm...

@ickihun going through another tough patch, sorry to read about your appointment and the outcomes, hope it gets better sooner.

@PenfoldAPD what is this "too much red wine" I read about, I never experienced this.... and what red wine was it.

@Lindy1706 livers, like trolleys, seem to have minds of their own set to try us, I hope yours gets with the program now. Your day numbers are looking Dandy.

Lovely morning in EC Scotland, can't decide if it is a swim or a long walk with son.

MiL taken into local big Hospital after a fall.. not looking to good.

Good day to all T2's.
I hope your MiL makes a good recovery.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning all I'm shocked at my 7.2 this morning. Didn't have a good day yesterday and felt really down and sorry for myself, so I ended up binging on crisp and chocolate at 8.00pm last night. We all have those days I guess, gave myself a mental kick up the bottom so all good and back on track today. Off to work have a good day everyone.
It may seem high to you but, despite being on lchf, and having (relatively) good day time nunbers, I am very rarely below 7 in the morning. In fact, if Id eaten chocolate and crisps the night before I dread to think what my morning reading would be - certainly a lot higher than 7.2!

Have a good day, and I'm sure your reading tomorrow morning will be lower (and if it is, I promise to try not to be jealous!).
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Had couple days very low 5's. & 6's during day, went to bed with 5.6 last night but got up to 6.7. Liver dump? 6.7 still within range. Lovely and sunny here. For those of you that suffer with back trouble I sympathise, I've suffered with disc back trouble and sciatica, arthritiss ect most of my life due to accidents, wear & tear due to my car accident at 4, sleeping on my back is agony, can't sleep on my side st all, I do hope you get well & get it sorted, I can't go into an MRI. I'm am clostrophbic, haveing my eyes done was a miracle I had panic attack when they covered my face at the second op, had to do op agsin recently, sleeping in tiny mud tunnels in the war made me clostrophic, hope you all get better soon, have good day everyone
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Prejudiced people (my son has learning difficulties) and not being able to find a job
Morning all, I think my liver has a grudge against me! I woke up to a very unexpected 7.5 this morning Mind you I'm getting plenty of exercise to bring it down - I'm getting weighed at the doctors this morning, going out with some friends for lunch and I've got my knitting group tonight! Phew!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
20/4/16. Hi Folks.:) Here's a bit of useless information - today 16 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2. And there's more, just found out last night I am going to be a Step-Granddad in October. (My 1st time):)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
20/4/16. Hi Folks.:) Here's a bit of useless information - today 16 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2. And there's more, just found out last night I am going to be a Step-Granddad in October. (My 1st time):)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Prejudiced people (my son has learning difficulties) and not being able to find a job
Congratulations @liam1955! It couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. I had some good news as well, I've lost half a pound and my blood pressure is 113/73 :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
Hello @Diamum5972 - Thank You, what a really nice comment :). I like your Blood Pressure reading and well done on your weight loss, every bit helps. Enjoy your Pub Lunch today:)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
20/4/16. Hi Folks.:) Here's a bit of useless information - today 16 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2. And there's more, just found out last night I am going to be a Step-Granddad in October. (My 1st time):)
William that's wonderful news. Very excited for you. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank You and how is @maureen5752 today?
I'm ok , had good bgs for 2 days then went up to 6.7 today but that's still good, gonna try making this flaxseed bread today & my own yoghurt, lovely and sunny here in suttoncoldfield. grandad! Great news! You don't sound old enough! You ok today? Hope so. Great day to you all


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@maureen5752 - That's a coincidence I was just looking at Yoghurt Makers on Amazon - thinking of buying one to make my own. Would be interested to hear how you make yoghurt? Is it a simple procedure? I really prefer just plain yoghurt myself don't like all these flavoured ones because of the sugar content. Step-Daughter & Hubby visited us last evening and gave us a scan photo, she is 14 -15 weeks and think? It may well be a Girl as she has had NO morning sickness at all. My partner is thrilled at being a Grandparent at 54 (55 in June). Yes thanks, I am good today.:)