Our girl shed ...



Sorry gang busy feeding the dogs. Just heard neighbour who complains about dogs barking trying to get kids to knock on door. One was virtually screaming, no, the dogs, no the dogs.....should let Rocks into front room before I came outside. Barked well loud enuf as it was. Think some thought it was Halloween yesterday. Found my bin down next doors drive and a piece of wood I'm still meaning to attach to gate actually wedged against it....
Here we are jam to protect us girls .. And boys :banghead: but no flying on them .. They are magic pets
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Sorry gang busy feeding the dogs. Just heard neighbour who complains about dogs barking trying to get kids to knock on door. One was virtually screaming, no, the dogs, no the dogs.....should let Rocks into front room before I came outside. Barked well loud enuf as it was. Think some thought it was Halloween yesterday. Found my bin down next doors drive and a piece of wood I'm still meaning to attach to gate actually wedged against it....
Neighbours !
Wish we all had nice neighbours .. Like when we were growing up ..
Yes lots thought is was Halloween yesterday ,,parties are a big thing it seems this year ..
My curtains are closed .. Don't think we will get any callers .. We didn't last year ....
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Neighbours !
Wish we all had nice neighbours .. Like when we were growing up ..
Yes lots thought is was Halloween yesterday ,,parties are a big thing it seems this year ..
My curtains are closed .. Don't think we will get any callers .. We didn't last year ....
Didn't shut curtains, forgot. Lot of voices....poor kiddy with bad cough. Hey up, Rocks on full voice.....he'll do that whether knocking or not if he sees them walk past. Next footfalls be on way to match
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Not the best picture as sun shining but here's the surreal tree. Was better b4 I chopped the top s to get more into bin


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Just popped into put some stuff in the cupboards, have dusted and cleaned through, everything all nice and tidy, who used the dvd player last? you forgot to turn it off, doh.
I see Jem has levelled the ground for the polly tunnel, and the lights look as if they will be putting on a good display.
All animals looking good, the egg lady has left some petty cash and I've put it in the tin, must order some more pig nuts will do that first thing tomorrow,
Well that's me done for the day, back tomorrow :happy:
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Just popped into put some stuff in the cupboards, have dusted and cleaned through, everything all nice and tidy, who used the dvd player last? you forgot to turn it off, doh.
I see Jem has levelled the ground for the polly tunnel, and the lights look as if they will be putting on a good display.
All animals looking good, the egg lady has left some petty cash and I've put it in the tin, must order some more pig nuts will do that first thing tomorrow,
Well that's me done for the day, back tomorrow :happy:
Crikey you have been busy, the dvd player must have been quite warm, nobody been over there in a while, you sure Jem wasn't using it to keep him company. What's going in the polytunnel? Good thing it's not already up this wind would pull it to shreds, thanks for the clean up, will try and pop over during the weekend
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Someone wanted peppers and something else, but they have to be grown under cover,, brain has gone on strike, Jem says he has his own dvd player so would doubt it was him, could have been Kat, he says someone was here over the weekend but he didn't see who, oh well never mind no harm done, player still working ok.
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Sorry Kat
And a little nibble for all ..
No visible table all I can see is about an inch of wood panel, we're not going to eat sat on the floor are we? Definately no table
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