My first post

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi to all,
This is my first post - here or anywhere else - so apologies ahead of time for if I get stuff wrong.

This forum is fantastic and thank you all. You are supportive, informative, encouraging, funny, clever and so much more.

I was diagnosed T2 in 2006 and have largely had to educate myself about diabetes. Since finding you 2 weeks ago I have spent so much time here and learned masses and I can't understand why my Diabetic Nurse woman didn't direct me here. Perhaps because you are a UK mob - who knows, but I am really glad to have found you and hope to be able to contribute along the way. I particularly like the funny pages and have had a good laugh (again thank you). So good and so cathartic.

Anyway - started insulin two weeks ago. Only 14 units once daily at this stage but the doctor thinks I'll go up to 20, which is still a low dose I know but I was disappointed that my strict diet and exercise regime is no longer sufficient. Did I mention that I'm a bit of a control freak? At least about myself. I don't really know what else to say, being new to this whole 'post' thingy, so if there's bits left out that should have been included, and you would like to know then please do ask.

One question - I assume there is a bit somewhere where the protocols/etiquette/ customary stuff is explained so could someone direct me there please? Don't want any blotted copybooks before I even get going. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello and welcome from a relative newcomer to the forum. No doubt the admins will be in touch directing you to rules of etiquette but in the meantime apologies in advance for the late risers from the UK they do like their sleep and us outside GMT need to stick together !!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome.
Nothing wrong with your first post - fluid as a dried up billabong!
Seriously, you say you have a strict diet, may I ask what it entails?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Hello and welcome from another Old Lady! Your first post is just fine and I'm glad that you have already wandered around the forum (it is good, isn't it?). It sounds like you have a good handle on your condition but who knows, you may learn a few tips and tricks that may help in maintaining good health and better prospects.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello and welcome from a relative newcomer to the forum. No doubt the admins will be in touch directing you to rules of etiquette but in the meantime apologies in advance for the late risers from the UK they do like their sleep and us outside GMT need to stick together !!
Thank you, Bill. As one who loves her sleep I'm fine with others being the same.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello and welcome.
Nothing wrong with your first post - fluid as a dried up billabong!
Seriously, you say you have a strict diet, may I ask what it entails?
ummmm - are you saying I'm a bit wet? Or a bit dry?
Well the diet has been the 800 calories a day for 8 weeks (repeated) when Prof Taylor first did his study except I used food instead of liquid meal supplements. Now it appears to be a cross between a low carb/low calorie arrangement which is lamb, sardines, eggs, cheese, walnuts, full cream milk (from the farm) and vegetables. An occasional apple or pear, maybe berries when they are ready - stuff like that there. No sugar, grains or similar. It's not very imaginative and I tend not to make dishes that need a recipe. It used to work well for me and then it didn't but I'm hoping that it will again.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello and welcome from another Old Lady! Your first post is just fine and I'm glad that you have already wandered around the forum (it is good, isn't it?). It sounds like you have a good handle on your condition but who knows, you may learn a few tips and tricks that may help in maintaining good health and better prospects.
Hello to you too and thank you. I've read a lot of your posts with interest. Yes the forum is brilliant and I am so grateful you are all there because I'm confident that I shall learn heaps from you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You are neither wet nor dry, you're just about right! I was referring (unjustly) to your post - which actually made far more sense than the vast majority of stuff on the internet (but not on here obviously, which is great).
You have about 11 years more T2 experience than me so I can't offer any insight into your changes, though your diet looks really good. Hopefully someone will be able to offer advice.
I hope that things settle down again for you and certainly wish you well.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Ageing itself can impact on Diabetes. What our young strapping bodies could compensate for becomes a little harder as we get older. With age comes other conditions and other treatments that may also add to changes that might seem confusing, add to that that we are all unique and it leads to the conclusion that things may need to be tweaked or at least investigated further.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Welcome to the forum, @yet_another_old_lady. Glad to have you here.

There are a lot of forum members from all over the world -- also quite a lot from Australia.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
"strict diet and exercise regime " ? have you been doing the low carb eating style till now ?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Welcome on board, from a lazy Brit, having a lie in as it’s my day off! Day off work that is, not day off low carbing and self monitoring!
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
You are neither wet nor dry, you're just about right! I was referring (unjustly) to your post - which actually made far more sense than the vast majority of stuff on the internet (but not on here obviously, which is great).
You have about 11 years more T2 experience than me so I can't offer any insight into your changes, though your diet looks really good. Hopefully someone will be able to offer advice.
I hope that things settle down again for you and certainly wish you well.
Hi Jo, Don't want to disappoint but I am often a bit wet, but thanks anyway. Also I wouldn't say that I have 11 years more expertise with this so anything you would like to share I shall be pleased to know and thank you again.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
It looks like it. See post #6.

Welcome @yet_another_old_lady! This is a great place for diabetes information as well as "meeting" other people who have the condition.

Bit of a delay here as I lost myself and couldn't find you all. Thank you all for your welcomes and greetings. It's really nice to feel included and supported.
One thing learned as I have been prowling around the forum is that many of you are dealing with so much more than me yet manage to find amazing courage and the time for others. Puts things in perspective and for me that's always a good thing.

Note to self to work out the time difference.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bit of a delay here as I lost myself and couldn't find you all. Thank you all for your welcomes and greetings. It's really nice to feel included and supported.
One thing learned as I have been prowling around the forum is that many of you are dealing with so much more than me yet manage to find amazing courage and the time for others. Puts things in perspective and for me that's always a good thing.

Note to self to work out the time difference.

