Made some victories!


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Got my lab results back from last week and saw my DSN. :) Everything looks pretty good!
  • Lost 4kg since December (129kg to 124.5kg)
  • BP went down from 135/85 to 120/75 since November
  • A1C went from 7.5%/58 to 7.1%/54 since December
  • Kidney function values are perfect
  • Cholesterol total is 3.73, HDL a bit low at 0.95 but LDL okay at 2.46
  • Triglycerides at 1.06
  • ECG was normal
A1C is a bit higher than I'd like but considering it's from 2-3 months, and I've only been on insulin for 2 months and gotten my ratios and stuff worked out for 1 month or so, I'm already happy it dropped by that much. I fully expect to be around 6.5% or lower in June if things continue to go as they have been. :) They didn't inform me I had to have my urine checked last week so I didn't have any results on that, but we're taking care of that in June and we're going to check out my feet/legs then as well. I don't expect anything exciting.

Cholesterol is a bit tricky for me because of budget limitations and food choices, but I think it'll do for now especially since the rest is going so well! It's already improved from how it was before so maybe with small, gradual changes and making the best food choices I can when available will help out.

BP surprised me a bit, I had been at 135/85 or thereabouts for years with no change. I didn't really do anything in the past 2 months to change that other than go from gliclazide to insulin.

Either way, I'm super pleased and happy!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Well done @DaftThoughts - it's good to have some positive news, what you're doing is obviously working so keep on doing it ;)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Either way, I'm super pleased and happy!