Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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This week 4.9, 5.0 and 5.1 WOW WOW WOW!!
Previous night control of carbs def makes a difference for ,me!!
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Well, a nice steady 4.0 for me today. Having gone through a short period of erratically (slightly) raised numbers; the highest of which were impacting my 7 day averages, I seem to be back to my more usual 7 day averages. Phew. I've thought long and hard about this; more due to needing to understand than that an increase of 0.1 on my 7 day averages was freaking me out, and I think I may have had a little dose of enzyme lag.

Since Mr B has come home, I have been having a few more carbs, regularly, with my evening meal, and this may just be it. Of course, I may never really know, but that's where I've got to on it.

Mr B is away again for a few days, dealing with manly, “old boy” things, with a groupd of old friends, so I need to ensure I don't pare back and start the whole process all over again. I guess I might have fallen into the “trap” of not bothering to cook certain accompaniments with meals. You know the sort of thing. A modest portion of rice for one doesn't seem worth the effort when I could just have a bit more of the main event of a meal?

Anyway. I'd best get on with my day as I have quite a bit to still get done today, and I also want to write up my notes from yesterday's meeting with my GP, which went reassuringly well.

Play nicely, playmates, but wrap up warm. It's chilly out there!
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I think it's worth a discussion. I had a similar diagnosis level to you with immediate medication of 3 x 500g metformin. That was last November. Reduced to 2 then 1 by May. HbA1c 35 in May so came off altogether. I wanted to see if I could manage without. My annual test is next Friday so I'll let you know the outcome.
Well done you! :joyful: - getting your HbA1c down like that is great. Am sure your results will be good.

Reminds me, my last annual bloods picked up a high fasting bloods so got sent for HbA1c - don't know the results other than they were in the pre-diabetic range and I got sent on a course (by which time I'd learned more from Diabetes UK than I did on it but I digress) not been called for my normal annual bloods yet but the practice nurse said I'd be called back for HbA1c review in 9 months time - let's see, that's at lest 3 months overdue.......:confused: If I've not been called back by New Year I'll give them a hint for both.....
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Beef, Kale, Brocoli, sweet potatoe and a drizzle of gravy
How do you have your sweet potato? I tried it boiled once like normal spuds and wasn't at all keen :yuck: Maybe a different cooking method will be better - can eat parsnips in small quantities if roasted but they are sooo sweet - used in a casserole once and only the dog ate them...


Anyway. I'd best get on with my day as I have quite a bit to still get done today, and I also want to write up my notes from yesterday's meeting with my GP, which went reassuringly well.

Play nicely, playmates, but wrap up warm. It's chilly out there!

Well done on the 4 and great news that the GP appt went well :)
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How do you have your sweet potato? I tried it boiled once like normal spuds and wasn't at all keen :yuck: Maybe a different cooking method will be better - can eat parsnips in small quantities if roasted but they are sooo sweet - used in a casserole once and only the dog ate them...
boiled sweet potatoes and mashed with a bit of butter, roasted a sweet potatoe too, rest of veg was steamed
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boiled sweet potatoes and mashed with a bit of butter, roasted a sweet potatoe too, rest of veg was steamed
Thanks, will try them mashed - despite their name they ARE lower carbs/GI than normal spuds aren't they? Got a couple of books with carbs off eBay (That carbs & cals book wasn't for me - the pictures didn't help me) which are good but I really need to find something wiht GI figures too cos my lunch was highish carb but lentils and veggies and stuff (a dry mix) - will log the carbs and results though and see what happens


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5.6 this morning. Hope this downward trend continues.....wonder if it has anything to do with the onset of colder weather and my body has geared up to keep me warmer. Once I climatize to the winter maybe I'll see lower numbers????

Anyways, -23C this morning, with a wind chill of -32. Forecast is for 0C on the weekend.
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Frustrating isn't it how much we do not know about what influenced our levels. Yes, we know in broad terms about the effect of carbs or exercise or stress or illness but that is only in rough brush strokes not in terms of fine detail. Sometimes it seems that all we can do is do the right thing as we understand it and then trust to the Gods. And if it does not work then change our routine slightly and try again.

Are your before bed or after dinner counts lower than they have been thus precipitating a stronger liver dump at night?

Would eating slightly later help or hinder?


Very frustrating. I have just been posting on another thread about the Pizza Effect, whereby foods that have a very high fat content such as pizza can cause a delayed blood glucose spike. The fat in these foods slows the absorption of carbohydrates, which can result in normal levels two to three hours after eating and elevated blood glucose up to eight hours after. I am now beginning to think this is the reason because, in order not to lose more weight, I have increased my fats by adding cheese at lunch and dinner (never ate cheese at all before). My post meal levels are really improving, but maybe, just maybe, the extra fat is keeping them lower but causing havoc in the mornings?

We already eat dinner late, usually 7-30ish. My before bed readings average 5.3 and have done for a few months. Initially, and for a long time, I was generally flat overnight. Now I am 0.5mmol/l up in the mornings on average. I don't think it is a liver dump, I think it could be the cheese!
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5.4 this morning for me ..... I'm ok with that, would prefer a 5 or my 4.9 but that's just being too pedantic I guess:angelic:
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It's bad. Twice this week the morning reading has been 9.9. That's the highest morning reading I've ever had since ive been testing.
Some others on here have found that as their daily levels are improving their fasting is going out the window........ maybe there's someone you can compare notes with - see if there are any common factors?
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