How many obese people do NOT develop t2d?

Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
This article from The Harvard Gazette (the official news website for Harvard University) when talking about the US population says:-

"Studies have shown that becoming overweight is a major risk factor in developing type 2 diabetes. Today, roughly 30 percent of overweight people have the disease, and 85 percent of diabetics are overweight."


"... a body mass index of under 25 — reduces the risk of diabetes by 90 percent."

These stats include both overweight and obese - presumably, if you limited it to obese only, the percentage with diabetes would be higher.


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I think life is extremely unfair when one of my very overweight friends has a hbalc of 39. She eats what she wants and has a perfect bp, although her cholesterol is high.
i say that smacks of she deserves it more me.

That is a horribly negative view.

I can't help resenting that other people can run when my legs - especially my knees - just aren't up to it.

I resent the fact that others can eat whatever they want, but I have to be eternally vigilant to maintain my health.

In no way does that mean that I am wishing ill health on others!


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That is a horribly negative view.

I can't help resenting that other people can run when my legs - especially my knees - just aren't up to it.

I resent the fact that others can eat whatever they want, but I have to be eternally vigilant to maintain my health.

In no way does that mean that I am wishing ill health on others!
then re read your post. its bad enough being fat then folks come on and think we deserve to be ill. no one deserves it no one should have it but we do. a lot of research is showing that obesity is often secondary to insulin residence. hence why a skinny person can eat the same amount of food asa obese person but the obese one gains the skinny does not. as some one said im probably in a bad mood today but unless youve been on the end of abuse for being fat you simply dont get it.


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All my life I have had people telling me I was overweight - even when I had a 24 inch waist and was working as a roadie, and could carry a speaker cabinet in each hand or a drunken guitarist over my shoulders - or - not at the same time. There are limits.
I was threatened with being put in hospital for eating low carb during pregnancy, and I caved in and was really ill with pre-eclampsia. I was still accused of eating wrongly even though I'd had an absolutely ideal pregnancy up to that point and my first child was a poster baby. When I was put on various diets I was always ill in a few weeks - sometimes in a few days - but the HCPs simply refused to believe that it was their healthy low fat high carb low calorie diet making me feel so dire.
On a cholesterol reducing diet just before diagnosis I reached 264lb - but I was only tested for diabetes by accident - I should have had a thyroid test. As soon as I stopped the cereals and wholemeal bread I felt as though I was surfacing from a deep dive.


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then re read your post. its bad enough being fat then folks come on and think we deserve to be ill. no one deserves it no one should have it but we do. a lot of research is showing that obesity is often secondary to insulin residence. hence why a skinny person can eat the same amount of food asa obese person but the obese one gains the skinny does not. as some one said im probably in a bad mood today but unless youve been on the end of abuse for being fat you simply dont get it.

I was very obese . Over 16st. I have reread my post as well and I do not see what has made you so angry. Nobody "deserves" to be ill. I did not say that at all and feel that you are just picking an argument!! I do not "deserve" to be ill just because I was fat. She does not deserve to be ill either.

I am truly sorry that you have been the subject of abuse. There is no excuse for ignorant, vile people to be rude, however, I think that perhaps that has made you see insult where there is none to be found.

edit to add----I am no longer obese but I am still diabetic. So now I am a "skinny" t2d. No one "deserves" that either


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My interest in this subject came from attending an xpert course where the presenter has banged on about t2d being a lifestyle disease and really just down to the choice of the individual. However, it seems to upset some posters on here so I will not bother with this anymore. It is very difficult sometimes to discuss things without upsetting someone.


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Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
My interest in this subject came from attending an xpert course where the presenter has banged on about t2d being a lifestyle disease and really just down to the choice of the individual. However, it seems to upset some posters on here so I will not bother with this anymore. It is very difficult sometimes to discuss things without upsetting someone.

A lot of those 'lifestyle choices' are those that have been pushed for decades such as the food pyramid and the low fat nonsense. The advice that we the public trusted and followed only to be told that it was our choices that led us to T2 so it is our 'fault'. Patient blaming at its worst.


