Confused mum of young child


Hi, I am new to the site and just wanted to ask a question, my 4yr old daughter has had many symptoms of diabetes, she is drinking loads getting up through the night 5-6 times which is not normal for her, her nursery have mentioned how many times she visits the toilet there as well, she's gets bouts of trush. After getting up with her 7 times trough the night on Wednesday I decided enough was enough and took her to the docs, in case of infection I collected a urine sample bottle so had that already for afternoon appointment, my doctor who's lovely tested urine and it came up with glucose and protein in her wee, she made us an appointment for bloods at the hospital the next morning, and basically said there's no other reason for glucose in urine. I spent a worried night Thursday night googling constantly (there's where I found this site) Friday seemed to go on forever but eventually we got the phone call, bloods were fine? On one aspect I'm over the moon but on the other I'm totally confused, my doctor says she wants to do another urine next next week if that shows glucose again then sdsdhe think it will be treated as early signs of question is I suppose does glucose in urine but not in blood happen, can it mean early signs? Confused sorry x


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
You definitely did the right thing getting her checked out @Nicky1875

I'm going to tag some mums of Type 1s for you @Skye's_mummy @mahola @EmmaRW0811

I can't answer your question re the glucose in the urine, but I think it's very sensible to continue to monitor her in case it is early Type 1.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
As you probably know, the four signs of Type 1 are Thirsty, Toilet, Tired, Thinner.

Keep watching your daughter and if you have any cause for concern before she's due her test next week, do speak to a doctor. It might not be diabetes but if it is things can change very quickly, especially in young children, so don't be afraid of getting further advice if you think it's needed.

Wishing you and your daughter all the best.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Going to sound a little patronising but was the bottle washed out properly? All the symptoms are there, i can understand your confusion. I don't have any experience with urine samples as my daughter was only given blood tests. Like mentioned above any concerns then straight back to doctors or hospital. Hopefully the next tests will show something to give you some answers. Blood is always the most accurate was of measuring of illness. If you get really concerned then take her to a walk in centre and see if you can get some more tests done a bit quicker, or phone doctors and ask to be bumped up the list for a blood test. Message me if you want to ask anything at all, I'll try and help you the best I can. X
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Going to sound a little patronising but was the bottle washed out properly? All the symptoms are there, i can understand your confusion. I don't have any experience with urine samples as my daughter was only given blood tests. Like mentioned above any concerns then straight back to doctors or hospital. Hopefully the next tests will show something to give you some answers. Blood is always the most accurate was of measuring of illness. If you get really concerned then take her to a walk in centre and see if you can get some more tests done a bit quicker, or phone doctors and ask to be bumped up the list for a blood test. Message me if you want to ask anything at all, I'll try and help you the best I can. X
Hi thanks for replys, yes bottle was one I'd picked up from dotors in the morning in a sealed bag, it was the type for children so had the funnel thing and only opened when she went to the toilet. I suppose I was wondering if anyone else had experience with glucose in urine but bloods fine at the beginning x


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @Nicky1875 ,

I'm sticking my neck out with a therory here.?

How long have these syptoms manifested?
If the blood test was for an HbA1c? This indicates an average blood level over 3 months prior..
So... I'm thinking that if the syptoms & sugar count in urine is very recent? This could acount for the conflicting blood test result???

I'm only guessing...?
I sincerely hope it's a false alarm...
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Hi @Nicky1875 ,

I'm sticking my neck out with a therory here.?

How long have these syptoms manifested?
If the blood test was for an HbA1c? This indicates an average blood level over 3 months prior..
So... I'm thinking that if the syptoms & sugar count in urine is very recent? This could acount for the conflicting blood test result???

I'm only guessing...?
I sincerely hope it's a false alarm...
Yes it was a HbA1c test, she was fasted overnight then bloods taken first thing, the urine test was just taken and done on Thursday.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
So has anyone done a blood glucose test. Just a finger prick test?

I don't think you get glucose in your urine unless blood sugar is over 10. Blood sugar of over 11 is diagnostic of diabetes.

Lots of thirst, lots of weeing, weight loss, tiredness and thrush are symptoms of diabetes.

The hba1c isn't testing what her blood sugar is now, it's an average over the last 3 months. Type 1 isn't diagnosed by a hba1c test, it's diagnosed with a finger prick test, in fact the diagnostic criteria clearly say hba1c should not be used for diagnosis of children or anyone suspected of type 1 - - because type 1 is an acute onset condition, what was happening three months ago has nothing to do with what is happening now.

I'd be seeking a finger prick test. Hopefully it will confirm her blood sugar is normal. A bigger boots or Lloyds will probably do a finger prick test, or a walk in centre. Or if she seems well take her to the GP on Monday and ask them to do it.


So has anyone done a blood glucose test. Just a finger prick test?

I don't think you get glucose in your urine unless blood sugar is over 10. Blood sugar of over 11 is diagnostic of diabetes.

