Consipation On Low Carb Diet - How Do You Deal With It?


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My comment to people on a LCHF diet is that if you are constipated, you may not be eating enough greens as your LC side of things. Also, you can supplement with chia seeds or psyillium husk (for example) to add to the bulk side.

Also, many people confuse LCHF with eating large amounts of just meat....where you should be eating smaller portions of FATTY meats, and lots of green veggies, butter, healthy oils etc. If you are eating large cuts of leaner meats, you may need to adjust some things.


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I can honestly say that I have never had a problem, but then summer and winter I find that my food is based around vege and a few berries with a portion of meat/fish/dairy added. that aspect of the 'Eatwell plate' is good - 5 portions of fruit and veg each day with the emphasis being on the veg.


Well-Known Member
We are all different so what works for me may not work for you . Cannot comment on metformin as in take no meds . I need to drink a lot of water about 2 litres a day and a bit more in the hot weather. I also have a couple of teaspoons of milled flax a day I just put it in water but you could put it on yogurt or as a crunchy topping to any other meal. Bran is an alternative to milled flax but I find it rather unpalatable.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
20g carbs as veg is all I need to keep me going. That's low carb enough for most people
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Type of diabetes
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lots to drink, lots of green veg, lots of salad too, healthy fats and protein with the fatty bits/not low fat versions or skinless extra trimmed etc. full fat mayo is also a winner.

I also have two slices of wholemeal bread most days.

it depends on how low carb you want or need to eat to keep your blood glucose levels and other health conditions (if you have them) happy.
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I drink a lot of water, veg and salads are my middle names and yet I can go days without a dump and when it appears it takes it's own sweet time and boy is it good when delivered.... and then logged on the spreadsheet.
I've tried any number of things and not been able to say, "yup, that's for me!"
Wish you luck and hope some of the suggestions made work for you.
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Type of diabetes
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Tripe and Onions
I drink a lot of water, veg and salads are my middle names and yet I can go days without a dump and when it appears it takes it's own sweet time and boy is it good when delivered.... and then logged on the spreadsheet.
I've tried any number of things and not been able to say, "yup, that's for me!"
Wish you luck and hope some of the suggestions made work for you.
Spread sheets and logs how modern of you if you were old school you could have just worked it out with a pencil.


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I do not have diabetes
Mean and unkind attitudes that stop people enjoying their lives or feeling good about themselves.
What do you do to prevent constipation on low carb diet or does the metformin deal with it?

Can you eat cooked onions, they tend to hold water and have enough fibre to move things along; this works if your stools are hard bullets, more fluid retaining fibre softens and shunts them. If your stools are firm sticky logs (like a fatberg) you could try either exercising to see if it speeds your system up a bit, or talk to your GP - they will help you work out if you need a stool softener (Movicol) or more fibre (psyllium) or a depth charger if things have ground to a complete halt! Good luck.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
For me green veggies, nuts, plenty of fluids and enough fats work fine. I only ever had a few issues for the first couple of weeks on serious low carb until my body got used to a slighty different way of eating. Now no problem. But there's also generally less carby waste to dispose of on a low carb diet