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You'd think medical profession would be better about correlation doesn't equal causation. For women 15-20% are estimated to have PCOS, of that 50-70%(!!!!) are estimated to have insulin resistance... its the leading comorbidity for T2D.

My experience is that PCOS is very rarely tackled in a substantive way, therefore T2D is almost inevitable as it is so difficult to handle IR without the root cause also being taken care of.

I know my doctors suspect 1.5 because I have a 'healthy lifestyle' without realising that the weight follows the disease, not the other way round.


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My interest in this subject came from attending an xpert course where the presenter has banged on about t2d being a lifestyle disease and really just down to the choice of the individual. However, it seems to upset some posters on here so I will not bother with this anymore. It is very difficult sometimes to discuss things without upsetting someone.
I think the presenter has blinkers on. We don't. You don't either, I know that. Please don't take people's annoyance be taken on you. No. They are annoyed at your presenter.
Did your presenter not say 'some or many'?


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You'd think medical profession would be better about correlation doesn't equal causation. For women 15-20% are estimated to have PCOS, of that 50-70%(!!!!) are estimated to have insulin resistance... its the leading comorbidity for T2D.

My experience is that PCOS is very rarely tackled in a substantive way, therefore T2D is almost inevitable as it is so difficult to handle IR without the root cause also being taken care of.

I know my doctors suspect 1.5 because I have a 'healthy lifestyle' without realising that the weight follows the disease, not the other way round.
I was lucky and still am that metformin is enough to support my pcos symptoms enough for me to get by.
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All my life I have had people telling me I was overweight - even when I had a 24 inch waist and was working as a roadie, and could carry a speaker cabinet in each hand or a drunken guitarist over my shoulders - or - not at the same time. There are limits.
I was threatened with being put in hospital for eating low carb during pregnancy, and I caved in and was really ill with pre-eclampsia. I was still accused of eating wrongly even though I'd had an absolutely ideal pregnancy up to that point and my first child was a poster baby. When I was put on various diets I was always ill in a few weeks - sometimes in a few days - but the HCPs simply refused to believe that it was their healthy low fat high carb low calorie diet making me feel so dire.
On a cholesterol reducing diet just before diagnosis I reached 264lb - but I was only tested for diabetes by accident - I should have had a thyroid test. As soon as I stopped the cereals and wholemeal bread I felt as though I was surfacing from a deep dive.
Which proves we know our own bodies better than anyone!
I think were I've gone wrong is caving in too. I bet NHS is spending thousands on the wrong diet, its scary isn't it?


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This article from The Harvard Gazette (the official news website for Harvard University) when talking about the US population says:-

"Studies have shown that becoming overweight is a major risk factor in developing type 2 diabetes. Today, roughly 30 percent of overweight people have the disease, and 85 percent of diabetics are overweight."


"... a body mass index of under 25 — reduces the risk of diabetes by 90 percent."

These stats include both overweight and obese - presumably, if you limited it to obese only, the percentage with diabetes would be higher.
I can see why those figures are proven. Look at bariatric surgery, weight loss = many no longer prediabetic and some type2s in reversal too.
However its also proven not due to weight loss hence the ND experiment. ND was to mimic bariatric success but not necessarily due to weight loss.
I'm a huge believer in clearing natural cell pathways, by however means!


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your question comes across as thinking fat folks deserve to be sick. sorry no one deserves diabetes. in fact your obese friend may have a better diet than you. so why do you deserve diabetes.

The question didn't seem insulting or aggressive at all - OP just seemed genuinely curious. And also, feeling upset about an undeserved illness is a totally understandable attitude. If you are thin/normal weight, eat well (even though people have different opinions on this), and don't do anything bad eg smoking, drinking, drugs, then a "why me" attitude is completely normal. It's terrible to find out that despite doing everything right, you still get a disease that isn't your fault and you had no control over. When I was a newly diagnosed T1 (and still to a lesser extent) that's exactly how I felt. There are also plenty of T2's who don't fit the stereotype, and as well as feeling like they got punished for something they didn't do, they also have to deal with social stigma of a T2 diagnosis (people often treat them a lot worse than they treat T1's). Nobody is wishing ill upon fat people, we are all here to support each other.