Lots of thirst, lots of weeing, weight loss, tiredness and thrush are symptoms of diabetes.

The hba1c isn't testing what her blood sugar is now, it's an average over the last 3 months. Type 1 isn't diagnosed by a hba1c test, it's diagnosed with a finger prick test, in fact the diagnostic criteria clearly say hba1c should not be used for diagnosis of children or anyone suspected of type 1 - - because type 1 is an acute onset condition, what was happening three months ago has nothing to do with what is happening now.

I'd be seeking a finger prick test. Hopefully it will confirm her blood sugar is normal. A bigger boots or Lloyds will probably do a finger prick test, or a walk in centre. Or if she seems well take her to the GP on Monday and ask them to do it.
Thankyou, so do can I just buy a finger prick test then or do they do it for me.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Yes it was a HbA1c test, she was fasted overnight then bloods taken first thing, the urine test was just taken and done on Thursday.

I don't understand why they didn't do a blood glucose test as well. Or maybe they did?

When I was diagnosed, I had glucose and ketones in my urine, so the doctor then did a fingerprick test and that was very high.

Yes, you can buy your own blood glucose meter, but if you're at all concerned I'd go back to your doctor.


I don't understand why they didn't do a blood glucose test as well. Or maybe they did?

When I was diagnosed, I had glucose and ketones in my urine, so the doctor then did a fingerprick test and that was very high.

Yes, you can buy your own blood glucose meter, but if you're at all concerned I'd go back to your doctor.
I think it was both, she was also checked for kidney issues as protein in urine as well, doctor said bloods were normal so because glucose and protein not normal in urine she's having another urine test next week
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I don't want to worry you unduly but I'd be seeking a second opinion very quickly.

I was taken to hospital with all the usual symptoms, diagnosis was, "a bit of exam stress and some thrush in your mouth", (thrush thrives on sugar) was sent home. Was then taken back next day in an ambulance, unconscious through diabetic keto-acidosis.

One of the lab technicians was a family friend who told me later that the junior doctor who sent me home got such a kicking from the senior consultant that he practically needed medical treatment himself. It was along the linesof, "that was the most obvious case ever of diabetes and you sent him home, you useless little f***er - get out of my hospital".

While I do respect doctors, some of them can miss the blindingly obvious, so you shouldn't pull any punches about asking for a second opinion.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thankyou, so do can I just buy a finger prick test then or do they do it for me.

You can buy them, but I wouldn't. If it's not diabetes you'll have spent money on a monitor you don't need. If it is diabetes you'll get one for free on prescription. Most larger chemists will have facilities to do a free blood sugar test. Your GP or the walk in centre will be able to do a blood sugar test - just ask for a blood sugar test.

If your GP did a blood sugar test you will have noticed it. It would have involved pricking your daughters finger to get a drop of blood and testing that blood to see what her blood sugar is. The results will have been there instantly.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Don't know if this is relevant but when I was pregnant my midwife did a urine test and told me it was likely that I had gestational diabetes because of the amount of sugar in my urine. She said it was unlikely to be anything else with levels that high and took some bloods. I went into work very worried and my lovely colleague who was type I diabetic told me that sugar in your urine doesn't mean you're diabetic, only excess sugar in your blood does. Some people apparently have a faulty part (can't remember what) which just lets sugar through instead of filtering it out and returning it to the body. My bloods came back fine.

My daughter (different pregnancy) is type 1. If your daughter is losing weight, thirsty, up in the night to use the toilet, unusually tired, those are all symptoms of diabetes. My daughter had all these. The GP diagnosed her immediately with a finger prick test. They might not like it if you ask for a finger prick test (my GP receptionist didn't) but if you list those symptoms the GP should see her the same day and do a finger prick test.
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I ended up buying a blood glucose test today, we ate out tonight so she didn't eat until 8'oclock and I've waited until she's asleep, so just tested blood so that's 2hrs after food and it said 10.8 I have no idea if that's good or bad!
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United States
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@urbanracer this is a 4 year old girl who is being evaluated for type 1 diabetes. I'm not type 1 so can't comment. Can you read the mother's above posts and comment again? Many thanks. :)


United States
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Nicky1875 Not sure if you'll get a response tonight. The only information I can provide is to clean your daughter's finger prior to testing to ensure the test isn't affected by sugar on the surface of the skin. Sometimes I forget to wash my hands prior to testing and get a high reading like that. :)


Retired Moderator
Worthing, UK.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
@urbanracer this is a 4 year old girl who is being evaluated for type 1 diabetes. I'm not type 1 so can't comment. Can you read the mother's above posts and comment again? Many thanks. :)

Hi @Winnie53 ,

I'm unsure what you mean by 'comment again' as I have not previously posted on this thread. Nicky1875 has another thread running where responses to the glucose level question have been offered.