Hello or should I say 'G'day, @yet_another_old_lady . Welcome from me, another 'getting on a bit' lady, and having been diagnosed 2005, have had my moments with T 2. Very low calorie diet (Newcastle diet) settled blood glucose levels, and I maintain by eating reduced carb diet.

You mentioned having read posts for a while, but in case you haven't seen it already, I am tagging @daisy1, who will post information for new members when she sees this. There is also some useful info in my signature, which is below my post.

I am one of the forum moderators. Different to admin. Moderators are just members elected by members to moderate forum actions. I can direct you to forum rules though. They are here....

There are several members from Australia, and other countries in different time zones, so there will usually be someone around, but I think you could sometimes find many of us are asleep when you are awake, so some delays in responses.

Good night. Or good morning. ;)
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello or should I say 'G'day, @yet_another_old_lady . Welcome from me, another 'getting on a bit' lady, and having been diagnosed 2005, have had my moments with T 2. Very low calorie diet (Newcastle diet) settled blood glucose levels, and I maintain by eating reduced carb diet.

You mentioned having read posts for a while, but in case you haven't seen it already, I am tagging @daisy1, who will post information for new members when she sees this. There is also some useful info in my signature, which is below my post.

I am one of the forum moderators. Different to admin. Moderators are just members elected by members to moderate forum actions. I can direct you to forum rules though. They are here....

There are several members from Australia, and other countries in different time zones, so there will usually be someone around, but I think you could sometimes find many of us are asleep when you are awake, so some delays in responses.

Good night. Or good morning. ;)

Thanks Pipp - very helpful. And good morning/day/night to you too. Still haven't worked out the time difference but it probably doesn't really matter.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello,from one of those 'old ladies,'and welcome to the forum!This is a great forum.Google will give you the time difference I think between countries.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.

Hello and welcome to the Forum :) Here is the Basic Information we give to new members and I hope you will find it useful. Ask questions when you need to and someone will be able to help.


Diabetes is the general term to describe people who have blood that is sweeter than normal. A number of different types of diabetes exist.

A diagnosis of diabetes tends to be a big shock for most of us. It’s far from the end of the world though and on this forum you'll find well over 250,000 people who are demonstrating this.

On the forum we have found that with the number of new people being diagnosed with diabetes each day, sometimes the NHS is not being able to give all the advice it would perhaps like to deliver - particularly with regards to people with type 2 diabetes.

The role of carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are a factor in diabetes because they ultimately break down into sugar (glucose) within our blood. We then need enough insulin to either convert the blood sugar into energy for our body, or to store the blood sugar as body fat.

If the amount of carbohydrate we take in is more than our body’s own (or injected) insulin can cope with, then our blood sugar will rise.

The bad news

Research indicates that raised blood sugar levels over a period of years can lead to organ damage, commonly referred to as diabetic complications.

The good news

People on the forum here have shown that there is plenty of opportunity to keep blood sugar levels from going too high. It’s a daily task but it’s within our reach and it’s well worth the effort.

Controlling your carbs

The info below is primarily aimed at people with type 2 diabetes, however, it may also be of benefit for other types of diabetes as well.

There are two approaches to controlling your carbs:
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake
  • Choose ‘better’ carbohydrates
Reduce your carbohydrates

A large number of people on this forum have chosen to reduce the amount of carbohydrates they eat as they have found this to be an effective way of improving (lowering) their blood sugar levels.

The carbohydrates which tend to have the most pronounced effect on blood sugar levels tend to be starchy carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, potatoes and similar root vegetables, flour based products (pastry, cakes, biscuits, battered food etc) and certain fruits.

Choosing better carbohydrates

The low glycaemic index diet is often favoured by healthcare professionals but some people with diabetes find that low GI does not help their blood sugar enough and may wish to cut out these foods altogether.

Read more on carbohydrates and diabetes.

Over 145,000 people have taken part in the Low Carb Program - a free 10 week structured education course that is helping people lose weight and reduce medication dependency by explaining the science behind carbs, insulin and GI.

Eating what works for you

Different people respond differently to different types of food. What works for one person may not work so well for another. The best way to see which foods are working for you is to test your blood sugar with a glucose meter.

To be able to see what effect a particular type of food or meal has on your blood sugar is to do a test before the meal and then test after the meal. A test 2 hours after the meal gives a good idea of how your body has reacted to the meal.

The blood sugar ranges recommended by NICE are as follows:

Blood glucose ranges for type 2 diabetes
  • Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 8.5 mmol/l
Blood glucose ranges for type 1 diabetes (adults)
  • Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 9 mmol/l
Blood glucose ranges for type 1 diabetes (children)
  • Before meals: 4 to 8 mmol/l
  • 2 hours after meals: under 10 mmol/l
However, those that are able to, may wish to keep blood sugar levels below the NICE after meal targets.

Access to blood glucose test strips

The NICE guidelines suggest that people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should be offered:

  • structured education to every person and/or their carer at and around the time of diagnosis, with annual reinforcement and review
  • self-monitoring of plasma glucose to a person newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes only as an integral part of his or her self-management education

Therefore both structured education and self-monitoring of blood glucose should be offered to people with type 2 diabetes. Read more on getting access to blood glucose testing supplies.

You may also be interested to read questions to ask at a diabetic clinic.

Note: This post has been edited from Sue/Ken's post to include up to date information.

Take part in digital education programs and improve your understanding. They're all free.
  • Low Carb Program - it's made front-page news of the New Scientist and The Times. Developed with 20,000 people with type 2 diabetes; 96% of people who take part recommend it... find out why
  • Hypo Program - improve your understanding of hypos. There's a version for people with diabetes, parents/guardians of children with type 1, children with type 1 diabetes, teachers and HCPs.