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where the presenter has banged on about t2d being a lifestyle disease and really just down to the choice of the individual.
The presenter may be correct in raising lifestyle, but we all take it the wrong way. The media have used the terms of lifestyle and obesity as the reason people become T2. It plays to the audience (particularly the daily wail) that this is the fault of the individual in committing at least 2 of the 7 deadly sins, and therefore no taxpayer pounds should be spent on them.
Now lets look at lifestyle in another way. Assuming your username is based on were you live, just look around you and the landscape of Kent today.
The hop gardens have largely gone, and those that do remain, the hops are picked by machine. The coal mines have gone, the railway works at Ashford, now a retail outlet. Normans Motorcycles, where are they now? Blue Circle cement in North Kent, shipbuilding in Faversham, Paper mills in Sittingbourne, Kemsing and Alyesford? All gone, replaced by call centres and office jobs, where folk are tied to a phone or keyboard all day. The dangers at work are no longer mines collapsing or lung conditions but a lack of movement while at work leading to IR
All IMHO of course
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Junk food and all its hangers on block our fragile pathways.


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I think life is extremely unfair when one of my very overweight friends has a hbalc of 39. She eats what she wants and has a perfect bp, although her cholesterol is high.

Does anyone know what percentage of obese people will never develop t2d? I know its the majority but I can't find any study saying this. I have started an xpert course and she is banging on about lifestyle (and low carb!!)but seems to say its lifestyle generated. I am aware of the genetic disposition although she did not mention it at all.

So instead of looking at why we get t2d and I would like to know what percentage of obese people do not develop t2d.

Thanks all.
I'm going to go from experience rather than statistics.
I can name 100 people and only 5 aren't obese and 5 are diabetic. Of those 5 diabetic only 2 are now obese. This 100 doesn't include me. I'm very rarely to be so hugely insulin resistant I'm led to believe.
Although that's until I joined here.

That's from what I've seen but we all know not the full picture.
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Tripe and Onions
I have a friend who you could classify as obese he is T2 insulin dependent. My daughter could also be classed as obese she is not diabetic but has recently been diagnosed with PCOS so probably has a lot of insulin circulating about and in all probability has had that for some time.

So I guess from that you could say it's 50/50 would not bet on it though.


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I do not have diabetes
I've been overweight to obese to morbidly obese, around and around depending on the diet of the day, since childhood. I've also smoked and drunk too much booze during that time. I'm now 65, still (just) overweight and in excellent health, able to walk the dog for hours at a time and on no medication. My blood pressure and cholesterol counts are medically perfect as are my liver and kidney functions.

My bff was overweight to obese to morbidly obese, around and around depending on the diet of the day, since childhood. He smoked and drank but gave them up decades before I did. He developed T2 but I didn't. He died from cancer at the age of 57 but I'm cancer-free.

The only answer has to be genetic. There is no diabetes or cancer in my family, even going back several generations. Steve didn't know his father or father's family but I'd lay odds that there are the genes for both there.

I'm here to keep up with the latest research on T2 because I'm godmother to Steve's children and if they develop T2, I'll be in a position to tell them that it's far from the end of the world and can be very successfully handled.


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I have a friend who you could classify as obese he is T2 insulin dependent. My daughter could also be classed as obese she is not diabetic but has recently been diagnosed with PCOS so probably has a lot of insulin circulating about and in all probability has had that for some time.

So I guess from that you could say it's 50/50 would not bet on it though.
Pcos is insulin resistance @JohnEGreen . Hi probability for your daughter. If she get gestational diabetes in pregnancy, a dead cert. Get her low carbing, now?